!******************************************************************************* !> author: Jacob Williams ! ! Utility routines. module csv_utilities use csv_kinds use csv_parameters private integer,parameter :: max_size_for_insertion_sort = 20 !! max size for using insertion sort. character(len=*),parameter :: upper = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' !! uppercase characters character(len=*),parameter :: lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' !! lowercase characters public :: unique public :: expand_vector public :: sort_ascending public :: lowercase_string contains !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* !> ! Add elements to the integer vector in chunks. pure subroutine expand_vector(vec,n,chunk_size,val,finished) implicit none integer,dimension(:),allocatable,intent(inout) :: vec integer,intent(inout) :: n !! counter for last element added to `vec`. !! must be initialized to `size(vec)` !! (or 0 if not allocated) before first call integer,intent(in) :: chunk_size !! allocate `vec` in blocks of this size (>0) integer,intent(in),optional :: val !! the value to add to `vec` logical,intent(in),optional :: finished !! set to true to return `vec` !! as its correct size (`n`) integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: tmp !! temporary array if (present(val)) then if (allocated(vec)) then if (n==size(vec)) then ! have to add another chunk: allocate(tmp(size(vec)+chunk_size)) tmp(1:size(vec)) = vec call move_alloc(tmp,vec) end if n = n + 1 else ! the first element: allocate(vec(chunk_size)) n = 1 end if vec(n) = val end if if (present(finished)) then if (finished) then ! set vec to actual size (n): if (allocated(tmp)) deallocate(tmp) allocate(tmp(n)) tmp = vec(1:n) call move_alloc(tmp,vec) end if end if end subroutine expand_vector !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* !> ! Returns only the unique elements of the vector. function unique(vec,chunk_size) result(ivec_unique) implicit none integer,dimension(:),intent(in) :: vec !! a vector of integers integer,intent(in) :: chunk_size !! chunk size for adding to arrays integer,dimension(:),allocatable :: ivec_unique !! unique elements of `ivec` integer,dimension(size(vec)) :: ivec !! temp copy of vec integer :: i !! counter integer :: n !! number of unique elements ! first we sort it: ivec = vec ! make a copy call sort_ascending(ivec) ! add the first element: n = 1 ivec_unique = [ivec(1)] ! walk through array and get the unique ones: if (size(ivec)>1) then do i = 2, size(ivec) if (ivec(i)/=ivec(i-1)) then call expand_vector(ivec_unique,n,chunk_size,val=ivec(i)) end if end do call expand_vector(ivec_unique,n,chunk_size,finished=.true.) end if end function unique !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* !> ! Sorts an integer array `ivec` in increasing order. ! Uses a basic recursive quicksort ! (with insertion sort for partitions with \(\le\) 20 elements). subroutine sort_ascending(ivec) implicit none integer,dimension(:),intent(inout) :: ivec call quicksort(1,size(ivec)) contains recursive subroutine quicksort(ilow,ihigh) !! Sort the array implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ilow integer,intent(in) :: ihigh integer :: ipivot !! pivot element integer :: i !! counter integer :: j !! counter if ( ihigh-ilow<=max_size_for_insertion_sort .and. ihigh>ilow ) then ! do insertion sort: do i = ilow + 1,ihigh do j = i,ilow + 1,-1 if ( ivec(j) < ivec(j-1) ) then call swap(ivec(j),ivec(j-1)) else exit end if end do end do else if ( ihigh-ilow>max_size_for_insertion_sort ) then ! do the normal quicksort: call partition(ilow,ihigh,ipivot) call quicksort(ilow,ipivot - 1) call quicksort(ipivot + 1,ihigh) end if end subroutine quicksort subroutine partition(ilow,ihigh,ipivot) !! Partition the array, based on the !! lexical ivecing comparison. implicit none integer,intent(in) :: ilow integer,intent(in) :: ihigh integer,intent(out) :: ipivot integer :: i,ip call swap(ivec(ilow),ivec((ilow+ihigh)/2)) ip = ilow do i = ilow + 1, ihigh if ( ivec(i) < ivec(ilow) ) then ip = ip + 1 call swap(ivec(ip),ivec(i)) end if end do call swap(ivec(ilow),ivec(ip)) ipivot = ip end subroutine partition end subroutine sort_ascending !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* !> ! Swap two integer values. pure elemental subroutine swap(i1,i2) implicit none integer,intent(inout) :: i1 integer,intent(inout) :: i2 integer :: tmp tmp = i1 i1 = i2 i2 = tmp end subroutine swap !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* !> ! Returns lowercase version of the string. pure function lowercase_string(str) result(s_lower) implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: str !! input string character(len=(len(str))) :: s_lower !! lowercase version of the string integer :: i !! counter integer :: j !! index of uppercase character s_lower = str do i = 1, len_trim(str) j = index(upper,s_lower(i:i)) if (j>0) s_lower(i:i) = lower(j:j) end do end function lowercase_string !******************************************************************************* !******************************************************************************* end module csv_utilities !*******************************************************************************