dvode_linpack_module.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~dvode_linpack_module.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~dvode_linpack_module.f90 dvode_linpack_module.F90 sourcefile~dvode_blas_module.f90 dvode_blas_module.F90 sourcefile~dvode_linpack_module.f90->sourcefile~dvode_blas_module.f90 sourcefile~dvode_kinds_module.f90 dvode_kinds_module.F90 sourcefile~dvode_linpack_module.f90->sourcefile~dvode_kinds_module.f90 sourcefile~dvode_blas_module.f90->sourcefile~dvode_kinds_module.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~dvode_linpack_module.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~dvode_linpack_module.f90 dvode_linpack_module.F90 sourcefile~dvode_module.f90 dvode_module.F90 sourcefile~dvode_module.f90->sourcefile~dvode_linpack_module.f90

Source Code

!> license: bsd
!  linpack support routines for dvode.
!  these have been refactored into modern fortran.
!### References
!  * j. j. dongarra, j. r. bunch, c. b. moler, and g. w.
!    stewart, linpack users' guide, siam, 1979.

    module dvode_linpack_module

    use dvode_kinds_module, only: wp => dvode_wp
#ifndef HAS_BLAS
    use dvode_blas_module

    implicit none


    public :: dgefa,dgesl,dgbfa,dgbsl


!  factor a matrix using gaussian elimination.
!  [[dgefa]] is usually called by [[dgeco]], but it can be called
!  directly with a saving in time if  `rcond`  is not needed.
!  (time for [[dgeco]]) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for [[dgefa]]) .
!### Author
!  * moler, c. b., (u. of new mexico)
!### Revision history
!  * 780814  date written
!  * 890831  modified array declarations.  (wrb)
!  * 890831  revision date from version 3.2
!  * 891214  prologue converted to version 4.0 format.  (bab)
!  * 900326  removed duplicate information from description section. (wrb)
!  * 920501  reformatted the references section.  (wrb)

    subroutine dgefa(a,lda,n,ipvt,info)

       integer,intent(in) :: lda !! the leading dimension of the array `a`.
       integer,intent(in) :: n !! the order of the matrix `a`.
       integer,intent(out) :: ipvt(*) !! an integer vector of pivot indices.
       integer,intent(out) :: info !! * 0  normal value.
                                   !! * k  if  u(k,k) == 0.0 .  this is not an error
                                   !!      condition for this subroutine, but it does
                                   !!      indicate that dgesl or dgedi will divide by zero
                                   !!      if called.  use  rcond  in dgeco for a reliable
                                   !!      indication of singularity.
       real(wp),intent(inout) :: a(lda,*) !! * **input:** the matrix to be factored.
                                          !! * **output:** an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
                                          !!   which were used to obtain it.
                                          !!   the factorization can be written  `a = l*u`  where
                                          !!   `l`  is a product of permutation and unit lower
                                          !!   triangular matrices and  `u`  is upper triangular.

       real(wp) :: t
       integer :: j , k , kp1 , l , nm1

#ifdef HAS_BLAS
       ! user is linking against an external BLAS library
       integer,external :: idamax 

      ! gaussian elimination with partial pivoting

       info = 0
       nm1 = n - 1
       if ( nm1>=1 ) then
          do k = 1 , nm1
             kp1 = k + 1

            ! find l = pivot index

             l = idamax(n-k+1,a(k,k),1) + k - 1
             ipvt(k) = l

            ! zero pivot implies this column already triangularized

             if ( a(l,k)==0.0_wp ) then
                info = k

               ! interchange if necessary

                if ( l/=k ) then
                   t = a(l,k)
                   a(l,k) = a(k,k)
                   a(k,k) = t

               ! compute multipliers

                t = -1.0_wp/a(k,k)
                call dscal(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1)

