This is a companion subprogram to DLSEI. The documentation for DLSEI has complete usage instructions.
AX = B, A MA by N (least squares equations)
subject to:
GX>=H, G MG by N (inequality constraints)
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=wp) | :: | w(mdw,*) |
in rows |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | mdw |
contain (resp) var. dimension of |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ma |
contain (resp) var. dimension of |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | mg |
contain (resp) var. dimension of |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | n |
contain (resp) var. dimension of |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | prgopt(*) |
Program option vector. |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | x(*) |
Solution vector(unless MODE=2) |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | rnorm |
length of AX-B. |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | mode |
real(kind=wp) | :: | ws(*) |
Working storage of dimension |
integer | :: | ip(*) |
subroutine dlsi (w, mdw, ma, mg, n, prgopt, x, rnorm, mode, ws, ip) integer,intent(in) :: mdw !! contain (resp) var. dimension of `W(*,*)`, and matrix dimensions. integer,intent(in) :: ma !! contain (resp) var. dimension of `W(*,*)`, and matrix dimensions. integer,intent(in) :: mg !! contain (resp) var. dimension of `W(*,*)`, and matrix dimensions. integer,intent(in) :: n !! contain (resp) var. dimension of `W(*,*)`, and matrix dimensions. real(wp) :: w(mdw,*) !! `W(*,*)` contains: !! !!``` !! (A B) !! (G H) !!``` !! !! in rows `1,...,MA+MG`, !! cols `1,...,N+1`. real(wp),intent(in) :: prgopt(*) !! Program option vector. real(wp),intent(out) :: x(*) !! Solution vector(unless MODE=2) real(wp),intent(out) :: rnorm !! length of AX-B. integer,intent(out) :: mode !! * `=0` Inequality constraints are compatible. !! * `=2` Inequality constraints contradictory. real(wp) :: ws(*) !! Working storage of dimension `K+N+(MG+2)*(N+7)`, !! where `K=MAX(MA+MG,N)`. integer :: ip(*) !! `IP(MG+2*N+1)` Integer working storage real(wp) :: anorm, fac, gam, rb, tau, tol, xnorm integer :: i, j, k, key, krank, krm1, krp1, l, last, link, m, map1, & mdlpdp, minman, n1, n2, n3, next, np1 logical :: cov, sclcov real(wp) :: rnorm_(1) !! JW added for call to [[dhfti]] ! Set the nominal tolerance used in the code. tol = sqrt(drelpr) mode = 0 rnorm = 0.0_wp m = ma + mg np1 = n + 1 krank = 0 main : block if (n<=0 .or. m<=0) exit main ! To process option vector. cov = .false. sclcov = .true. last = 1 link = prgopt(1) do if (link<=1) exit key = prgopt(last+1) if (key==1) cov = prgopt(last+2) /= 0.0_wp if (key==10) sclcov = prgopt(last+2) == 0.0_wp if (key==5) tol = max(drelpr,prgopt(last+2)) next = prgopt(link) last = link link = next end do ! Compute matrix norm of least squares equations. anorm = 0.0_wp do j = 1,n anorm = max(anorm,dasum(ma,w(1,j),1)) end do ! Set tolerance for DHFTI( ) rank test. tau = tol*anorm ! Compute Householder orthogonal decomposition of matrix. call dcopy (n, [0.0_wp], 0, ws, 1) call dcopy (ma, w(1, np1), 1, ws, 1) k = max(m,n) minman = min(ma,n) n1 = k + 1 n2 = n1 + n rnorm_(1) = rnorm ! JW call dhfti (w, mdw, ma, n, ws, ma, 1, tau, krank, rnorm_, ws(n2), & ws(n1), ip) rnorm = rnorm_(1) ! JW fac = 1.0_wp gam = ma - krank if (krank<ma .and. sclcov) fac = rnorm**2/gam ! Reduce to DLPDP and solve. map1 = ma + 1 ! Compute inequality rt-hand side for DLPDP. if (ma<m) then if (minman>0) then do i = map1,m w(i,np1) = w(i,np1) - ddot(n,w(i,1),mdw,ws,1) end do ! Apply permutations to col. of inequality constraint