xsetf Subroutine

private subroutine xsetf(me, mflag)

reset the error print control flag.

xsetf sets the error print control flag to mflag:

  • mflag=1 means print all messages (the default).
  • mflag=0 means no printing.


  • hindmarsh, alan c., (llnl)

Revision history

  • 921118 date written
  • 930329 added slatec format prologue. (fnf)
  • 930407 corrected see also section. (fnf)
  • 930922 made user-callable, and other cosmetic changes. (fnf)

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(dvode_t), intent(inout) :: me
integer :: mflag


proc~~xsetf~~CallsGraph proc~xsetf dvode_module::dvode_t%xsetf proc~ixsav dvode_module::dvode_t%ixsav proc~xsetf->proc~ixsav

Source Code

   subroutine xsetf(me,mflag)

      class(dvode_t),intent(inout) :: me
      integer :: mflag

      integer :: junk

      if ( mflag==0 .or. mflag==1 ) junk = me%ixsav(2,mflag,.true.)

   end subroutine xsetf