linear_solver Subroutine

private subroutine linear_solver(m, n, a, b, x, info)

Solve the linear system: , using a dense, direct method.

  • if n=m : use LAPACK dgesv (LU decomposition)
  • if n/=m : use LAPACK dgels (if m>n uses QR factorization, if m<n uses LQ factorization)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: m

number of rows in a

integer, intent(in) :: n

number of columns in a

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(m,n) :: a

A matrix of the linear system

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(m) :: b

RHS of the linear system

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(n) :: x

the solution of the linear system.

integer, intent(out) :: info

output status flag (=0 if success)

Called by

proc~~linear_solver~~CalledByGraph proc~linear_solver nlesolver_module::linear_solver proc~nlesolver_solver nlesolver_module::nlesolver_type%nlesolver_solver proc~nlesolver_solver->proc~linear_solver

Source Code

    subroutine linear_solver(m,n,a,b,x,info)

    implicit none

    integer,intent(in)                 :: n          !! number of columns in `a`
    integer,intent(in)                 :: m          !! number of rows in `a`
    real(wp),dimension(m,n),intent(in) :: a          !! `A` matrix of the linear system
    real(wp),dimension(m),intent(in)   :: b          !! RHS of the linear system
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(out)  :: x          !! the solution of the linear system.
    integer,intent(out)                :: info       !! output status flag (`=0` if success)

    ! LAPACK routine interfaces:
        subroutine dgesv(n,nrhs,a,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,info)
            !! See: [?gesv](
            import :: wp
            implicit none
            integer :: info
            integer :: lda
            integer :: ldb
            integer :: n
            integer :: nrhs
            integer :: ipiv(*)
            real(wp) :: a(lda,*)
            real(wp) :: b(ldb,*)
        end subroutine dgesv
        subroutine dgels(trans,m,n,nrhs,a,lda,b,ldb,work,lwork,info)
            !! See: [?gels](
            import :: wp
            implicit none
            character :: trans
            integer :: info
            integer :: lda
            integer :: ldb
            integer :: lwork
            integer :: m
            integer :: n
            integer :: nrhs
            real(wp) :: a(lda,*)
            real(wp) :: b(ldb,*)
            real(wp) :: work(*)
        end subroutine dgels
    end interface

    integer,dimension(:),allocatable    :: ipiv   !! pivot indices array
    real(wp),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: bmat   !! copy of `b` so it won't be overwritten
    real(wp),dimension(:),allocatable   :: work   !! work array for `dgels`
    real(wp),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: amat   !! copy of `a` so it won't be overwritten
    integer                             :: lwork  !! size of `work`


    if (n==m) then  !normal inverse


        amat = a
        bmat(1:n,1) = b
        call dgesv(n, 1, amat, n, ipiv, bmat, n, info)
        x = bmat(1:n,1)


        amat = a
        bmat = zero
        bmat(1:m,1) = b
        lwork = min(m,n)+max(1,m,n)
        call dgels('N', m, n, 1, amat, m, bmat, max(1,m,n), work, lwork, info)
        x = bmat(1:n,1)

    end if

    end subroutine linear_solver