matrix. do i = 1,minman call dswap (mg, w(map1,i), 1, w(map1,ip(i)), 1) end do ! Apply Householder transformations to constraint matrix. if (krank>0 .and. krank<n) then do i = krank,1,-1 call dh12 (2, i, krank+1, n, w(i,1), mdw, ws(n1+i-1), & w(map1,1), mdw, 1, mg) end do endif ! Compute permuted inequality constraint matrix times r-inv. do i = map1,m do j = 1,krank w(i,j) = (w(i,j)-ddot(j-1,w(1,j),1,w(i,1),mdw))/w(j,j) end do end do endif ! Solve the reduced problem with DLPDP algorithm, ! the least projected distance problem. call dlpdp(w(map1,1), mdw, mg, krank, n-krank, prgopt, x, & xnorm, mdlpdp, ws(n2), ip(n+1)) ! Compute solution in original coordinates. if (mdlpdp==1) then do i = krank,1,-1 x(i) = (x(i)-ddot(krank-i,w(i,i+1),mdw,x(i+1),1))/w(i,i) end do ! Apply Householder transformation to solution vector. if (krank<n) then do i = 1,krank call dh12 (2, i, krank+1, n, w(i,1), mdw, ws(n1+i-1), & x, 1, 1, 1) end do endif ! Repermute variables to their input order. if (minman>0) then do i = minman,1,-1 call dswap (1, x(i), 1, x(ip(i)), 1) end do ! Variables are now in original coordinates. ! Add solution of unconstrained problem. do i = 1,n x(i) = x(i) + ws(i) end do ! Compute the residual vector norm. rnorm = sqrt(rnorm**2+xnorm**2) endif else mode = 2 endif else call dcopy (n, ws, 1, x, 1) endif ! Compute covariance matrix based on the orthogonal decomposition ! from DHFTI( ). if (.not.cov .or. krank<=0) exit main krm1 = krank - 1 krp1 = krank + 1 ! Copy diagonal terms to working array. call dcopy (krank, w, mdw+1, ws(n2), 1) ! Reciprocate diagonal terms. do j = 1,krank w(j,j) = 1.0_wp/w(j,j) end do ! Invert the upper triangular QR factor on itself. if (krank>1) then do i = 1,krm1 do j = i+1,krank w(i,j) = -ddot(j-i,w(i,i),mdw,w(i,j),1)*w(j,j) end do end do endif ! Compute the inverted factor times its transpose. do i = 1,krank do j = i,krank w(i,j) = ddot(krank+1-j,w(i,j),mdw,w(j,j),mdw) end do end do ! Zero out lower trapezoidal part. ! Copy upper triangular to lower triangular part. if (krank<n) then do j = 1,krank call dcopy (j, w(1,j), 1, w(j,1), mdw) end do do i = krp1,n call dcopy (i, [0.0_wp], 0, w(i,1), mdw) end do ! Apply right side transformations to lower triangle. n3 = n2 + krp1 do i = 1,krank l = n1 + i k = n2 + i rb = ws(l-1)*ws(k-1) ! If RB>=0.0_wp, transformation can be regarded as zero. if (rb<0.0_wp) then rb = 1.0_wp/rb ! Store unscaled rank one Householder update in work array. call dcopy (n, [0.0_wp], 0, ws(n3), 1) l = n1 + i k = n3 + i ws(k-1) = ws(l-1) do j = krp1,n ws(n3+j-1) = w(i,j) end do do j = 1,n ws(j) = rb*(ddot(j-i,w(j,i),mdw,ws(n3+i-1),1)+ & ddot(n-j+1,w(j,j),1,ws(n3+j-1),1)) end do l = n3 + i gam = 0.5_wp*rb*ddot(n-i+1,ws(l-1),1,ws(i),1) call daxpy (n-i+1, gam, ws(l-1), 1, ws(i), 1) do j = i,n do l = 1,i-1 w(j,l) = w(j,l) + ws(n3+j-1)*ws(l) end do do l = i,j w(j,l) = w(j,l) + ws(j)*ws(n3+l-1)+ws(l)*ws(n3+j-1) end do end do endif end do ! Copy lower triangle to upper triangle to symmetrize the ! covariance matrix. do i = 1,n call dcopy (i, w(i,1), mdw, w(1,i), 1) end do endif ! Repermute rows and columns. do i = minman,1,-1 k = ip(i) if (i/=k) then call dswap (1, w(i,i), 1, w(k,k), 1) call dswap (i-1, w(1,i), 1, w(1,k), 1) call dswap (k-i-1, w(i,i+1), mdw, w(i+1,k), 1) call dswap (n-k, w(i, k+1), mdw, w(k, k+1), mdw) endif end do ! Put in normalized residual sum of squares scale factor ! and symmetrize the resulting covariance matrix. do j = 1,n call dscal (j, fac, w(1,j), 1) call dcopy (j, w(1,j), 1, w(j,1), mdw) end do end block main ip(1) = krank ip(2) = n + max(m,n) + (mg+2)*(n+7) end subroutine dlsi