droots Subroutine

subroutine droots(Ng, Hmin, Jflag, X0, X1, G0, G1, Gx, X, Jroot)

This subroutine finds the leftmost root of a set of arbitrary functions gi(x) (i = 1,…,NG) in an interval (X0,X1). Only roots of odd multiplicity (i.e. changes of sign of the gi) are found. Here the sign of X1 - X0 is arbitrary, but is constant for a given problem, and -leftmost- means nearest to X0. The values of the vector-valued function g(x) = (gi, i=1…NG) are communicated through the call sequence of DROOTS. The method used is the Illinois algorithm.

#### Reference: Kathie L. Hiebert and Lawrence F. Shampine, Implicitly Defined Output Points for Solutions of ODEs, Sandia Report SAND80-0180, February 1980.

Description of parameters.


number of functions gi, or the number of components of the vector valued function g(x). Input only.


resolution parameter in X. Input only. When a root is found, it is located only to within an error of HMIN in X. Typically, HMIN should be set to something on the order of 100 * UROUND * MAX(ABS(X0),ABS(X1)), where UROUND is the unit roundoff of the machine.


integer flag for input and output communication.

On input, set JFLAG = 0 on the first call for the problem, and leave it unchanged until the problem is completed. (The problem is completed when JFLAG .ge. 2 on return.)

On output


:JFLAG has the following values and meanings:

      JFLAG = 1 means DROOTS needs a value of g(x).  Set GX = g(X)
                and call DROOTS again.
      JFLAG = 2 means a root has been found.  The root is
                at X, and GX contains g(X).  (Actually, X is the
                rightmost approximation to the root on an interval
                (X0,X1) of size HMIN or less.)
      JFLAG = 3 means X = X1 is a root, with one or more of the gi
                being zero at X1 and no sign changes in (X0,X1).
                GX contains g(X) on output.
      JFLAG = 4 means no roots (of odd multiplicity) were
                found in (X0,X1) (no sign changes).

endpoints of the interval where roots are sought. X1 and X0 are input when JFLAG = 0 (first call), and must be left unchanged between calls until the problem is completed. X0 and X1 must be distinct, but X1 - X0 may be of either sign. However, the notion of -left- and -right- will be used to mean nearer to X0 or X1, respectively. When JFLAG .ge. 2 on return, X0 and X1 are output, and are the endpoints of the relevant interval.


arrays of length NG containing the vectors g(X0) and g(X1), respectively. When JFLAG = 0, G0 and G1 are input and none of the G0(i) should be zero. When JFLAG .ge. 2 on return, G0 and G1 are output.


array of length NG containing g(X). GX is input when JFLAG = 1, and output when JFLAG .ge. 2.


independent variable value. Output only. When JFLAG = 1 on output, X is the point at which g(x) is to be evaluated and loaded into GX.

  When JFLAG = 2 or 3, X is the root.

  When JFLAG = 4, X is the right endpoint of the interval, X1.

integer array of length NG. Output only. When JFLAG = 2 or 3, JROOT indicates which components of g(x) have a root at X. JROOT(i) is 1 if the i-th component has a root, and JROOT(i) = 0 otherwise.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: Ng
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: Hmin
integer, intent(inout) :: Jflag
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: X0
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: X1
real(kind=dp) :: G0(Ng)
real(kind=dp) :: G1(Ng)
real(kind=dp) :: Gx(Ng)
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: X
integer, intent(out) :: Jroot(Ng)


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=dp), public, parameter :: five = 5.0d0
real(kind=dp), public :: fracint
real(kind=dp), public :: fracsub
real(kind=dp), public, parameter :: half = 0.5d0
integer, public :: i
integer, public :: imxold
integer, public :: nxlast
logical, public :: sgnchg
real(kind=dp), public :: t2
real(kind=dp), public, parameter :: tenth = 0.1d0
real(kind=dp), public :: tmax
logical, public :: xroot
real(kind=dp), public, parameter :: zero = 0.0d0
logical, public :: zroot

