dvhin Subroutine

private subroutine dvhin(me, n, t0, y0, ydot, tout, uround, ewt, itol, atol, y, temp, h0, niter, ier)

this routine computes the step size, h0, to be attempted on the first step, when the user has not supplied a value for this.

first we check that tout - t0 differs significantly from zero. then an iteration is done to approximate the initial second derivative and this is used to define h from w.r.m.s.norm(h**2 * yddot / 2) = 1. a bias factor of 1/2 is applied to the resulting h. the sign of h0 is inferred from the initial values of tout and t0.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(dvode_t), intent(inout) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: n

size of ode system

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: t0

initial value of independent variable

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: y0(*)

vector of initial conditions

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: ydot(*)

vector of initial first derivatives

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: tout

first output value of independent variable

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: uround

machine unit roundoff

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: ewt(*)

error weights and tolerance parameters as described in the driver routine

integer, intent(in) :: itol

error weights and tolerance parameters as described in the driver routine

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: atol(*)

error weights and tolerance parameters as described in the driver routine

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: y(n)

work array of length n

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: temp(n)

work array of length n

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: h0

step size to be attempted

integer, intent(out) :: niter

number of iterations (and of f evaluations) to compute h0

integer, intent(out) :: ier

the error flag, returned with the value:

  • ier = 0 if no trouble occurred, or
  • ier = -1 if tout and t0 are considered too close to proceed.

Called by

proc~~dvhin~~CalledByGraph proc~dvhin dvode_module::dvode_t%dvhin proc~dvode dvode_module::dvode_t%dvode proc~dvode->proc~dvhin

Source Code

   subroutine dvhin(me,n,t0,y0,ydot,tout,uround,ewt,itol,&

      class(dvode_t),intent(inout) :: me
      real(wp),intent(in) :: t0 !! initial value of independent variable
      real(wp),intent(in) :: y0(*) !! vector of initial conditions
      real(wp),intent(in) :: ydot(*) !! vector of initial first derivatives
      real(wp),intent(in) :: tout !! first output value of independent variable
      real(wp),intent(in) :: uround !! machine unit roundoff
      real(wp),intent(in) :: ewt(*) !! error weights and tolerance parameters as described in the driver routine
      real(wp),intent(in) :: atol(*) !! error weights and tolerance parameters as described in the driver routine
      real(wp),intent(inout) :: y(n) !! work array of length n
      real(wp),intent(inout) :: temp(n) !! work array of length n
      integer,intent(in) :: n !! size of ode system
      integer,intent(in) :: itol !! error weights and tolerance parameters as described in the driver routine
      real(wp),intent(out) :: h0 !! step size to be attempted
      integer,intent(out) :: niter !! number of iterations (and of f evaluations) to compute h0
      integer,intent(out) :: ier !! the error flag, returned with the value:
                                 !!  * ier = 0  if no trouble occurred, or
                                 !!  * ier = -1 if tout and t0 are considered too close to proceed.

      real(wp) :: afi , atoli , delyi , h , hg , hlb , &
                  hnew , hrat , hub , t1 , tdist , &
                  tround , yddnrm
      integer :: i , iter

      real(wp),parameter :: half = 0.5_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: hun = 100.0_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: pt1 = 0.1_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: two = 2.0_wp

      main : block

         niter = 0
         tdist = abs(tout-t0)
         tround = uround*max(abs(t0),abs(tout))
         if ( tdist<two*tround ) then
            ! error return for tout - t0 too small. --------------------------------
            ier = -1
            ! set a lower bound on h based on the roundoff level in t0 and tout. ---
            hlb = hun*tround
            ! set an upper bound on h based on tout-t0 and the initial y and ydot. -
            hub = pt1*tdist
            atoli = atol(1)
            do i = 1 , n
               if ( itol==2 .or. itol==4 ) atoli = atol(i)
               delyi = pt1*abs(y0(i)) + atoli
               afi = abs(ydot(i))
               if ( afi*hub>delyi ) hub = delyi/afi
            ! set initial guess for h as geometric mean of upper and lower bounds. -
            iter = 0
            hg = sqrt(hlb*hub)
            ! if the bounds have crossed, exit with the mean value. ----------------
            if ( hub<hlb ) then
               h0 = hg
               exit main
               ! looping point for iteration. -----------------------------------------
               ! estimate the second derivative as a difference quotient in f. --------
               h = sign(hg,tout-t0)
               t1 = t0 + h
               do i = 1 , n
                  y(i) = y0(i) + h*ydot(i)
               call me%f(n,t1,y,temp)
               do i = 1 , n
                  temp(i) = (temp(i)-ydot(i))/h
               yddnrm = me%dvnorm(n,temp,ewt(1:n))
               ! get the corresponding new value of h. --------------------------------
               if ( yddnrm*hub*hub>two ) then
                  hnew = sqrt(two/yddnrm)
                  hnew = sqrt(hg*hub)
               iter = iter + 1
               ! test the stopping conditions.
               ! stop if the new and previous h values differ by a factor of < 2.
               ! stop if four iterations have been done.  also, stop with previous h
               ! if hnew/hg > 2 after first iteration, as this probably means that
               ! the second derivative value is bad because of cancellation error.
               if ( iter<4 ) then
                  hrat = hnew/hg
                  if ( (hrat<=half) .or. (hrat>=two) ) then
                     if ( (iter>=2) .and. (hnew>two*hg) ) then
                        hnew = hg
                     hg = hnew
            end do
            ! iteration done.  apply bounds, bias factor, and sign.  then exit. ----
            h0 = hnew*half
            if ( h0<hlb ) h0 = hlb
            if ( h0>hub ) h0 = hub

      end block main

      h0 = sign(h0,tout-t0)
      niter = iter
      ier = 0

   end subroutine dvhin