dprja.inc Source File

Source Code

!! DPRJA is called by DSTODA to compute and process the matrix
!! P = I - H*EL(1)*J, where J is an approximation to the Jacobian.
!! Here J is computed by the user-supplied routine JAC if
!! MITER = 1 or 4 or by finite differencing if MITER = 2 or 5.
!! J, scaled by -H*EL(1), is stored in WM.  Then the norm of J (the
!! matrix norm consistent with the weighted max-norm on vectors given
!! by DMNORM) is computed, and J is overwritten by P.
!! P is then
!! subjected to LU decomposition in preparation for later solution
!! of linear systems with P as coefficient matrix.  This is done
!! by DGEFA if MITER = 1 or 2, and by DGBFA if MITER = 4 or 5.
!! In addition to variables described previously, communication
!! with DPRJA uses the following:
!! Y
!! : array containing predicted values on entry.
!! : work array of length N (ACOR in DSTODA).
!! : array containing f evaluated at predicted y.
!! WM
!! : real work space for matrices.  On output it contains the
!! LU decomposition of P.
!! Storage of matrix elements starts at WM(3).
!! WM also contains the following matrix-related data:
!! WM(1) = SQRT(UROUND), used in numerical Jacobian increments.
!! IWM
!! : integer work space containing pivot information, starting at
!! IWM(21).   IWM also contains the band parameters
!! ML = IWM(1) and MU = IWM(2) if MITER is 4 or 5.
!! EL0
!! : EL(1) (input).
!! : norm of Jacobian matrix. (Output).
!! : output error flag,  = 0 if no trouble, .gt. 0 if
!! P matrix found to be singular.
!! : output flag = 1 to indicate that the Jacobian matrix
!! (or approximation) is now current.
!! This routine also uses the Common variables EL0, H, TN, UROUND,
!! MITER, N, NFE, and NJE.
subroutine dprja(Neq,Y,Yh,Nyh,Ewt,Ftem,Savf,Wm,Iwm,f,jac)
integer, dimension(*) :: Neq
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(*) :: Y
integer, intent(in) :: Nyh
real(kind=dp), intent(in), dimension(Nyh,*) :: Yh
real(kind=dp), dimension(*) :: Ewt
real(kind=dp), dimension(*) :: Ftem
real(kind=dp), dimension(*) :: Savf
real(kind=dp), intent(inout), dimension(*) :: Wm
integer, dimension(*) :: Iwm
external :: f
external :: jac
real(kind=dp) :: con, fac, hl0, r, r0, srur, yi, yj, yjj
integer :: i, i1, i2, ier, ii, j, j1, jj, lenp, mba, mband, meb1, meband, ml, ml3, mu, np1
dls1%nje = dls1%nje + 1
dls1%ierpj = 0
dls1%jcur = 1
hl0 = dls1%h*dls1%el0
select case (dls1%miter)
case (2)
!  If MITER = 2, make N calls to F to approximate J. --------------------
   fac = dmnorm(dls1%n,Savf,Ewt)
   r0 = 1000.0D0*abs(dls1%h)*dls1%uround*dls1%n*fac
   if ( r0==0.0D0 ) r0 = 1.0D0
   srur = Wm(1)
   j1 = 2
   do j = 1, dls1%n
      yj = Y(j)
      r = max(srur*abs(yj),r0/Ewt(j))
      Y(j) = Y(j) + r
      fac = -hl0/r
      call f(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Ftem)
      do i = 1, dls1%n
         Wm(i+j1) = (Ftem(i)-Savf(i))*fac
      Y(j) = yj
      j1 = j1 + dls1%n
   dls1%nfe = dls1%nfe + dls1%n
case (3)
!  Dummy block only, since MITER is never 3 in this routine. ------------
case (4)
!  If MITER = 4, call JAC and multiply by scalar. -----------------------
   ml = Iwm(1)
   mu = Iwm(2)
   ml3 = ml + 3
   mband = ml + mu + 1
   meband = mband + ml
   lenp = meband*dls1%n
   do i = 1, lenp
      Wm(i+2) = 0.0D0
   call jac(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,ml,mu,Wm(ml3),meband)
   con = -hl0
   do i = 1, lenp
      Wm(i+2) = Wm(i+2)*con
   call wrapup()
case (5)
!  If MITER = 5, make MBAND calls to F to approximate J. ----------------
   ml = Iwm(1)
   mu = Iwm(2)
   mband = ml + mu + 1
   mba = min(mband,dls1%n)
   meband = mband + ml
   meb1 = meband - 1
   srur = Wm(1)
   fac = dmnorm(dls1%n,Savf,Ewt)
   r0 = 1000.0D0*abs(dls1%h)*dls1%uround*dls1%n*fac
   if ( r0==0.0D0 ) r0 = 1.0D0
   do j = 1, mba
      do i = j, dls1%n, mband
         yi = Y(i)
         r = max(srur*abs(yi),r0/Ewt(i))
         Y(i) = Y(i) + r
      call f(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,Ftem)
      do jj = j, dls1%n, mband
         Y(jj) = Yh(jj,1)
         yjj = Y(jj)
         r = max(srur*abs(yjj),r0/Ewt(jj))
         fac = -hl0/r
         i1 = max(jj-mu,1)
         i2 = min(jj+ml,dls1%n)
         ii = jj*meb1 - ml + 2
         do i = i1, i2
            Wm(ii+i) = (Ftem(i)-Savf(i))*fac
   dls1%nfe = dls1%nfe + mba
   call wrapup()
case default
!  If MITER = 1, call JAC and multiply by scalar. -----------------------
   lenp = dls1%n*dls1%n
   do i = 1, lenp
      Wm(i+2) = 0.0D0
   call jac(Neq,dls1%tn,Y,0,0,Wm(3),dls1%n)
   con = -hl0
   do i = 1, lenp
      Wm(i+2) = Wm(i+2)*con
!  Compute norm of Jacobian. --------------------------------------------
dlsa%pdnorm = dfnorm(dls1%n,Wm(3),Ewt)/abs(hl0)
!  Add identity matrix. -------------------------------------------------
j = 3
np1 = dls1%n + 1
do i = 1, dls1%n
   Wm(j) = Wm(j) + 1.0D0
   j = j + np1
!  Do LU decomposition on P. --------------------------------------------
call dgefa(Wm(3),dls1%n,dls1%n,Iwm(21),ier)
if ( ier/=0 ) dls1%ierpj = 1


subroutine wrapup()

   !  Compute norm of Jacobian. --------------------------------------------
   dlsa%pdnorm = dbnorm(dls1%n,Wm(ml+3),meband,ml,mu,Ewt)/abs(hl0)
   !  Add identity matrix. -------------------------------------------------
   ii = mband + 2

   do i = 1, dls1%n
      Wm(ii) = Wm(ii) + 1.0D0
      ii = ii + meband

   !  Do LU decomposition of P. --------------------------------------------
   call dgbfa(Wm(3),meband,dls1%n,ml,mu,Iwm(21),ier)

   if ( ier/=0 ) dls1%ierpj = 1

end subroutine wrapup

end subroutine dprja