               ! row elimination with column indexing

                do j = kp1 , n
                   t = a(l,j)
                   if ( l/=k ) then
                      a(l,j) = a(k,j)
                      a(k,j) = t
                   call daxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,a(k+1,j),1)
       ipvt(n) = n
       if ( a(n,n)==0.0_wp ) info = n

   end subroutine dgefa

!  solve the real system `a*x=b` or `trans(a)*x=b` using the
!  factors computed by [[dgeco]] or [[dgefa]].
!  to compute  `inverse(a) * c`  where  `c`  is a matrix
!  with  `p`  columns:
!  call dgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z)
!  if (rcond is too small) go to ...
!  do j = 1, p
!     call dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,c(1,j),0)
!  end do
!### Error condition
!  a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a
!  zero on the diagonal.  technically this indicates singularity
!  but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper
!  setting of lda .  it will not occur if the subroutines are
!  called correctly and if dgeco has set rcond > 0.0
!  or dgefa has set info == 0 .
!### Author
! * moler, c. b., (u. of new mexico)
!### Revision history
! * 780814  date written
! * 890831  modified array declarations.  (wrb)
! * 890831  revision date from version 3.2
! * 891214  prologue converted to version 4.0 format.  (bab)
! * 900326  removed duplicate information from description section. (wrb)
! * 920501  reformatted the references section.  (wrb)

   subroutine dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,b,job)

       integer,intent(in) :: lda !! the leading dimension of the array `a`.
       integer,intent(in) :: n !! the order of the matrix `a`.
       integer,intent(in) :: ipvt(*) !! the pivot vector from [[dgeco]] or [[dgefa]].
       integer,intent(in) :: job !! * 0         to solve  `a*x = b` ,
                                 !! * nonzero   to solve  `trans(a)*x = b`  where
                                 !!   `trans(a)`  is the transpose.
       real(wp),intent(in) :: a(lda,*) !! `(lda, n)` the output from [[dgeco]] or [[dgefa]].
       real(wp),intent(out) :: b(*) !! the solution vector `x`.

       real(wp) :: t
       integer :: k , kb , l , nm1
#ifdef HAS_BLAS
       ! user is linking against an external BLAS library
       double precision,external :: ddot 

       nm1 = n - 1
       if ( job/=0 ) then

         ! job = nonzero, solve  trans(a) * x = b
         ! first solve  trans(u)*y = b

          do k = 1 , n
             t = ddot(k-1,a(1,k),1,b(1),1)
             b(k) = (b(k)-t)/a(k,k)

         ! now solve trans(l)*x = y

          if ( nm1>=1 ) then
             do kb = 1 , nm1
                k = n - kb
                b(k) = b(k) + ddot(n-k,a(k+1,k),1,b(k+1),1)
                l = ipvt(k)
                if ( l/=k ) then
                   t = b(l)
                   b(l) = b(k)
                   b(k) = t

         ! job = 0 , solve  a * x = b
         ! first solve  l*y = b

          if ( nm1>=1 ) then
             do k = 1 , nm1
                l = ipvt(k)
                t = b(l)
                if ( l/=k ) then
                   b(l) = b(k)
                   b(k) = t
                call daxpy(n-k,t,a(k+1,k),1,b(k+1),1)

         ! now solve  u*x = y

          do kb = 1 , n
             k = n + 1 - kb
             b(k) = b(k)/a(k,k)
             t = -b(k)
             call daxpy(k-1,t,a(1,k),1,b(1),1)

   end subroutine dgesl

!  factor a band matrix using gaussian elimination.
!  [[dgbfa]] is usually called by [[dgbco]], but it can be called
!  directly with a saving in time if `rcond` is not needed.
!### Band storage
!  if  `a`  is a band matrix, the following program segment
!  will set up the input.
!  ml = (band width below the diagonal)
!  mu = (band width above the diagonal)
!  m = ml + mu + 1
!  do j = 1, n
!     i1 = max(1, j-mu)
!     i2 = min(n, j+ml)
!     do i = i1, i2
!        k = i - j + m
!        abd(k,j) = a(i,j)
!     end do
!  end do
!  this uses rows  `ml+1`  through  `2*ml+mu+1`  of  `abd` .
!  in addition, the first  `ml` rows in  `abd`  are used for
!  elements generated during the triangularization.
!  the total number of rows needed in  `abd`  is  `2*ml+mu+1`.
!  the  `ml+mu` by `ml+mu`  upper left triangle and the
!  `ml` by `ml`  lower right triangle are not referenced.
!### Author
!  * moler, c. b., (u. of new mexico)
!### Revision history
!  * 780814  date written
!  * 890531  changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (wrb)
!  * 890831  modified array declarations.  (wrb)
!  * 890831  revision date from version 3.2
!  * 891214  prologue converted to version 4.0 format.  (bab)
!  * 900326  removed duplicate information from description section. (wrb)
!  * 920501  reformatted the references section.  (wrb)

