get_dop853_info Subroutine

private subroutine get_dop853_info(me, n, nfcn, nstep, naccpt, nrejct, h, iout)

Get info from a dop853_class.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(dop853_class), intent(in) :: me
integer, intent(out), optional :: n

dimension of the system

integer, intent(out), optional :: nfcn

number of function evaluations

integer, intent(out), optional :: nstep

number of computed steps

integer, intent(out), optional :: naccpt

number of accepted steps

integer, intent(out), optional :: nrejct

number of rejected steps (due to error test), (step rejections in the first step are not counted)

real(kind=wp), intent(out), optional :: h

predicted step size of the last accepted step

integer, intent(out), optional :: iout

iout flag passed into dop853, used to specify how solout is called during integration.


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine get_dop853_info(me,n,nfcn,nstep,naccpt,nrejct,h,iout)

    implicit none

    class(dop853_class),intent(in) :: me
    integer,intent(out),optional   :: n      !! dimension of the system
    integer,intent(out),optional   :: nfcn   !! number of function evaluations
    integer,intent(out),optional   :: nstep  !! number of computed steps
    integer,intent(out),optional   :: naccpt !! number of accepted steps
    integer,intent(out),optional   :: nrejct !! number of rejected steps (due to error test),
                                             !! (step rejections in the first step are not counted)
    real(wp),intent(out),optional  :: h      !! predicted step size of the last accepted step
    integer,intent(out),optional   :: iout   !! `iout` flag passed into [[dop853]], used to
                                             !! specify how `solout` is called during integration.

    if (present(n     )) n      = me%n
    if (present(nfcn  )) nfcn   = me%nfcn
    if (present(nstep )) nstep  = me%nstep
    if (present(naccpt)) naccpt = me%naccpt
    if (present(nrejct)) nrejct = me%nrejct
    if (present(h))      h      = me%h
    if (present(iout))   iout   = me%iout

    end subroutine get_dop853_info