get_bspline_status_message Function

private pure function get_bspline_status_message(me, iflag) result(msg)

Get the status message from a bspline_class routine call.

If iflag is not included, then the one in the class is used (which corresponds to the last routine called.) Otherwise, it will convert the input iflag argument into the appropriate message.

This is a wrapper for get_status_message.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(bspline_class), intent(in) :: me
integer(kind=ip), intent(in), optional :: iflag

the corresponding status code

Return Value character(len=:), allocatable

status message associated with the flag


proc~~get_bspline_status_message~~CallsGraph proc~get_bspline_status_message bspline_class%get_bspline_status_message proc~get_status_message get_status_message proc~get_bspline_status_message->proc~get_status_message

Source Code

    pure function get_bspline_status_message(me,iflag) result(msg)

    implicit none

    class(bspline_class),intent(in) :: me
    character(len=:),allocatable    :: msg    !! status message associated with the flag
    integer(ip),intent(in),optional :: iflag  !! the corresponding status code

    if (present(iflag)) then
        msg = get_status_message(iflag)
        msg = get_status_message(me%iflag)
    end if

    end function get_bspline_status_message