private subroutine get_status(me, istat, message)
Return the status code and message from the nlesolver_type class.
Status codes
- -1 -- Error: Invalid alpha
- -2 -- Error: Invalid alpha_min
- -3 -- Error: Invalid alpha_max
- -4 -- Error: Alpha_min must be < alpha_max
- -5 -- Error: Invalid step_mode
- -6 -- Error solving linear system
- -7 -- Error: More than 5 steps in the uphill direction
- -8 -- Error: Divide by zero when computing Broyden update
- -9 -- Error: Out of memory
- -10 -- Error: function routine is not associated
- -11 -- Error: gradient routine is not associated
- -12 -- Error: backtracking linesearch c must be in range (0, 1)
- -13 -- Error: backtracking linesearch tau must be in range (0, 1)
- -14 -- Error: must specify grad_sparse, irow, and icol for sparsity_mode > 1
- -15 -- Error: irow and icol must be the same length
- -999 -- Error: class has not been initialized
- 0 -- Class successfully initialized in initialize
- 1 -- Required accuracy achieved
- 2 -- Solution cannot be improved
- 3 -- Maximum number of iterations reached
- 4 -- Stopped by the user
Type Bound
Type |
Intent | Optional | Attributes |
Name |
intent(inout) |
:: |
me |
intent(out), |
optional |
:: |
istat |
Integer status code.
intent(out), |
optional, |
:: |
message |
Text status message
Source Code
subroutine get_status(me, istat, message)
implicit none
class(nlesolver_type),intent(inout) :: me
integer,intent(out),optional :: istat !! Integer status code.
character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out),optional :: message !! Text status message
if (present(istat)) istat = me%istat
if (present(message)) then
if (allocated(me%message)) then
message = trim(me%message)
message = 'Error: class has not been initialized'
end if
end if
end subroutine get_status