dsolss Subroutine

subroutine dsolss(Wk, Iwk, X, Tem)

This routine manages the solution of the linear system arising from a chord iteration. It is called if MITER .ne. 0.

If MITER is 1 or 2, it calls CDRV to accomplish this.

If MITER = 3 it updates the coefficient H*EL0 in the diagonal matrix, and then computes the solution. communication with DSOLSS uses the following variables:


real work space containing the inverse diagonal matrix if MITER = 3 and the LU decomposition of the matrix otherwise. Storage of matrix elements starts at WK(3). WK also contains the following matrix-related data:

WK(1) = SQRT(UROUND) (not used here),
WK(2) = HL0, the previous value of H*EL0, used if MITER = 3.

integer work space for matrix-related data, assumed to be equivalenced to WK. In addition, WK(IPRSP) and IWK(IPISP) are assumed to have identical locations.


the right-hand side vector on input, and the solution vector on output, of length N.


vector of work space of length N, not used in this version.


output flag (in Common).

   IERSL = 0  if no trouble occurred.
   IERSL = -1 if CDRV returned an error flag (MITER = 1 or 2).
              This should never occur and is considered fatal.
   IERSL = 1  if a singular matrix arose with MITER = 3.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: Wk(*)
integer :: Iwk(*)
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: X(*)
real(kind=dp) :: Tem(*)


proc~~dsolss~~CallsGraph proc~dsolss dsolss.inc::dsolss cdrv cdrv proc~dsolss->cdrv


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=dp), public :: di
real(kind=dp), public :: hl0
integer, public :: i
real(kind=dp), public :: phl0
real(kind=dp), public :: r

Source Code

subroutine dsolss(Wk,Iwk,X,Tem)
real(kind=dp),intent(inout) :: Wk(*)
integer                     :: Iwk(*)
real(kind=dp),intent(inout) :: X(*)
real(kind=dp)               :: Tem(*)
real(kind=dp) :: di, hl0, phl0, r
integer :: i
   dls1%iersl = 0
   select case (dls1%miter)
   case (3)
      phl0 = Wk(2)
      hl0 = dls1%h*dls1%el0
      Wk(2) = hl0
      if ( hl0/=phl0 ) then
         r = hl0/phl0
         do i = 1, dls1%n
            di = 1.0D0 - r*(1.0D0-1.0D0/Wk(i+2))
            if ( abs(di)==0.0D0 ) then
               dls1%iersl = 1
               Wk(i+2) = 1.0D0/di
   case default
      call cdrv(dls1%n,Iwk(dlss%ipr),Iwk(dlss%ipc),Iwk(dlss%ipic),Iwk(dlss%ipian),Iwk(dlss%ipjan),Wk(dlss%ipa),X,X,dlss%nsp,&
       & Iwk(dlss%ipisp),Wk(dlss%iprsp),dlss%iesp,4,dls1%iersl)
      if ( dls1%iersl/=0 ) dls1%iersl = -1

   do i = 1, dls1%n
      X(i) = Wk(i+2)*X(i)

end subroutine dsolss