Source Code

subroutine droots(Ng,Hmin,Jflag,X0,X1,G0,G1,Gx,X,Jroot)
integer                      :: Ng
real(kind=dp),intent(in)     :: Hmin
integer,intent(inout)        :: Jflag
real(kind=dp),intent(inout)  :: X0
real(kind=dp),intent(inout)  :: X1
real(kind=dp)                :: G0(Ng)
real(kind=dp)                :: G1(Ng)
real(kind=dp)                :: Gx(Ng)
real(kind=dp),intent(out)    :: X
integer,intent(out)          :: Jroot(Ng)
real(kind=dp) :: fracint , fracsub , t2 , tmax
integer :: i , imxold , nxlast
logical :: sgnchg , xroot , zroot
real(kind=dp) , parameter :: five=5.0d0 , half=0.5d0 , tenth=0.1d0 , zero=0.0d0
   if ( Jflag==1 ) then
   !  Check to see in which interval g changes sign. -----------------------
      imxold = dlsr%imax
      dlsr%imax = 0
      tmax = zero
      zroot = .false.
      do i = 1 , Ng
         if ( abs(Gx(i))<=zero ) then
            zroot = .true.
         !  Neither G0(i) nor GX(i) can be zero at this point. -------------------
         elseif ( sign(1.0D0,G0(i))/=sign(1.0D0,Gx(i)) ) then
            t2 = abs(Gx(i)/(Gx(i)-G0(i)))
            if ( t2>tmax ) then
               tmax = t2
               dlsr%imax = i
      if ( dlsr%imax>0 ) then
         sgnchg = .true.
         sgnchg = .false.
         dlsr%imax = imxold
      nxlast = dlsr%last
      if ( sgnchg ) then
   !  Sign change between X0 and X2, so replace X1 with X2. ----------------
         X1 = dlsr%x2
         !X!call dcopy(Ng,Gx,1,G1,1)
         G1(1:Ng) = Gx(1:Ng)!X!
         dlsr%last = 1
         xroot = .false.
      elseif ( .not.zroot ) then
   !  No sign change between X0 and X2.  Replace X0 with X2. ---------------
         !X!call dcopy(Ng,Gx,1,G0,1)
         G0(1:Ng) = Gx(1:Ng)!X!
         X0 = dlsr%x2
         dlsr%last = 0
         xroot = .false.
   !  Zero value at X2 and no sign change in (X0,X2), so X2 is a root. -----
         X1 = dlsr%x2
         !X!call dcopy(Ng,Gx,1,G1,1)
         G1(1:Ng) = Gx(1:Ng)!X!
         xroot = .true.
      if ( abs(X1-X0)<=Hmin ) xroot = .true.
   !  JFLAG .ne. 1.  Check for change in sign of g or zero at X1. ----------
      dlsr%imax = 0
      tmax = zero
      zroot = .false.
      do i = 1 , Ng
         if ( abs(G1(i))<=zero ) then
            zroot = .true.
   !  At this point, G0(i) has been checked and cannot be zero. ------------
         elseif ( sign(1.0D0,G0(i))/=sign(1.0D0,G1(i)) ) then
            t2 = abs(G1(i)/(G1(i)-G0(i)))
            if ( t2>tmax ) then
               tmax = t2
               dlsr%imax = i
      if ( dlsr%imax>0 ) then
         sgnchg = .true.
         sgnchg = .false.
      if ( .not.sgnchg ) then
   !  No sign change in the interval.  Check for zero at right endpoint. ---
         if ( zroot ) then
            !  Zero value at X1 and no sign change in (X0,X1).  Return JFLAG = 3. ---
            X = X1
            !X!call dcopy(Ng,G1,1,Gx,1)
            Gx(1:Ng) = G1(1:Ng)!X!
            do i = 1 , Ng
               Jroot(i) = 0
               if ( abs(G1(i))<=zero ) Jroot(i) = 1
            Jflag = 3
   !  No sign changes in this interval.  Set X = X1, return JFLAG = 4. -----
         !X!call dcopy(Ng,G1,1,Gx,1)
         Gx(1:Ng) = G1(1:Ng)!X!
         X = X1
         Jflag = 4
   !  There is a sign change.  Find the first root in the interval. --------
         xroot = .false.
         nxlast = 0
         dlsr%last = 1
   !  Repeat until the first root in the interval is found.  Loop point. ---
   if ( xroot ) then
   !  Return with X1 as the root.  Set JROOT.  Set X = X1 and GX = G1. -----
      Jflag = 2
      X = X1
      !X!call dcopy(Ng,G1,1,Gx,1)
      Gx(1:Ng) = G1(1:Ng)!X!
      do i = 1 , Ng
         Jroot(i) = 0
         if ( abs(G1(i))>zero ) then
            if ( sign(1.0D0,G0(i))/=sign(1.0D0,G1(i)) ) Jroot(i) = 1
            Jroot(i) = 1
      if ( nxlast/=dlsr%last ) then
         dlsr%alpha = 1.0D0
      elseif ( dlsr%last==0 ) then
         dlsr%alpha = 2.0D0*dlsr%alpha
         dlsr%alpha = 0.5D0*dlsr%alpha
      dlsr%x2 = X1 - (X1-X0)*G1(dlsr%imax)/(G1(dlsr%imax)-dlsr%alpha*G0(dlsr%imax))
   !  If X2 is too close to X0 or X1, adjust it inward, by a fractional ----
   !  distance that is between 0.1 and 0.5. --------------------------------
      if ( abs(dlsr%x2-X0)<half*Hmin ) then
         fracint = abs(X1-X0)/Hmin
         fracsub = tenth
         if ( fracint<=five ) fracsub = half/fracint
         dlsr%x2 = X0 + fracsub*(X1-X0)
      if ( abs(X1-dlsr%x2)<half*Hmin ) then
         fracint = abs(X1-X0)/Hmin
         fracsub = tenth
         if ( fracint<=five ) fracsub = half/fracint
         dlsr%x2 = X1 - fracsub*(X1-X0)
      Jflag = 1
      X = dlsr%x2
   !  Return to the calling routine to get a value of GX = g(X). -----------
end subroutine droots