Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
acheck | lsqr_module | Subroutine | Checks the two modes of aprod for LSQR. |
aprod_ez | lsqr_module | Subroutine | The internal |
d2norm | lsqr_module | Function | Returns with precautions to avoid overflow. |
dcopy | lsqpblas_module | Subroutine | copies a vector, |
ddot | lsqpblas_module | Function | dot product of two vectors |
dnrm2 | lsqpblas_module | Function | euclidean norm of a vector. |
dscal | lsqpblas_module | Subroutine | scales a vector by a constant. |
initialize_ez | lsqr_module | Subroutine | Constructor for lsqr_solver_ez. |
LSQR | lsqr_module | Subroutine | LSQR finds a solution to the following problems: |
solve_ez | lsqr_module | Subroutine | Wrapper for LSQR for the easy version of the class. |
xcheck | lsqr_module | Subroutine | Tests if |