test_2 Subroutine

public subroutine test_2(error_cnt)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(out) :: error_cnt


Populate a JSON structure and write it to a file.


TypeVisibility AttributesNameInitial
type(json_value), public, pointer:: p
type(json_value), public, pointer:: inp
type(json_value), public, pointer:: traj
type(json_value), public, pointer:: tmp1
type(json_value), public, pointer:: tmp2
type(json_value), public, pointer:: p_tmp
type(json_value), public, pointer:: p_integer_array
type(json_value), public, pointer:: p_clone
type(json_core), public :: json

factory for manipulating json_value pointers

integer, public :: iunit
character(kind=json_CK,len=:), public, allocatable:: name
integer, public :: ival
integer, public :: ival_clone
logical, public :: found
logical, public :: is_valid
character(kind=json_CK,len=:), public, allocatable:: error_msg