dp86co Subroutine

private subroutine dp86co(me, x, y, xend, hmax, h, rtol, atol, itol, iprint, iout, idid, nmax, nstiff, safe, beta, fac1, fac2, nfcn, nstep, naccpt, nrejct)

Core integrator for dop853. parameters same as in dop853 with workspace added.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(dop853_class), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: x
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: y
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: xend
real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: hmax
real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: h
real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: rtol
real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: atol
integer, intent(in) :: itol
integer, intent(in) :: iprint
integer, intent(in) :: iout
integer, intent(out) :: idid
integer, intent(in) :: nmax
integer, intent(in) :: nstiff
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: safe
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: beta
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: fac1
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: fac2
integer, intent(inout) :: nfcn
integer, intent(inout) :: nstep
integer, intent(inout) :: naccpt
integer, intent(inout) :: nrejct


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine dp86co(me,x,y,xend,hmax,h,rtol,atol,itol,iprint, &
                        iout,idid,nmax,nstiff,safe, &
                        beta,fac1,fac2, &

    implicit none

    class(dop853_class),intent(inout)   :: me
    real(wp),intent(inout)              :: x
    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: y
    real(wp),intent(in)                 :: xend
    real(wp),intent(inout)              :: hmax
    real(wp),intent(inout)              :: h
    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in)    :: rtol
    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in)    :: atol
    integer,intent(in)                  :: itol
    integer,intent(in)                  :: iprint
    integer,intent(in)                  :: iout
    integer,intent(out)                 :: idid
    integer,intent(in)                  :: nmax
    integer,intent(in)                  :: nstiff
    real(wp),intent(in)                 :: safe
    real(wp),intent(in)                 :: beta
    real(wp),intent(in)                 :: fac1
    real(wp),intent(in)                 :: fac2
    integer,intent(inout)               :: nfcn
    integer,intent(inout)               :: nstep
    integer,intent(inout)               :: naccpt
    integer,intent(inout)               :: nrejct

    real(wp),dimension(me%n) :: y1,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9,k10
    real(wp) :: atoli,bspl,deno,err,err2,erri,expo1,fac,fac11,&
    integer :: i,iasti,iord,irtrn,j,nonsti,nrd
    logical :: reject,last,event,abort

    ! initializations
    nrd = me%nrdens
    facold = 1.0e-4_wp
    expo1 = 1.0_wp/8.0_wp - beta*0.2_wp
    facc1 = 1.0_wp/fac1
    facc2 = 1.0_wp/fac2
    posneg = sign(1.0_wp,xend-x)
    irtrn = 0     ! these were not initialized
    nonsti = 0    ! in the original code
    xout = 0.0_wp !

    ! initial preparations
    atoli = atol(1)
    rtoli = rtol(1)
    last = .false.
    hlamb = 0.0_wp
    iasti = 0
    call me%fcn(x,y,k1)
    hmax = abs(hmax)
    iord = 8
    if ( h==0.0_wp ) then
        h = me%hinit(x,y,posneg,k1,iord,hmax,atol,rtol,itol)
    end if
    nfcn = nfcn + 2
    reject = .false.
    me%xold = x
    if ( iout/=0 ) then
        irtrn = 1
        me%hout = 1.0_wp
        call me%solout(naccpt+1,me%xold,x,y,irtrn,xout)
        abort = ( irtrn<0 )
        abort = .false.
    end if

