json_string_info Subroutine

private subroutine json_string_info(json, p, ilen, max_str_len, found)

Returns information about character strings returned from a json_value.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(json_core), intent(inout) :: json
type(json_value), pointer:: p
integer(kind=IK), intent(out), optional dimension(:), allocatable:: ilen

if p is an array, this is the actual length of each character string in the array. if not an array, this is returned unallocated.

integer(kind=IK), intent(out), optional :: max_str_len

The maximum length required to hold the string representation returned by a call to a get routine. If a scalar, this is just the length of the scalar. If a vector, this is the maximum length of any element.

logical(kind=LK), intent(out), optional :: found

true if there were no errors. if not present, an error will throw an exception


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine json_string_info(json,p,ilen,max_str_len,found)

    implicit none

    class(json_core),intent(inout)   :: json
    type(json_value),pointer         :: p
    integer(IK),dimension(:),allocatable,intent(out),optional :: ilen !! if `p` is an array, this
                                                                      !! is the actual length
                                                                      !! of each character
                                                                      !! string in the array.
                                                                      !! if not an array, this
                                                                      !! is returned unallocated.
    integer(IK),intent(out),optional :: max_str_len !! The maximum length required to
                                                    !! hold the string representation returned
                                                    !! by a call to a `get` routine. If a scalar,
                                                    !! this is just the length of the scalar. If
                                                    !! a vector, this is the maximum length of
                                                    !! any element.
    logical(LK),intent(out),optional :: found   !! true if there were no errors.
                                                !! if not present, an error will
                                                !! throw an exception

    character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable :: cval !! for getting values as strings.
    logical(LK) :: initialized !! if the output array has been sized
    logical(LK) :: get_max_len !! if we are returning the `max_str_len`
    logical(LK) :: get_ilen    !! if we are returning the `ilen` array
    integer(IK) :: var_type    !! variable type

    get_max_len = present(max_str_len)
    get_ilen    = present(ilen)

    if (.not. json%exception_thrown) then

        if (present(found)) found = .true.
        initialized = .false.

        if (get_max_len) max_str_len = 0

        select case (p%var_type)

        case (json_array) ! it's an array

            ! call routine for each element
            call json%get(p, array_callback=get_string_lengths)

        case default ! not an array

            if (json%strict_type_checking) then
                ! only allowing strings to be returned
                ! as strings, so we can check size directly
                call json%info(p,var_type=var_type)
                if (var_type==json_string) then
                    if (allocated(p%str_value) .and. get_max_len) &
                        max_str_len = len(p%str_value)
                    ! it isn't a string, so there is no length
                    call json%throw_exception('Error in json_string_info: '//&
                                              'When strict_type_checking is true '//&
                                              'the variable must be a character string.',&
                end if
                ! in this case, we have to get the value
                ! as a string to know what size it is.
                call json%get(p, value=cval)
                if (.not. json%exception_thrown) then
                    if (allocated(cval) .and. get_max_len) &
                        max_str_len = len(cval)
                end if
            end if

        end select

    end if

    if (json%exception_thrown) then
        if (present(found)) then
            call json%clear_exceptions()
            found = .false.
        end if
        if (get_max_len) max_str_len = 0
        if (get_ilen) then
            if (allocated(ilen)) deallocate(ilen)
        end if
    end if


        subroutine get_string_lengths(json, element, i, count)

        !! callback function to call for each element in the array.

        implicit none

        class(json_core),intent(inout)      :: json
        type(json_value),pointer,intent(in) :: element
        integer(IK),intent(in)              :: i        !! index
        integer(IK),intent(in)              :: count    !! size of array

        character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable :: cval
        integer(IK) :: var_type

        if (json%exception_thrown) return

        if (.not. initialized) then
            if (get_ilen) allocate(ilen(count))
            initialized = .true.
        end if

        if (json%strict_type_checking) then
            ! only allowing strings to be returned
            ! as strings, so we can check size directly
            call json%info(element,var_type=var_type)
            if (var_type==json_string) then
                if (allocated(element%str_value)) then
                    if (get_max_len) then
                        if (len(element%str_value)>max_str_len) &
                                max_str_len = len(element%str_value)
                    end if
                    if (get_ilen) ilen(i) = len(element%str_value)
                    if (get_ilen) ilen(i) = 0
                end if
                ! it isn't a string, so there is no length
                call json%throw_exception('Error in json_string_info: '//&
                                          'When strict_type_checking is true '//&
                                          'the array must contain only '//&
                                          'character strings.',found)
            end if
            ! in this case, we have to get the value
            ! as a string to know what size it is.
            call json%get(element, value=cval)
            if (json%exception_thrown) return
            if (allocated(cval)) then
                if (get_max_len) then
                    if (len(cval)>max_str_len) max_str_len = len(cval)
                end if
                if (get_ilen) ilen(i) = len(cval)
                if (get_ilen) ilen(i) = 0
            end if
        end if

        end subroutine get_string_lengths

    end subroutine json_string_info