daigbt Subroutine

public subroutine daigbt(res, adda, Neq, T, Y, Ydot, Mb, Nb, Pw, Ipvt, Ier)

This subroutine computes the initial value of the vector YDOT satisfying

 A * YDOT = g(t,y)

when A is nonsingular. It is called by DLSOIBT for initialization only, when ISTATE = 0 . DAIGBT returns an error flag IER:

IER  =  0  means DAIGBT was successful.
IER .ge. 2 means RES returned an error flag IRES = IER.
IER .lt. 0 means the A matrix was found to have a singular
           diagonal block (hence YDOT could not be solved for).


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real :: res
real :: adda
integer :: Neq(*)
real(kind=dp) :: T
real(kind=dp) :: Y(*)
real(kind=dp) :: Ydot(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: Mb
integer, intent(inout) :: Nb
real(kind=dp) :: Pw(*)
integer :: Ipvt(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: Ier


proc~~daigbt~2~~CallsGraph proc~daigbt~2 M_odepack::daigbt proc~dgefa~2 M_odepack::dgefa proc~daigbt~2->proc~dgefa~2 proc~dgesl M_odepack::dgesl proc~daigbt~2->proc~dgesl proc~daxpy~2 M_odepack::daxpy proc~dgefa~2->proc~daxpy~2 proc~dscal M_odepack::dscal proc~dgefa~2->proc~dscal proc~dgesl->proc~daxpy~2

Called by

proc~~daigbt~2~~CalledByGraph proc~daigbt~2 M_odepack::daigbt proc~dlsoibt~2 M_odepack::dlsoibt proc~dlsoibt~2->proc~daigbt~2