diprep Subroutine

public subroutine diprep(Neq, Y, Rwork, Ia, Ja, Ipflag, f, jac)

This routine serves as an interface between the driver and Subroutine DPREP. It is called only if MITER is 1 or 2. Tasks performed here are:

  • call DPREP,
  • reset the required WM segment length LENWK,
  • move YH back to its final location (following WM in RWORK),
  • reset pointers for YH, SAVF, EWT, and ACOR, and
  • move EWT to its new position if ISTATE = 1.

IPFLAG is an output error indication flag. IPFLAG = 0 if there was no trouble, and IPFLAG is the value of the DPREP error flag IPPER if there was trouble in Subroutine DPREP.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: Neq(*)
real(kind=dp) :: Y(*)
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: Rwork(*)
integer :: Ia(*)
integer :: Ja(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: Ipflag
real :: f
integer :: jac


proc~~diprep~2~~CallsGraph proc~diprep~2 M_odepack::diprep dprep dprep proc~diprep~2->dprep

Called by

proc~~diprep~2~~CalledByGraph proc~diprep~2 M_odepack::diprep proc~dlsodes~2 M_odepack::dlsodes proc~dlsodes~2->proc~diprep~2