nnfc.inc Source File

Source Code

!!### NAME
!! nnfc(3f) - [M_odepack] numerical LDU-factorization of sparse nonsymmetric matrix
!!   numerical ldu-factorization of sparse nonsymmetric matrix and
!!   solution of system of linear equations (compressed pointer
!!   storage)
!!       input variables..  n, r, c, ic, ia, ja, a, b,
!!                          il, jl, ijl, lmax, iu, ju, iju, umax
!!       output variables.. z, l, d, u, flag
!!       parameters used internally..
!! nia   - irl,  - vectors used to find the rows of  l.  at the kth step
!! nia   - jrl       of the factorization,  jrl(k)  points to the head
!!       -           of a linked list in  jrl  of column indices j
!!       -           such j .lt. k and  l(k,j)  is nonzero.  zero
!!       -           indicates the end of the list.  irl(j)  (j.lt.k)
!!       -           points to the smallest i such that i .ge. k and
!!       -           l(i,j)  is nonzero.
!!       -           size of each = n.
!! fia   - row   - holds intermediate values in calculation of  u and l.
!!       -           size = n.
!! fia   - tmp   - holds new right-hand side  b*  for solution of the
!!       -           equation ux = b*.
!!       -           size = n.
!!### internal variables..
!!    jmin, jmax - indices of the first and last positions in a row to
!!      be examined.
!!    sum - used in calculating  tmp.
subroutine nnfc(N,R,C,Ic,Ia,Ja,A,Z,B,Lmax,Il,Jl,Ijl,L,D,Umax,Iu,Ju,Iju,U,Row,Tmp,Irl,Jrl,Flag)
!      real  a(*), l(*), d(*), u(*), z(*), b(*), row(*)
!      real tmp(*), lki, sum, dk
integer , intent(in) :: N
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: R
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: C
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Ic
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Ia
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Ja
real(kind=dp) , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: A
real(kind=dp) , intent(out) , dimension(*) :: Z
real(kind=dp) , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: B
integer , intent(in) :: Lmax
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Il
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Jl
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Ijl
real(kind=dp) , intent(out) , dimension(*) :: L
real(kind=dp) , intent(out) , dimension(*) :: D
integer , intent(in) :: Umax
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Iu
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Ju
integer , intent(in) , dimension(*) :: Iju
real(kind=dp) , intent(inout) , dimension(*) :: U
real(kind=dp) , intent(inout) , dimension(*) :: Row
real(kind=dp) , intent(inout) , dimension(*) :: Tmp
integer , intent(inout) , dimension(*) :: Irl
integer , intent(inout) , dimension(*) :: Jrl
integer , intent(out) :: Flag
real(kind=dp) :: dk , lki , sum
integer :: i , i1 , i2 , ijlb , j , jmax , jmin , k , mu , rk
   !   ******  initialize pointers and test storage  ***********************
   if ( Il(N+1)-1>Lmax ) then
   !  ** error.. insufficient storage for l
      Flag = 4*N + 1
   elseif ( Iu(N+1)-1>Umax ) then
   !  ** error.. insufficient storage for u
      Flag = 7*N + 1
      do k = 1 , N
         Irl(k) = Il(k)
         Jrl(k) = 0
   !   ******  for each row  ***********************************************
      do k = 1 , N
   !   ******  reverse jrl and zero row where kth row of l will fill in  ***
         Row(k) = 0
         i1 = 0
         if ( Jrl(k)/=0 ) then
            i = Jrl(k)
               i2 = Jrl(i)
               Jrl(i) = i1
               i1 = i
               Row(i) = 0
               i = i2
               if ( i==0 ) exit
   !   ******  set row to zero where u will fill in  ***********************
         jmin = Iju(k)
         jmax = jmin + Iu(k+1) - Iu(k) - 1
         if ( jmin<=jmax ) then
            do j = jmin , jmax
               Row(Ju(j)) = 0
   !   ******  place kth row of a in row  **********************************
         rk = R(k)
         jmin = Ia(rk)
         jmax = Ia(rk+1) - 1
         do j = jmin , jmax
            Row(Ic(Ja(j))) = A(j)
   !   ******  initialize sum, and link through jrl  ***********************
         sum = B(rk)
         i = i1
         if ( i/=0 ) then
            !   ******  assign the kth row of l and adjust row, sum  ****************
               lki = -Row(i)
               !   ******  if l is not required, then comment out the following line  **
               L(Irl(i)) = -lki
               sum = sum + lki*Tmp(i)
               jmin = Iu(i)
               jmax = Iu(i+1) - 1
               if ( jmin<=jmax ) then
                  mu = Iju(i) - jmin
                  do j = jmin , jmax
                     Row(Ju(mu+j)) = Row(Ju(mu+j)) + lki*U(j)
               i = Jrl(i)
               if ( i==0 ) exit
         !   ******  assign kth row of u and diagonal d, set tmp(k)  *************
         if ( Row(k)==0.0D0 ) then
            !  ** error.. zero pivot
            Flag = 8*N + k
            dk = 1.0D0/Row(k)
            D(k) = dk
            Tmp(k) = sum*dk
            if ( k==N ) cycle
            jmin = Iu(k)
            jmax = Iu(k+1) - 1
            if ( jmin<=jmax ) then
               mu = Iju(k) - jmin
               do j = jmin , jmax
                  U(j) = Row(Ju(mu+j))*dk
            !   ******  update irl and jrl, keeping jrl in decreasing order  ********
            i = i1
            if ( i/=0 )then
                  Irl(i) = Irl(i) + 1
                  i1 = Jrl(i)
                  if ( Irl(i)<Il(i+1) ) then
                     ijlb = Irl(i) - Il(i) + Ijl(i)
                     j = Jl(ijlb)
                     do while ( i<=Jrl(j) )
                        j = Jrl(j)
                     Jrl(i) = Jrl(j)
                     Jrl(j) = i
                  i = i1
                  if ( i==0 ) exit
         if ( Irl(k)<Il(k+1) ) then
            j = Jl(Ijl(k))
            Jrl(k) = Jrl(j)
            Jrl(j) = k
   !   ******  solve  ux = tmp  by back substitution  **********************
      k = N
      do i = 1 , N
         sum = Tmp(k)
         jmin = Iu(k)
         jmax = Iu(k+1) - 1
         if ( jmin<=jmax ) then
            mu = Iju(k) - jmin
            do j = jmin , jmax
               sum = sum - U(j)*Tmp(Ju(mu+j))
         Tmp(k) = sum
         Z(C(k)) = sum
         k = k - 1
      Flag = 0
end subroutine nnfc