   subroutine dgbfa(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,info)

       integer,intent(in) :: lda !! the leading dimension of the array  `abd` .
                                 !! `lda` must be `>= 2*ml + mu + 1` .
       integer,intent(in) :: n !! the order of the original matrix.
       integer,intent(in) :: ml !! number of diagonals below the main diagonal.
                                !! `0 <= ml < n` .
       integer,intent(in) :: mu !! number of diagonals above the main diagonal.
                                !! `0 <= mu < n` .
                                !! more efficient if  `ml <= mu` .
       integer,intent(out) :: ipvt(*) !! an integer vector of pivot indices.
       integer,intent(out) :: info !! * 0  normal value.
                                   !! * k  if  `u(k,k) == 0.0` .  this is not an error
                                   !!   condition for this subroutine, but it does
                                   !!   indicate that [[dgbsl]] will divide by zero if
                                   !!   called.  use  rcond  in [[dgbco]] for a reliable
                                   !!   indication of singularity.
       real(wp),intent(inout) :: abd(lda,*) !! * **input:** contains the matrix in band storage.  the columns
                                            !!   of the matrix are stored in the columns of  `abd`  and
                                            !!   the diagonals of the matrix are stored in rows
                                            !!   `ml+1` through `2*ml+mu+1` of  `abd` .
                                            !!   see the comments below for details.
                                            !! * **output:** an upper triangular matrix in band storage and
                                            !!   the multipliers which were used to obtain it.
                                            !!   the factorization can be written  `a = l*u`  where
                                            !!   `l`  is a product of permutation and unit lower
                                            !!   triangular matrices and  `u`  is upper triangular.

       real(wp) :: t
       integer :: i , i0 , j , ju , jz , j0 , j1 , k , kp1 , l , &
                  lm , m , mm , nm1

#ifdef HAS_BLAS
       ! user is linking against an external BLAS library
       integer,external :: idamax 

       m = ml + mu + 1
       info = 0

      ! zero initial fill-in columns

       j0 = mu + 2
       j1 = min(n,m) - 1
       if ( j1>=j0 ) then
          do jz = j0 , j1
             i0 = m + 1 - jz
             do i = i0 , ml
                abd(i,jz) = 0.0_wp
       jz = j1
       ju = 0

      ! gaussian elimination with partial pivoting

       nm1 = n - 1
       if ( nm1>=1 ) then
          do k = 1 , nm1
             kp1 = k + 1

            ! zero next fill-in column

             jz = jz + 1
             if ( jz<=n ) then
                if ( ml>=1 ) then
                   do i = 1 , ml
                      abd(i,jz) = 0.0_wp

            ! find l = pivot index

             lm = min(ml,n-k)
             l = idamax(lm+1,abd(m,k),1) + m - 1
             ipvt(k) = l + k - m

            ! zero pivot implies this column already triangularized

             if ( abd(l,k)==0.0_wp ) then
                info = k

               ! interchange if necessary

                if ( l/=m ) then
                   t = abd(l,k)
                   abd(l,k) = abd(m,k)
                   abd(m,k) = t

               ! compute multipliers

                t = -1.0_wp/abd(m,k)
                call dscal(lm,t,abd(m+1,k),1)

