status_ok Function

private elemental function status_ok(me) result(ok)

This routines returns true if the iflag code from the last routine called was =0. Maybe of the routines have output iflag variables, so they can be checked explicitly, or this routine can be used.

If the class is initialized using a function constructor, then this is the only way to know if it was properly initialized, since those are pure functions with not output iflag arguments.

If status_ok=.false., then the error message can be obtained from the get_bspline_status_message routine.

Note: after an error condition, the clear_bspline_flag routine can be called to reset the iflag to 0.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(bspline_class), intent(in) :: me

Return Value logical

Source Code

    elemental function status_ok(me) result(ok)

    implicit none

    class(bspline_class),intent(in) :: me
    logical                         :: ok

    ok = ( me%iflag == 0_ip )

    end function status_ok