dvnlsd Subroutine

private subroutine dvnlsd(me, y, yh, ldyh, vsav, savf, ewt, acor, iwm, wm, nflag)

subroutine dvnlsd is a nonlinear system solver, which uses functional iteration or a chord (modified newton) method. for the chord method direct linear algebraic system solvers are used. subroutine dvnlsd then handles the corrector phase of this integration package.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(dvode_t), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: y(*)

the dependent variable, a vector of length n

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: yh(ldyh,*)

the nordsieck (taylor) array, ldyh by lmax, input and output. on input, it contains predicted values.

integer, intent(in) :: ldyh

a constant >= n, the first dimension of yh

real(kind=wp) :: vsav(*)

unused work array.

real(kind=wp) :: savf(*)

a work array of length n.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: ewt(*)

an error weight vector of length n

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: acor(*)

a work array of length n, used for the accumulated corrections to the predicted y vector.

integer, intent(inout) :: iwm(*)

integer work array associated with matrix operations in chord iteration (miter /= 0).

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: wm(*)

real work array associated with matrix operations in chord iteration (miter /= 0).

integer, intent(inout) :: nflag

input/output flag, with values and meanings as follows:

  • input:

    • 0 first call for this time step.
    • -1 convergence failure in previous call to dvnlsd.
    • -2 error test failure in dvstep.
  • output:

    • 0 successful completion of nonlinear solver.
    • -1 convergence failure or singular matrix.
    • -2 unrecoverable error in matrix preprocessing (cannot occur here).
    • -3 unrecoverable error in solution (cannot occur here).


proc~~dvnlsd~~CallsGraph proc~dvnlsd dvode_module::dvode_t%dvnlsd proc~daxpy dvode_blas_module::daxpy proc~dvnlsd->proc~daxpy proc~dcopy dvode_blas_module::dcopy proc~dvnlsd->proc~dcopy proc~dscal dvode_blas_module::dscal proc~dvnlsd->proc~dscal proc~dvjac dvode_module::dvode_t%dvjac proc~dvnlsd->proc~dvjac proc~dvsol dvode_module::dvode_t%dvsol proc~dvnlsd->proc~dvsol proc~dvjac->proc~dcopy proc~dvjac->proc~dscal proc~dacopy dvode_module::dacopy proc~dvjac->proc~dacopy proc~dgbfa dvode_linpack_module::dgbfa proc~dvjac->proc~dgbfa proc~dgefa dvode_linpack_module::dgefa proc~dvjac->proc~dgefa proc~dgbsl dvode_linpack_module::dgbsl proc~dvsol->proc~dgbsl proc~dgesl dvode_linpack_module::dgesl proc~dvsol->proc~dgesl proc~dacopy->proc~dcopy proc~dgbfa->proc~daxpy proc~dgbfa->proc~dscal proc~idamax dvode_blas_module::idamax proc~dgbfa->proc~idamax proc~dgbsl->proc~daxpy proc~ddot dvode_blas_module::ddot proc~dgbsl->proc~ddot proc~dgefa->proc~daxpy proc~dgefa->proc~dscal proc~dgefa->proc~idamax proc~dgesl->proc~daxpy proc~dgesl->proc~ddot

Called by

proc~~dvnlsd~~CalledByGraph proc~dvnlsd dvode_module::dvode_t%dvnlsd proc~dvstep dvode_module::dvode_t%dvstep proc~dvstep->proc~dvnlsd proc~dvode dvode_module::dvode_t%dvode proc~dvode->proc~dvstep

Source Code

   subroutine dvnlsd(me,y,yh,ldyh,vsav,savf,ewt,acor,iwm,wm,nflag)

      class(dvode_t),intent(inout) :: me
      real(wp),intent(inout) :: y(*) !! the dependent variable, a vector of length n
      integer,intent(in) :: ldyh !! a constant >= n, the first dimension of yh
      real(wp),intent(inout) :: yh(ldyh,*) !! the nordsieck (taylor) array, ldyh by lmax, input
                                           !! and output.  on input, it contains predicted values.
      real(wp) :: vsav(*) !! unused work array.
      real(wp) :: savf(*) !! a work array of length n.
      real(wp),intent(in) :: ewt(*) !! an error weight vector of length n
      real(wp),intent(inout) :: acor(*) !! a work array of length n, used for the accumulated
                                        !! corrections to the predicted y vector.
      real(wp),intent(inout) :: wm(*) !! real work array associated with matrix
                                      !! operations in chord iteration (miter /= 0).
      integer,intent(inout) :: iwm(*) !! integer work array associated with matrix
                                      !! operations in chord iteration (miter /= 0).
      integer,intent(inout) :: nflag !! input/output flag, with values and meanings as follows:
                                     !! * **input:**
                                     !!     *  0 first call for this time step.
                                     !!     * -1 convergence failure in previous call to dvnlsd.
                                     !!     * -2 error test failure in dvstep.
                                     !! * **output:**
                                     !!     *  0 successful completion of nonlinear solver.
                                     !!     * -1 convergence failure or singular matrix.
                                     !!     * -2 unrecoverable error in matrix preprocessing (cannot occur here).
                                     !!     * -3 unrecoverable error in solution (cannot occur here).

      real(wp) :: cscale , dcon , del , delp
      integer :: i , ierpj , iersl , m

      integer,parameter :: maxcor = 3
      integer,parameter :: msbp = 20
      real(wp),parameter :: ccmax = 0.3_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: crdown = 0.3_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: rdiv = 2.0_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: one = 1.0_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: two = 2.0_wp