    if (.not. abort) then
            ! basic integration step
            if ( nstep>nmax ) then
                if ( iprint/=0 ) &
                        write (iprint,'(A,E18.4)') ' exit of dop853 at x=', x
                if ( iprint/=0 ) &
                        write (iprint,*) ' more than nmax =' , nmax , 'steps are needed'
                idid = -2
            elseif ( 0.1_wp*abs(h)<=abs(x)*uround ) then
                if ( iprint/=0 ) &
                        write (iprint,'(A,E18.4)') ' exit of dop853 at x=', x
                if ( iprint/=0 ) &
                        write (iprint,*) ' step size too small, h=' , h
                idid = -3
                if ( (x+1.01_wp*h-xend)*posneg>0.0_wp ) then
                    h = xend - x
                    last = .true.
                end if
                nstep = nstep + 1
                ! the twelve stages
                if ( irtrn>=2 ) call me%fcn(x,y,k1)
                y1 = y + h*a21*k1
                call me%fcn(x+c2*h,y1,k2)
                y1 = y + h*(a31*k1+a32*k2)
                call me%fcn(x+c3*h,y1,k3)
                y1 = y + h*(a41*k1+a43*k3)
                call me%fcn(x+c4*h,y1,k4)
                y1 = y + h*(a51*k1+a53*k3+a54*k4)
                call me%fcn(x+c5*h,y1,k5)
                y1 = y + h*(a61*k1+a64*k4+a65*k5)
                call me%fcn(x+c6*h,y1,k6)
                y1 = y + h*(a71*k1+a74*k4+a75*k5+a76*k6)
                call me%fcn(x+c7*h,y1,k7)
                y1 = y + h*(a81*k1+a84*k4+a85*k5+a86*k6+a87*k7)
                call me%fcn(x+c8*h,y1,k8)
                y1 = y + h*(a91*k1+a94*k4+a95*k5+a96*k6+a97*k7+a98*k8)
                call me%fcn(x+c9*h,y1,k9)
                y1 = y + h*(a101*k1+a104*k4+a105*k5+a106*k6+a107*k7+&
                call me%fcn(x+c10*h,y1,k10)
                y1 = y + h*(a111*k1+a114*k4+a115*k5+a116*k6+a117*k7+&
                call me%fcn(x+c11*h,y1,k2)
                xph = x + h
                y1 = y + h*(a121*k1+a124*k4+a125*k5+a126*k6+a127*k7+&
                call me%fcn(xph,y1,k3)
                nfcn = nfcn + 11
                k4 = b1*k1+b6*k6+b7*k7+b8*k8+b9*k9+b10*k10+b11*k2+b12*k3
                k5 = y + h*k4
                ! error estimation
                err = 0.0_wp
                err2 = 0.0_wp
                if ( itol==0 ) then
                    do i = 1 , me%n
                        sk = atoli + rtoli*max(abs(y(i)),abs(k5(i)))
                        erri = k4(i) - bhh1*k1(i) - bhh2*k9(i) - bhh3*k3(i)
                        err2 = err2 + (erri/sk)**2
                        erri = er1*k1(i) + er6*k6(i) + er7*k7(i) + er8*k8(i) &
                                + er9*k9(i) + er10*k10(i) + er11*k2(i) &
                                + er12*k3(i)
                        err = err + (erri/sk)**2
                    end do
                    do i = 1 , me%n
                        sk = atol(i) + rtol(i)*max(abs(y(i)),abs(k5(i)))
                        erri = k4(i) - bhh1*k1(i) - bhh2*k9(i) - bhh3*k3(i)
                        err2 = err2 + (erri/sk)**2
                        erri = er1*k1(i) + er6*k6(i) + er7*k7(i) + er8*k8(i) &
                                + er9*k9(i) + er10*k10(i) + er11*k2(i) &
                                + er12*k3(i)
                        err = err + (erri/sk)**2
                    end do
                end if
                deno = err + 0.01_wp*err2
                if ( deno<=0.0_wp ) deno = 1.0_wp
                err = abs(h)*err*sqrt(1.0_wp/(me%n*deno))
                ! computation of hnew
                fac11 = err**expo1
                ! lund-stabilization
                fac = fac11/facold**beta
                ! we require  fac1 <= hnew/h <= fac2
                fac = max(facc2,min(facc1,fac/safe))
                hnew = h/fac
                if ( err<=1.0_wp ) then
                    ! step is accepted
                    facold = max(err,1.0e-4_wp)
                    naccpt = naccpt + 1
                    call me%fcn(xph,k5,k4)
                    nfcn = nfcn + 1
                    ! stiffness detection
                    if ( mod(naccpt,nstiff)==0 .or. iasti>0 ) then