               ! row elimination with column indexing

                ju = min(max(ju,mu+ipvt(k)),n)
                mm = m
                if ( ju>=kp1 ) then
                   do j = kp1 , ju
                      l = l - 1
                      mm = mm - 1
                      t = abd(l,j)
                      if ( l/=mm ) then
                         abd(l,j) = abd(mm,j)
                         abd(mm,j) = t
                      call daxpy(lm,t,abd(m+1,k),1,abd(mm+1,j),1)
       ipvt(n) = n
       if ( abd(m,n)==0.0_wp ) info = n

   end subroutine dgbfa

!  solve the real band system `a*x=b` or `trans(a)*x=b` using
!  the factors computed by [[dgbco]] or [[dgbfa]].
!  to compute  `inverse(a) * c`  where  `c`  is a matrix
!  with  `p`  columns:
!  call dgbco(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,rcond,z)
!  if (rcond is too small) go to ...
!  do j = 1, p
!     call dgbsl(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,c(1,j),0)
!  end do
!### Error condition
!  a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a
!  zero on the diagonal.  technically this indicates singularity
!  but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper
!  setting of `lda` .  it will not occur if the subroutines are
!  called correctly and if [[dgbco]] has set `rcond > 0.0`
!  or [[dgbfa]] has set `info == 0`.
!### Author
!  * moler, c. b., (u. of new mexico)
!### Revision history
!  * 780814  date written
!  * 890531  changed all specific intrinsics to generic.  (wrb)
!  * 890831  modified array declarations.  (wrb)
!  * 890831  revision date from version 3.2
!  * 891214  prologue converted to version 4.0 format.  (bab)
!  * 900326  removed duplicate information from description section. (wrb)
!  * 920501  reformatted the references section.  (wrb)

   subroutine dgbsl(abd,lda,n,ml,mu,ipvt,b,job)

       integer,intent(in) :: lda !! the leading dimension of the array  `abd`.
       integer,intent(in) :: n !! the order of the original matrix.
       integer,intent(in) :: ml !! number of diagonals below the main diagonal.
       integer,intent(in) :: mu !! number of diagonals above the main diagonal.
       integer,intent(in) :: ipvt(*) !! the pivot vector from [[dgbco]] or [[dgbfa]].
       integer,intent(in) :: job !! * 0         to solve  `a*x = b` ,
                                 !! * nonzero   to solve  `trans(a)*x = b` , where
                                 !!             `trans(a)`  is the transpose.
       real(wp),intent(in) :: abd(lda,*) !! the output from [[dgbco]] or [[dgbfa]].
       real(wp),intent(inout) :: b(*) !! * **input:** the right hand side vector.
                                      !! * **output:** the solution vector `x`.

       real(wp) :: t
       integer :: k , kb , l , la , lb , lm , m , nm1

#ifdef HAS_BLAS
       ! user is linking against an external BLAS library
       double precision,external :: ddot 

       m = mu + ml + 1
       nm1 = n - 1
       if ( job/=0 ) then

         ! job = nonzero, solve  trans(a) * x = b
         ! first solve  trans(u)*y = b

          do k = 1 , n
             lm = min(k,m) - 1
             la = m - lm
             lb = k - lm
             t = ddot(lm,abd(la,k),1,b(lb),1)
             b(k) = (b(k)-t)/abd(m,k)

         ! now solve trans(l)*x = y

          if ( ml/=0 ) then
             if ( nm1>=1 ) then
                do kb = 1 , nm1
                   k = n - kb
                   lm = min(ml,n-k)
                   b(k) = b(k) + ddot(lm,abd(m+1,k),1,b(k+1),1)
                   l = ipvt(k)
                   if ( l/=k ) then
                      t = b(l)
                      b(l) = b(k)
                      b(k) = t

         ! job = 0 , solve  a * x = b
         ! first solve l*y = b

          if ( ml/=0 ) then
             if ( nm1>=1 ) then
                do k = 1 , nm1
                   lm = min(ml,n-k)
                   l = ipvt(k)
                   t = b(l)
                   if ( l/=k ) then
                      b(l) = b(k)
                      b(k) = t
                   call daxpy(lm,t,abd(m+1,k),1,b(k+1),1)

         ! now solve  u*x = y

          do kb = 1 , n
             k = n + 1 - kb
             b(k) = b(k)/abd(m,k)
             lm = min(k,m) - 1
             la = m - lm
             lb = k - lm
             t = -b(k)
             call daxpy(lm,t,abd(la,k),1,b(lb),1)

   end subroutine dgbsl

end module dvode_linpack_module