add_sphere Subroutine

private subroutine add_sphere(me, r, xc, yc, zc, n_facets, linewidth, antialiased, color, istat)

Add a sphere to a 3D x,y,z plot.


Must initialize the class with mplot3d=.true. and use_numpy=.true..

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(pyplot), intent(inout) :: me

pyplot handler

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: r

radius of the sphere

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: xc

x value of sphere center

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: yc

y value of sphere center

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: zc

z value of sphere center

integer, intent(in), optional :: n_facets

[default is 100]

integer, intent(in), optional :: linewidth

line width

logical, intent(in), optional :: antialiased

enabled anti-aliasing

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: color

color of the contour line

integer, intent(out), optional :: istat

status output (0 means no problems)


proc~~add_sphere~~CallsGraph proc~add_sphere pyplot_module::pyplot%add_sphere proc~add_str pyplot_module::pyplot%add_str proc~add_sphere->proc~add_str proc~optional_int_to_string pyplot_module::optional_int_to_string proc~add_sphere->proc~optional_int_to_string proc~optional_logical_to_string pyplot_module::optional_logical_to_string proc~add_sphere->proc~optional_logical_to_string proc~real_to_string pyplot_module::real_to_string proc~add_sphere->proc~real_to_string proc~integer_to_string pyplot_module::integer_to_string proc~optional_int_to_string->proc~integer_to_string

Source Code

    subroutine add_sphere(me, r, xc, yc, zc, n_facets, linewidth, antialiased, color, istat)

    implicit none

    class(pyplot),    intent (inout)         :: me            !! pyplot handler
    real(wp),         intent (in)            :: r             !! radius of the sphere
    real(wp),         intent (in)            :: xc            !! x value of sphere center
    real(wp),         intent (in)            :: yc            !! y value of sphere center
    real(wp),         intent (in)            :: zc            !! z value of sphere center
    integer,          intent (in),  optional :: n_facets      !! [default is 100]
    integer,          intent (in),  optional :: linewidth     !! line width
    logical,          intent (in),  optional :: antialiased   !! enabled anti-aliasing
    character(len=*), intent (in),  optional :: color         !! color of the contour line
    integer,          intent (out), optional :: istat         !! status output (0 means no problems)

    character(len=:), allocatable :: rstr         !! `r` value stringified
    character(len=:), allocatable :: xcstr        !! `xc` value stringified
    character(len=:), allocatable :: ycstr        !! `yc` value stringified
    character(len=:), allocatable :: zcstr        !! `zc` value stringified
    character(len=*), parameter   :: xname = 'x'  !! `x` variable name for script
    character(len=*), parameter   :: yname = 'y'  !! `y` variable name for script
    character(len=*), parameter   :: zname = 'z'  !! `z` variable name for script

    character(len=max_int_len)    :: linewidth_str       !! `linewidth` input stringified
    character(len=:), allocatable :: antialiased_str     !! `antialised` input stringified
    character(len=max_int_len)    :: n_facets_str        !! `n_facets` input stringified
    character(len=:), allocatable :: extras              !! optional stuff string

    if (allocated(me%str)) then

        !get optional inputs (if not present, set default value):
        call optional_int_to_string(n_facets, n_facets_str, '100')
        extras = ''
        if (present(linewidth)) then
            call optional_int_to_string(linewidth, linewidth_str, '1')
            extras = extras//','//'linewidth='//linewidth_str
        end if
        if (present(antialiased)) then
            call optional_logical_to_string(antialiased, antialiased_str, 'False')
            extras = extras//','//'antialiased='//antialiased_str
        end if
        if (present(color)) then
            extras = extras//','//'color='//trim(me%raw_str_token)//'"'//trim(color)//'"'
        end if

        if (present(istat)) istat = 0

        !convert the arrays to strings:
        call real_to_string(r , me%real_fmt, rstr)
        call real_to_string(xc, me%real_fmt, xcstr)
        call real_to_string(yc, me%real_fmt, ycstr)
        call real_to_string(zc, me%real_fmt, zcstr)

        ! sphere code:
        call me%add_str('u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, '//n_facets_str//')')
        call me%add_str('v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, '//n_facets_str//')')
        call me%add_str(xname//' = '//xcstr//' + '//rstr//' * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))')
        call me%add_str(yname//' = '//ycstr//' + '//rstr//' * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))')
        call me%add_str(zname//' = '//zcstr//' + '//rstr//' * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))')
        call me%add_str('ax.plot_surface('//xname//', '//yname//', '//zname//extras//')')
        call me%add_str('')

        if (present(istat)) istat = -1
        write(error_unit,'(A)') 'Error in add_sphere: pyplot class not properly initialized.'
    end if

    end subroutine add_sphere