json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys Subroutine

private subroutine json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys(json, p, has_duplicate, name, path)

Checks a JSON object for duplicate child names.

It uses the specified settings for name matching (see name_strings_equal).


class(json_core), intent(inout) :: json
type(json_value), intent(in), pointer:: p

the object to search. If p is not a json_object, then has_duplicate will be false.

logical(kind=LK), intent(out) :: has_duplicate

true if there is at least two children have duplicate name values.

character(kind=CK,len=:), intent(out), optional allocatable:: name

the duplicate name (unallocated if no duplicate was found)

character(kind=CK,len=:), intent(out), optional allocatable:: path

the full path to the duplicate name (unallocated if no duplicate was found)


Source Code

    subroutine json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys(json,p,has_duplicate,name,path)

    implicit none

    class(json_core),intent(inout) :: json
    type(json_value),pointer,intent(in) :: p  !! the object to search. If `p` is
                                              !! not a `json_object`, then `has_duplicate`
                                              !! will be false.
    logical(LK),intent(out) :: has_duplicate  !! true if there is at least
                                              !! two children have duplicate
                                              !! `name` values.
    character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable,intent(out),optional :: name !! the duplicate name
                                                                      !! (unallocated if no
                                                                      !! duplicate was found)
    character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable,intent(out),optional :: path !! the full path to the
                                                                      !! duplicate name
                                                                      !! (unallocated if no
                                                                      !! duplicate was found)

    integer(IK)              :: i           !! counter
    integer(IK)              :: j           !! counter
    type(json_value),pointer :: child       !! pointer to a child of `p`
    integer(IK)              :: n_children  !! number of children of `p`
    logical(LK)              :: found       !! flag for `get_child`

    type :: alloc_str
        !! so we can have an array of allocatable strings
        character(kind=CK,len=:),allocatable :: str  !! name string
    end type alloc_str
    type(alloc_str),dimension(:),allocatable :: names !! array of all the
                                                      !! child name strings

    ! initialize:
    has_duplicate =.false.

    if (.not. json%exception_thrown) then

        if (associated(p)) then

            if (p%var_type==json_object) then

                ! number of items to check:
                n_children = json%count(p)

                ! first get a list of all the name keys:
                do i=1, n_children
                    call json%get_child(p,i,child,found) ! get by index
                    if (.not. found) then
                        call json%throw_exception(&
                            'Error in json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys: '//&
                            'Malformed JSON linked list')
                    end if
                    if (allocated(child%name)) then
                        names(i)%str = child%name
                        call json%throw_exception(&
                            'Error in json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys: '//&
                            'Object child name is not allocated')
                    end if
                end do

                if (.not. json%exception_thrown) then
                    ! now check the list for duplicates:
                    main: do i=1,n_children
                        do j=1,i-1
                            if (json%name_strings_equal(names(i)%str,names(j)%str)) then
                                has_duplicate = .true.
                                if (present(name)) then
                                    name = names(i)%str
                                end if
                                if (present(path)) then
                                    call json%get_child(p,names(i)%str,child,found) ! get by name
                                    if (found) then
                                        call json%get_path(child,path,found)
                                        if (.not. found) then
                                            ! should never happen since we know it is there
                                            call json%throw_exception(&
                                                    'Error in json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys: '//&
                                                    'Could not get path')
                                        end if
                                        ! should never happen since we know it is there
                                        call json%throw_exception(&
                                            'Error in json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys: '//&
                                            'Could not get child: '//trim(names(i)%str))
                                    end if
                                end if
                                exit main
                            end if
                        end do
                    end do main
                end if

                ! cleanup
                do i=1,n_children
                    if (allocated(names(i)%str)) deallocate(names(i)%str)
                end do
                if (allocated(names)) deallocate(names)

            end if

        end if

    end if

    end subroutine json_check_children_for_duplicate_keys