Validate a json_value linked list by checking to make sure all the pointers are properly associated, arrays and objects have the correct number of children, and the correct data is allocated for the variable types.
It recursively traverses the entire structure and checks every element.
It will return on the first error it encounters.
This routine does not check or throw any exceptions.
If json
is currently in a state of exception, it will
remain so after calling this routine.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(json_core), | intent(inout) | :: | json | |||
type(json_value), | intent(in), | pointer | :: | p | ||
logical(kind=LK), | intent(out) | :: | is_valid | True if the structure is valid. |
character(kind=CK,len=:), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | error_msg | if not valid, this will contain a description of the problem |
subroutine json_value_validate(json,p,is_valid,error_msg)
implicit none
class(json_core),intent(inout) :: json
type(json_value),pointer,intent(in) :: p
logical(LK),intent(out) :: is_valid !! True if the structure is valid.
character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: error_msg !! if not valid, this will contain
!! a description of the problem
logical(LK) :: has_duplicate !! to check for duplicate keys
character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable :: path !! path to duplicate key
logical(LK) :: status_ok !! to check for existing exception
character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable :: exception_msg !! error message for an existing exception
character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable :: exception_msg2 !! error message for a new exception
if (associated(p)) then
is_valid = .true.
call check_if_valid(p,require_parent=associated(p%parent))
if (is_valid .and. .not. json%allow_duplicate_keys) then
! if no errors so far, also check the
! entire structure for duplicate keys:
! note: check_for_duplicate_keys does call routines
! that check and throw exceptions, so let's clear any
! first. (save message for later)
call json%check_for_errors(status_ok, exception_msg)
call json%clear_exceptions()
call json%check_for_duplicate_keys(p,has_duplicate,path=path)
if (json%failed()) then
! if an exception was thrown during this call,
! then clear it but make that the error message
! returned by this routine. Normally this should
! never actually occur since we have already
! validated the structure.
call json%check_for_errors(is_valid, exception_msg2)
error_msg = exception_msg2
call json%clear_exceptions()
is_valid = .false.
if (has_duplicate) then
error_msg = 'duplicate key found: '//path
is_valid = .false.
end if
end if
if (.not. status_ok) then
! restore any existing exception if necessary
call json%throw_exception(exception_msg)
end if
! cleanup:
if (allocated(path)) deallocate(path)
if (allocated(exception_msg)) deallocate(exception_msg)
if (allocated(exception_msg2)) deallocate(exception_msg2)
end if
error_msg = 'The pointer is not associated'
is_valid = .false.
end if
recursive subroutine check_if_valid(p,require_parent)
implicit none
type(json_value),pointer,intent(in) :: p
logical,intent(in) :: require_parent !! the first one may be a root (so no parent),
!! but all descendants must have a parent.
integer(IK) :: i !! counter
type(json_value),pointer :: element
type(json_value),pointer :: previous
if (is_valid .and. associated(p)) then
! data type:
select case (p%var_type)
if (allocated(p%log_value) .or. allocated(p%int_value) .or. &
allocated(p%dbl_value) .or. allocated(p%str_value)) then
error_msg = 'incorrect data allocated for '//&
'json_null, json_object, or json_array variable type'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (.not. allocated(p%log_value)) then
error_msg = 'log_value should be allocated for json_logical variable type'
is_valid = .false.
else if (allocated(p%int_value) .or. &
allocated(p%dbl_value) .or. allocated(p%str_value)) then
error_msg = 'incorrect data allocated for json_logical variable type'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (.not. allocated(p%int_value)) then
error_msg = 'int_value should be allocated for json_integer variable type'
is_valid = .false.
else if (allocated(p%log_value) .or. &
allocated(p%dbl_value) .or. allocated(p%str_value)) then
error_msg = 'incorrect data allocated for json_integer variable type'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (.not. allocated(p%dbl_value)) then
error_msg = 'dbl_value should be allocated for json_real variable type'
is_valid = .false.
else if (allocated(p%log_value) .or. allocated(p%int_value) .or. &
allocated(p%str_value)) then
error_msg = 'incorrect data allocated for json_real variable type'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (.not. allocated(p%str_value)) then
error_msg = 'str_value should be allocated for json_string variable type'
is_valid = .false.
else if (allocated(p%log_value) .or. allocated(p%int_value) .or. &
allocated(p%dbl_value)) then
error_msg = 'incorrect data allocated for json_string variable type'
is_valid = .false.
end if
case default
error_msg = 'invalid JSON variable type'
is_valid = .false.
end select
if (require_parent .and. .not. associated(p%parent)) then
error_msg = 'parent pointer is not associated'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (.not. allocated(p%name)) then
if (associated(p%parent)) then
if (p%parent%var_type/=json_array) then
error_msg = 'JSON variable must have a name if not an '//&
'array element or the root'
is_valid = .false.
end if
end if
end if
if (associated(p%children) .neqv. associated(p%tail)) then
error_msg = 'both children and tail pointers must be associated'
is_valid = .false.
end if
! now, check next one:
if (associated(p%next)) then
if (associated(p,p%next)) then
error_msg = 'circular linked list'
is_valid = .false.
! if it's an element in an
! array, then require a parent:
call check_if_valid(p%next,require_parent=.true.)
end if
end if
if (associated(p%children)) then
if (p%var_type/=json_array .and. p%var_type/=json_object) then
error_msg = 'only arrays and objects can have children'
is_valid = .false.
end if
! first validate children pointers:
previous => null()
element => p%children
do i = 1_IK, p%n_children
if (.not. associated(element%parent,p)) then
error_msg = 'child''s parent pointer not properly associated'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (i==1 .and. associated(element%previous)) then
error_msg = 'first child shouldn''t have a previous'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (i<p%n_children .and. .not. associated(element%next)) then
error_msg = 'not enough children'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (i==p%n_children .and. associated(element%next)) then
error_msg = 'too many children'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (i>1) then
if (.not. associated(previous,element%previous)) then
error_msg = 'previous pointer not properly associated'
is_valid = .false.
end if
end if
if (i==p%n_children .and. &
.not. associated(element%parent%tail,element)) then
error_msg = 'parent''s tail pointer not properly associated'
is_valid = .false.
end if
if (i<p%n_children) then
!setup next case:
previous => element
element => element%next
end if
end do
!now check all the children:
call check_if_valid(p%children,require_parent=.true.)
end if
end if
end subroutine check_if_valid
end subroutine json_value_validate