dvset Subroutine

private subroutine dvset(me)

dvset is called by dvstep and sets coefficients for use there.

for each order nq, the coefficients in el are calculated by use of the generating polynomial lambda(x), with coefficients el(i).

for the backward differentiation formulas,

for the adams formulas,

where c is a normalization constant. in both cases, is defined by

in addition to variables described previously, communication with dvset uses the following class variables:

  • tau = a vector of length 13 containing the past nq values of h.
  • el = a vector of length 13 in which vset stores the coefficients for the corrector formula.
  • tq = a vector of length 5 in which vset stores constants used for the convergence test, the error test, and the selection of h at a new order.
  • meth = the basic method indicator.
  • nq = the current order.
  • l = nq + 1, the length of the vector stored in el, and the number of columns of the yh array being used.
  • nqwait = a counter controlling the frequency of order changes. an order change is about to be considered if nqwait = 1.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(dvode_t), intent(inout) :: me

Called by

proc~~dvset~~CalledByGraph proc~dvset dvode_module::dvode_t%dvset proc~dvstep dvode_module::dvode_t%dvstep proc~dvstep->proc~dvset proc~dvode dvode_module::dvode_t%dvode proc~dvode->proc~dvstep

Source Code

   subroutine dvset(me)

      class(dvode_t),intent(inout) :: me

      real(wp) :: ahatn0 , alph0 , cnqm1 , csum , elp , &
                  em(13) , em0 , floti , flotl , flotnq , hsum , &
                  rxi , rxis , s , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 ,  &
                  t6 , xi
      integer :: i , iback , j , jp1 , nqm1 , nqm2

      real(wp),parameter :: cortes = 0.1_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: one = 1.0_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: six = 6.0_wp
      real(wp),parameter :: two = 2.0_wp

      flotl = real(me%dat%l,wp)
      nqm1 = me%dat%nq - 1
      nqm2 = me%dat%nq - 2
      if ( me%dat%meth==2 ) then
         ! set coefficients for bdf methods. ------------------------------------
         do i = 3 , me%dat%l
            me%dat%el(i) = zero
         me%dat%el(1) = one
         me%dat%el(2) = one
         alph0 = -one
         ahatn0 = -one
         hsum = me%dat%h
         rxi = one
         rxis = one
         if ( me%dat%nq/=1 ) then
            do j = 1 , nqm2
               ! in el, construct coefficients of (1+x/xi(1))*...*(1+x/xi(j+1)). ------
               hsum = hsum + me%dat%tau(j)
               rxi = me%dat%h/hsum
               jp1 = j + 1
               alph0 = alph0 - one/real(jp1,wp)
               do iback = 1 , jp1
                  i = (j+3) - iback
                  me%dat%el(i) = me%dat%el(i) + me%dat%el(i-1)*rxi
            alph0 = alph0 - one/real(me%dat%nq,wp)
            rxis = -me%dat%el(2) - alph0
            hsum = hsum + me%dat%tau(nqm1)
            rxi = me%dat%h/hsum
            ahatn0 = -me%dat%el(2) - rxi
            do iback = 1 , me%dat%nq
               i = (me%dat%nq+2) - iback
               me%dat%el(i) = me%dat%el(i) + me%dat%el(i-1)*rxis
         t1 = one - ahatn0 + alph0
         t2 = one + real(me%dat%nq,wp)*t1
         me%dat%tq(2) = abs(alph0*t2/t1)
         me%dat%tq(5) = abs(t2/(me%dat%el(me%dat%l)*rxi/rxis))
         if ( me%dat%nqwait==1 ) then
            cnqm1 = rxis/me%dat%el(me%dat%l)
            t3 = alph0 + one/real(me%dat%nq,wp)
            t4 = ahatn0 + rxi
            elp = t3/(one-t4+t3)
            me%dat%tq(1) = abs(elp/cnqm1)
            hsum = hsum + me%dat%tau(me%dat%nq)
            rxi = me%dat%h/hsum
            t5 = alph0 - one/real(me%dat%nq+1,wp)
            t6 = ahatn0 - rxi
            elp = t2/(one-t6+t5)
            me%dat%tq(3) = abs(elp*rxi*(flotl+one)*t5)
      ! set coefficients for adams methods. ----------------------------------
      else if ( me%dat%nq/=1 ) then
         hsum = me%dat%h
         em(1) = one
         flotnq = flotl - one
         do i = 2 , me%dat%l
            em(i) = zero
         do j = 1 , nqm1
            if ( (j==nqm1) .and. (me%dat%nqwait==1) ) then
               s = one
               csum = zero
               do i = 1 , nqm1
                  csum = csum + s*em(i)/real(i+1,wp)
                  s = -s
               me%dat%tq(1) = em(nqm1)/(flotnq*csum)
            rxi = me%dat%h/hsum
            do iback = 1 , j
               i = (j+2) - iback
               em(i) = em(i) + em(i-1)*rxi
            hsum = hsum + me%dat%tau(j)
         ! compute integral from -1 to 0 of polynomial and of x times it. -------
         s = one
         em0 = zero
         csum = zero
         do i = 1 , me%dat%nq
            floti = real(i,wp)
            em0 = em0 + s*em(i)/floti
            csum = csum + s*em(i)/(floti+one)
            s = -s
         ! in el, form coefficients of normalized integrated polynomial. --------
         s = one/em0
         me%dat%el(1) = one
         do i = 1 , me%dat%nq
            me%dat%el(i+1) = s*em(i)/real(i,wp)
         xi = hsum/me%dat%h
         me%dat%tq(2) = xi*em0/csum
         me%dat%tq(5) = xi/me%dat%el(me%dat%l)
         if ( me%dat%nqwait==1 ) then
            ! for higher order control constant, multiply polynomial by 1+x/xi(q). -
            rxi = one/xi
            do iback = 1 , me%dat%nq
               i = (me%dat%l+1) - iback
               em(i) = em(i) + em(i-1)*rxi
            ! compute integral of polynomial. --------------------------------------
            s = one
            csum = zero
            do i = 1 , me%dat%l
               csum = csum + s*em(i)/real(i+1,wp)
               s = -s
            me%dat%tq(3) = flotl*em0/csum
         me%dat%el(1) = one
         me%dat%el(2) = one
         me%dat%tq(1) = one
         me%dat%tq(2) = two
         me%dat%tq(3) = six*me%dat%tq(2)
         me%dat%tq(5) = one
      me%dat%tq(4) = cortes*me%dat%tq(2)

   end subroutine dvset