LSMR: Sparse Equations and Least Squares

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LSMR: Sparse Equations and Least Squares.

This is a slightly modernized version of the original FSMR (f90 version) by David Fong & Michael Saunders, Systems Optimization Laboratory (SOL), Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4026, USA.


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A Fortran Package Manager manifest file is included, so that the library and test cases can be compiled with FPM. For example:

fpm build --profile release
fpm test --profile release

To use lsmr within your fpm project, add the following to your fpm.toml file:

LSMR = { git="" }


The original version of LSMR (f90 version) was provided by SOL, Stanford University under the terms of the OSI Common Public License (CPL) or the BSD License.


The latest API documentation can be found here. This was generated from the source code using FORD.

See also

Developer Info

Jacob Williams