Read a CSV file.
rows in the file
row counter in data array
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(csv_file), | intent(inout) | :: | me | |||
character(len=*), | intent(in) | :: | filename |
the CSV file to open |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | header_row |
the header row |
integer, | intent(in), | optional, | dimension(:) | :: | skip_rows |
rows to skip |
logical, | intent(out) | :: | status_ok |
status flag |
character(len=1), | intent(in), | optional | :: | delimiter |
(Default is |
subroutine read_csv_file(me,filename,header_row,skip_rows,status_ok,delimiter) implicit none class(csv_file),intent(inout) :: me character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename !! the CSV file to open logical,intent(out) :: status_ok !! status flag integer,intent(in),optional :: header_row !! the header row integer,dimension(:),intent(in),optional :: skip_rows !! rows to skip character(len=1),intent(in),optional :: delimiter !! note: can only be one character !! (Default is `,`) type(csv_string),dimension(:),allocatable :: row_data !! a tokenized row integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: rows_to_skip !! the actual rows to skip character(len=:),allocatable :: line !! a line from the file integer :: i !! counter integer :: j !! counter integer :: irow !! row counter integer :: n_rows_in_file !! number of lines in the file integer :: n_rows !! number of rows in the output data matrix integer :: n_cols !! number of columns in the file (and output data matrix) integer :: istat !! open status flag integer :: iunit !! open file unit logical :: arrays_allocated !! if the arrays in the !! class have been allocated integer :: iheader !! row number of header row !! (0 if no header specified) character(len=1) :: tmp !! for skipping a row ! clear existing data: arrays_allocated = .false. if (allocated(me%csv_data)) deallocate(me%csv_data) if (allocated(me%header)) deallocate(me%header) if (present(delimiter)) me%delimiter = delimiter open(newunit=iunit, file=filename, status='OLD', iostat=istat) if (istat==0) then !get number of lines in the file n_rows_in_file = number_of_lines_in_file(iunit) !get number of lines in the data array if (present(skip_rows)) then !get size of unique elements in skip_rows, !and subtract from n_rows_in_file rows_to_skip = unique(skip_rows,chunk_size=me%chunk_size) n_rows = n_rows_in_file - size(rows_to_skip) else n_rows = n_rows_in_file end if if (present(header_row)) then iheader = max(0,header_row) n_rows = n_rows - merge(0,1,iheader==0) else iheader = 0 end if me%n_rows = n_rows ! we don't know the number of columns ! until we parse the first row (or the header) !read each line in the file, parse it, and populate data irow = 0 do i=1,n_rows_in_file !! rows in the file ! skip row if necessary if (allocated(rows_to_skip)) then if (any(i==rows_to_skip)) then read(iunit,fmt='(A1)',iostat=istat) tmp if (istat/=0) then if (me%verbose) write(error_unit,'(A)') & 'Error skipping row in file: '//trim(filename) close(unit=iunit,iostat=istat) status_ok = .false. return end if cycle end if end if call me%read_line_from_file(iunit,line,status_ok) if (.not. status_ok) return ! file read error call me%tokenize(line,row_data) if (.not. arrays_allocated) then ! note: the number of columns is obtained ! from the first one read. It is assumed ! that each row has the same number of ! columns. n_cols = size(row_data) me%n_cols = n_cols allocate(me%csv_data(n_rows,n_cols)) if (iheader/=0) allocate(me%header(n_cols)) arrays_allocated = .true. end if if (i==iheader) then do j=1,me%n_cols me%header(j)%str = row_data(j)%str end do else irow = irow + 1 !! row counter in data array do j=1,n_cols me%csv_data(irow,j) = row_data(j) !%str end do end if end do ! close the file close(unit=iunit,iostat=istat) status_ok = .true. else if (me%verbose) write(error_unit,'(A)') & 'Error opening file: '//trim(filename) status_ok = .false. end if end subroutine read_csv_file