json_parse_file Subroutine

private subroutine json_parse_file(json, file, p, unit)

Parse the JSON file and populate the json_value tree.


The inputs can be:

  • file & unit : the specified unit is used to read JSON from file. [note if unit is already open, then the filename is ignored]
  • file : JSON is read from file using internal unit number


    type(json_core) :: json
    type(json_value),pointer :: p
    call json%parse(file='myfile.json', p=p)


  • Jacob Williams : 01/13/2015 : added read from string option.
  • Izaak Beekman : 03/08/2015 : moved read from string to separate subroutine, and error annotation to separate subroutine.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(json_core), intent(inout) :: json
character(kind=CDK,len=*), intent(in) :: file

JSON file name

type(json_value), pointer:: p

output structure

integer(kind=IK), intent(in), optional :: unit

file unit number (/= 0)


proc~~json_parse_file~~CallsGraph proc~json_parse_file json_parse_file proc~json_value_create json_value_create proc~json_parse_file->proc~json_value_create


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine json_parse_file(json, file, p, unit)

    implicit none

    class(json_core),intent(inout)       :: json
    character(kind=CDK,len=*),intent(in) :: file  !! JSON file name
    type(json_value),pointer             :: p     !! output structure
    integer(IK),intent(in),optional      :: unit  !! file unit number (/= 0)

    integer(IK) :: iunit   !! file unit actually used
    integer(IK) :: istat   !! iostat flag
    logical(LK) :: is_open !! if the file is already open
    logical(LK) :: has_duplicate  !! if checking for duplicate keys
    character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable :: path !! path to any duplicate key

    !clear any exceptions and initialize:
    call json%initialize()

    if ( present(unit) ) then

        if (unit==0) then
            call json%throw_exception('Error in json_parse_file: unit number must not be 0.')
        end if

        iunit = unit

        !check to see if the file is already open
        ! if it is, then use it, otherwise open the file with the name given.
        inquire(unit=iunit, opened=is_open, iostat=istat)
        if (istat==0 .and. .not. is_open) then
           ! open the file
            open (  unit        = iunit, &
                    file        = file, &
                    status      = 'OLD', &
                    action      = 'READ', &
                    form        = form_spec, &
                    access      = access_spec, &
                    iostat      = istat &
                    FILE_ENCODING )
            !if the file is already open, then we need to make sure
            ! that it is open with the correct form/access/etc...
        end if


        ! open the file with a new unit number:
        open (  newunit     = iunit, &
                file        = file, &
                status      = 'OLD', &
                action      = 'READ', &
                form        = form_spec, &
                access      = access_spec, &
                iostat      = istat &
                FILE_ENCODING )

    end if

    if (istat==0) then

        ! create the value and associate the pointer
        call json_value_create(p)

        ! Note: the name of the root json_value doesn't really matter,
        !  but we'll allocate something here just in case.
        p%name = trim(file)  !use the file name

        ! parse as a value
        call json%parse_value(unit=iunit, str=CK_'', value=p)

        ! check for errors:
        if (json%exception_thrown) then
            call json%annotate_invalid_json(iunit,CK_'')
            if (.not. json%allow_duplicate_keys) then
                call json%check_for_duplicate_keys(p,has_duplicate,path=path)
                if (.not. json%exception_thrown) then
                    if (has_duplicate) then
                        call json%throw_exception('Error in json_parse_file: '//&
                                                  'Duplicate key found: '//path)
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end if

        ! close the file:
        close(unit=iunit, iostat=istat)


        call json%throw_exception('Error in json_parse_file: Error opening file: '//trim(file))

    end if

    end subroutine json_parse_file