sro Subroutine

subroutine sro(N, Ip, Ia, Ja, A, Q, R, Dflag)


sro – symmetric reordering of sparse symmetric matrix


the nonzero entries of the matrix m are assumed to be stored
symmetrically in (ia,ja,a) format (i.e., not both m(i,j) and m(j,i)
are stored if i ne j).

sro does not rearrange the order of the rows, but does move
nonzeroes from one row to another to ensure that if m(i,j) will be
in the upper triangle of m with respect to the new ordering, then
m(i,j) is stored in row i (and thus m(j,i) is not stored),  whereas
if m(i,j) will be in the strict lower triangle of m, then m(j,i) is
stored in row j (and thus m(i,j) is not stored).

additional parameters


integer one-dimensional work array. dimension = n


integer one-dimensional work array. dimension = number of nonzero entries in the upper triangle of m


logical variable. if dflag = .true., then store nonzero diagonal elements at the beginning of the row


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: N
integer, intent(in) :: Ip(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: Ia(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: Ja(*)
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: A(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: Q(*)
integer, intent(inout) :: R(*)
logical, intent(in) :: Dflag


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=dp), public :: ak
integer, public :: i
integer, public :: ilast
integer, public :: j
integer, public :: jak
integer, public :: jdummy
integer, public :: jmax
integer, public :: jmin
integer, public :: k

Source Code

subroutine sro(N,Ip,Ia,Ja,A,Q,R,Dflag)
integer,intent(in)          :: N
integer,intent(in)          :: Ip(*)
integer,intent(inout)       :: Ia(*)
integer,intent(inout)       :: Ja(*)
real(kind=dp),intent(inout) :: A(*)
integer,intent(inout)       :: Q(*)
integer,intent(inout)       :: R(*)
logical,intent(in)          :: Dflag
real(kind=dp) :: ak
integer       :: i, ilast, j, jak, jdummy, jmax, jmin, k
!--phase 1 -- find row in which to store each nonzero
!----initialize count of nonzeroes to be stored in each row
do i = 1 , N
   Q(i) = 0
!----for each nonzero element a(j)
do i = 1 , N
   jmin = Ia(i)
   jmax = Ia(i+1) - 1
   if ( jmin<=jmax ) then
      do j = jmin , jmax
!--------find row (=r(j)) and column (=ja(j)) in which to store a(j) ...
         k = Ja(j)
         if ( Ip(k)<Ip(i) ) Ja(j) = i
         if ( Ip(k)>=Ip(i) ) k = i
         R(j) = k
!--------... and increment count of nonzeroes (=q(r(j)) in that row
         Q(k) = Q(k) + 1
!--phase 2 -- find new ia and permutation to apply to (ja,a)
!----determine pointers to delimit rows in permuted (ja,a)
do i = 1 , N
   Ia(i+1) = Ia(i) + Q(i)
   Q(i) = Ia(i+1)
!----determine where each (ja(j),a(j)) is stored in permuted (ja,a)
!----for each nonzero element (in reverse order)
ilast = 0
jmin = Ia(1)
jmax = Ia(N+1) - 1
j = jmax
do jdummy = jmin , jmax
   i = R(j)
   if ( .not.Dflag .or. Ja(j)/=i .or. i==ilast ) then
!------put (off-diagonal) nonzero in last unused location in row
      Q(i) = Q(i) - 1
      R(j) = Q(i)
!------if dflag, then put diagonal nonzero at beginning of row
      R(j) = Ia(i)
      ilast = i
   j = j - 1
!--phase 3 -- permute (ja,a) to upper triangular form (wrt new ordering)
do j = jmin , jmax
   do while ( R(j)/=j )
      k = R(j)
      R(j) = R(k)
      R(k) = k
      jak = Ja(k)
      Ja(k) = Ja(j)
      Ja(j) = jak
      ak = A(k)
      A(k) = A(j)
      A(j) = ak
end subroutine sro