meth_array Derived Type

type, public :: meth_array

to store an array of finite_diff_method types this is used when the mode=2 option is used in numdiff_type


type~~meth_array~~InheritsGraph type~meth_array meth_array type~finite_diff_method finite_diff_method type~meth_array->type~finite_diff_method meth

Inherited by

type~~meth_array~~InheritedByGraph type~meth_array meth_array type~numdiff_type numdiff_type type~numdiff_type->type~meth_array class_meths


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(finite_diff_method), private, dimension(:), allocatable :: meth

Source Code

    type,public :: meth_array
        !! to store an array of [[finite_diff_method]] types
        !! this is used when the `mode=2` option is used
        !! in [[numdiff_type]]
        type(finite_diff_method),dimension(:),allocatable :: meth
    end type meth_array