initialize_finite_difference_method Function

private function initialize_finite_difference_method(id, name, class, dx_factors, df_factors, df_den_factor) result(me)

Constructor for a finite_diff_method.


factors are input as integers for convenience, but are converted to reals for the actual computations. (note: this means we can't currently define methods that have non-integer factors).


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: id

unique ID for the method

character(len=*), intent(in) :: name

the name of the method

integer, intent(in) :: class

2=backward diffs, 3=central diffs, etc...

integer, intent(in), dimension(:) :: dx_factors

multiplicative factors for dx perturbation

integer, intent(in), dimension(:) :: df_factors

multiplicative factors for accumulating function evaluations

integer, intent(in) :: df_den_factor

denominator factor for finite difference equation (times dx)

Return Value type(finite_diff_method)

Called by

proc~~initialize_finite_difference_method~~CalledByGraph proc~initialize_finite_difference_method numerical_differentiation_module::initialize_finite_difference_method interface~finite_diff_method numerical_differentiation_module::finite_diff_method interface~finite_diff_method->proc~initialize_finite_difference_method

Source Code

    function initialize_finite_difference_method(id,name,class,dx_factors,&
                                                 df_factors,df_den_factor) result(me)

    implicit none

    type(finite_diff_method)        :: me
    integer,intent(in)              :: id            !! unique ID for the method
    character(len=*),intent(in)     :: name          !! the name of the method
    integer,intent(in)              :: class         !! 2=backward diffs, 3=central diffs, etc...
    integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: dx_factors    !! multiplicative factors for dx perturbation
    integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: df_factors    !! multiplicative factors for accumulating function evaluations
    integer,intent(in)              :: df_den_factor !! denominator factor for finite difference equation (times dx)

    if (size(dx_factors)/=size(df_factors)) then
        error stop 'Error in initialize_finite_difference_method: '//&
                   'dx_factors and df_factors arrays must be the same size.'

        me%id     = id
        me%name   = trim(name)
        me%class  = class

        ! the following is not strictly necessary if the
        ! compiler fully supports auto-LHS allocation:

        me%dx_factors = real(dx_factors,wp)
        me%df_factors = real(df_factors,wp)

        me%df_den_factor = real(df_den_factor,wp)

    end if

    end function initialize_finite_difference_method