                        stnum = 0.0_wp
                        stden = 0.0_wp
                        do i = 1 , me%n
                            stnum = stnum + (k4(i)-k3(i))**2
                            stden = stden + (k5(i)-y1(i))**2
                        end do
                        if ( stden>0.0_wp ) hlamb = abs(h)*sqrt(stnum/stden)
                        if ( hlamb>6.1_wp ) then
                            nonsti = 0
                            iasti = iasti + 1
                            if ( iasti==15 ) then
                                if ( iprint/=0 ) &
                                        write (iprint,*) &
                                        ' the problem seems to become stiff at x = ', x
                                if ( iprint==0 ) then
                                    idid = -4      ! fail exit
                                end if
                            end if
                            nonsti = nonsti + 1
                            if ( nonsti==6 ) iasti = 0
                        end if
                    end if
                    ! final preparation for dense output
                    event = (iout==3) .and. (xout<=xph)
                    if ( iout==2 .or. event ) then
                        ! save the first function evaluations
                        do j = 1 , nrd
                            i = me%icomp(j)
                            me%cont(j) = y(i)
                            ydiff = k5(i) - y(i)
                            me%cont(j+nrd) = ydiff
                            bspl = h*k1(i) - ydiff
                            me%cont(j+nrd*2) = bspl
                            me%cont(j+nrd*3) = ydiff - h*k4(i) - bspl
                            me%cont(j+nrd*4) = d41*k1(i)+d46*k6(i)+d47*k7(i)+&
                            me%cont(j+nrd*5) = d51*k1(i)+d56*k6(i)+d57*k7(i)+&
                            me%cont(j+nrd*6) = d61*k1(i)+d66*k6(i)+d67*k7(i)+&
                            me%cont(j+nrd*7) = d71*k1(i)+d76*k6(i)+d77*k7(i)+&
                        end do
                        ! the next three function evaluations
                        y1 = y + h*(a141*k1+a147*k7+a148*k8+a149*k9+&
                        call me%fcn(x+c14*h,y1,k10)
                        y1 = y + h*(a151*k1+a156*k6+a157*k7+a158*k8+&
                        call me%fcn(x+c15*h,y1,k2)
                        y1 = y + h*(a161*k1+a166*k6+a167*k7+a168*k8+a169*k9+&
                        call me%fcn(x+c16*h,y1,k3)
                        nfcn = nfcn + 3
                        ! final preparation
                        do j = 1 , nrd
                            i = me%icomp(j)
                            me%cont(j+nrd*4) = h*(me%cont(j+nrd*4)+d413*k4(i)+&
                            me%cont(j+nrd*5) = h*(me%cont(j+nrd*5)+d513*k4(i)+&
                            me%cont(j+nrd*6) = h*(me%cont(j+nrd*6)+d613*k4(i)+&
                            me%cont(j+nrd*7) = h*(me%cont(j+nrd*7)+d713*k4(i)+&
                        end do
                        me%hout = h
                    end if
                    k1 = k4
                    y = k5
                    me%xold = x
                    x = xph
                    if ( iout==1 .or. iout==2 .or. event ) then
                        call me%solout(naccpt+1,me%xold,x,y,irtrn,xout)
                        if ( irtrn<0 ) exit !abort
                    end if
                    ! normal exit
                    if ( last ) then
                        h = hnew
                        idid = 1
                    end if
                    if ( abs(hnew)>hmax ) hnew = posneg*hmax
                    if ( reject ) hnew = posneg*min(abs(hnew),abs(h))
                    reject = .false.
                    ! step is rejected
                    hnew = h/min(facc1,fac11/safe)
                    reject = .true.
                    if ( naccpt>=1 ) nrejct = nrejct + 1
                    last = .false.
                end if
                h = hnew
            end if
        end do
    end if

    if ( iprint/=0 ) write (iprint,'(A,E18.4)') ' exit of dop853 at x=', x
    idid = 2

    end subroutine dp86co