      ! on the first step, on a change of method order, or after a
      ! nonlinear convergence failure with nflag = -2, set ipup = miter
      ! to force a jacobian update when miter /= 0.
      if ( me%dat%jstart==0 ) me%dat%nslp = 0
      if ( nflag==0 ) me%dat%icf = 0
      if ( nflag==-2 ) me%dat%ipup = me%dat%miter
      if ( (me%dat%jstart==0) .or. (me%dat%jstart==-1) ) me%dat%ipup = me%dat%miter
      ! if this is functional iteration, set crate == 1 and drop to 220
      if ( me%dat%miter==0 ) then
         me%dat%crate = one
         ! rc is the ratio of new to old values of the coefficient h/el(2)=h/l1.
         ! when rc differs from 1 by more than ccmax, ipup is set to miter
         ! to force dvjac to be called, if a jacobian is involved.
         ! in any case, dvjac is called at least every msbp steps.
         me%dat%drc = abs(me%dat%rc-one)
         if ( me%dat%drc>ccmax .or. me%dat%nst>=me%dat%nslp+msbp ) me%dat%ipup = me%dat%miter
      end if

      corrector : do
         ! up to maxcor corrector iterations are taken.  a convergence test is
         ! made on the r.m.s. norm of each correction, weighted by the error
         ! weight vector ewt.  the sum of the corrections is accumulated in the
         ! vector acor(i).  the yh array is not altered in the corrector loop.
         m = 0
         delp = zero
         call dcopy(me%dat%n,yh(1,1),1,y,1)
         call me%f(me%dat%n,me%dat%tn,y(1:me%dat%n),savf(1:me%dat%n))
         me%dat%nfe = me%dat%nfe + 1
         if ( me%dat%ipup>0 ) then
            ! if indicated, the matrix p = i - h*rl1*j is reevaluated and
            ! preprocessed before starting the corrector iteration.  ipup is set
            ! to 0 as an indicator that this has been done.
            call me%dvjac(y,yh,ldyh,ewt,acor,savf,wm,iwm,ierpj)
            me%dat%ipup = 0
            me%dat%rc = one
            me%dat%drc = zero
            me%dat%crate = one
            me%dat%nslp = me%dat%nst
            ! if matrix is singular, take error return to force cut in step size. --
            if ( ierpj/=0 ) exit corrector
         do i = 1 , me%dat%n
            acor(i) = zero

            ! this is a looping point for the corrector iteration. -----------------
            if ( me%dat%miter/=0 ) then
               ! in the case of the chord method, compute the corrector error,
               ! and solve the linear system with that as right-hand side and
               ! p as coefficient matrix.  the correction is scaled by the factor
               ! 2/(1+rc) to account for changes in h*rl1 since the last dvjac call.
               do i = 1 , me%dat%n
                  y(i) = (me%dat%rl1*me%dat%h)*savf(i) - (me%dat%rl1*yh(i,2)+acor(i))
               call me%dvsol(wm,iwm,y,iersl)
               me%dat%nni = me%dat%nni + 1
               if ( iersl>0 ) exit
               if ( me%dat%meth==2 .and. me%dat%rc/=one ) then
                  cscale = two/(one+me%dat%rc)
                  call dscal(me%dat%n,cscale,y,1)
               del = me%dvnorm(me%dat%n,y(1:me%dat%n),ewt(1:me%dat%n))
               call daxpy(me%dat%n,one,y,1,acor,1)
               do i = 1 , me%dat%n
                  y(i) = yh(i,1) + acor(i)
               ! in the case of functional iteration, update y directly from
               ! the result of the last function evaluation.
               do i = 1 , me%dat%n
                  savf(i) = me%dat%rl1*(me%dat%h*savf(i)-yh(i,2))
               do i = 1 , me%dat%n
                  y(i) = savf(i) - acor(i)
               del = me%dvnorm(me%dat%n,y(1:me%dat%n),ewt(1:me%dat%n))
               do i = 1 , me%dat%n
                  y(i) = yh(i,1) + savf(i)
               call dcopy(me%dat%n,savf,1,acor,1)
            ! test for convergence.  if m > 0, an estimate of the convergence
            ! rate constant is stored in crate, and this is used in the test.
            if ( m/=0 ) me%dat%crate = max(crdown*me%dat%crate,del/delp)
            dcon = del*min(one,me%dat%crate)/me%dat%tq(4)
            if ( dcon<=one ) then
               ! return for successful step. ------------------------------------------
               nflag = 0
               me%dat%jcur = 0
               me%dat%icf = 0
               if ( m==0 ) me%dat%acnrm = del
               if ( m>0 ) me%dat%acnrm = me%dvnorm(me%dat%n,acor(1:me%dat%n),ewt(1:me%dat%n))
               m = m + 1
               if ( m/=maxcor ) then
                  if ( m<2 .or. del<=rdiv*delp ) then
                     delp = del
                     call me%f(me%dat%n,me%dat%tn,y(1:me%dat%n),savf(1:me%dat%n))
                     me%dat%nfe = me%dat%nfe + 1
         end do

         if ( me%dat%miter/=0 .and. me%dat%jcur/=1 ) then
            me%dat%icf = 1
            me%dat%ipup = me%dat%miter
            exit corrector

      end do corrector

      nflag = -1
      me%dat%icf = 2
      me%dat%ipup = me%dat%miter

   end subroutine dvnlsd