dpolz Subroutine

public subroutine dpolz(ndeg, a, zr, zi, ierr)

Given coefficients A(1),...,A(NDEG+1) this subroutine computes the NDEG roots of the polynomial A(1)*X**NDEG + ... + A(NDEG+1) storing the roots as complex numbers in the array Z. Require NDEG >= 1 and A(1) /= 0.



  • C.L.Lawson & S.Y.Chan, JPL, June 3, 1986.
  • 1987-09-16 DPOLZ Lawson Initial code.
  • 1988-06-07 DPOLZ CLL Reordered spec stmts for ANSI standard.
  • 1988-11-16 CLL More editing of spec stmts.
  • 1992-05-11 CLL IERR was not being set when N = 0 or 1. Fixed this. Added type stmts for all variables.
  • 1992-05-11 DPOLZ CLL
  • 1994-10-19 DPOLZ Krogh Changes to use M77CON
  • 1995-01-25 DPOLZ Krogh Automate C conversion.
  • 1995-11-17 DPOLZ Krogh SFTRAN converted to Fortran 77
  • 1996-03-30 DPOLZ Krogh Added external statement, MIN0 => MIN.
  • 1996-04-27 DPOLZ Krogh Changes to use .C. and C%%.
  • 2001-05-25 DPOLZ Krogh Minor change for making .f90 version.
  • 2022-09-24, Jacob Williams modernized this routine


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ndeg

Degree of the polynomial

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: a(ndeg+1)

Contains the coefficients of a polynomial, high order coefficient first with A(1)/=0.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: zr(ndeg)

Contains the real parts of the roots

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: zi(ndeg)

Contains the imaginary parts of the roots

integer, intent(out) :: ierr

Error flag:

  • Set by the subroutine to 0 on normal termination.
  • Set to -1 if A(1)=0.
  • Set to -2 if NDEG<=0.
  • Set to J > 0 if the iteration count limit has been exceeded and roots 1 through J have not been determined.

Source Code

    subroutine dpolz(ndeg,a,zr,zi,ierr)

        implicit none

        integer,intent(in) :: ndeg !! Degree of the polynomial
        real(wp),intent(in) :: a(ndeg+1) !! Contains the coefficients of a polynomial, high
                                         !! order coefficient first with `A(1)/=0`.
        real(wp),intent(out) :: zr(ndeg) !! Contains the real parts of the roots
        real(wp),intent(out) :: zi(ndeg) !! Contains the imaginary parts of the roots
        integer,intent(out) :: ierr !! Error flag:
                                    !! * Set by the subroutine to `0` on normal termination.
                                    !! * Set to `-1` if `A(1)=0`.
                                    !! * Set to `-2` if `NDEG<=0`.
                                    !! * Set to `J > 0` if the iteration count limit
                                    !!   has been exceeded and roots 1 through `J` have not been
                                    !!   determined.

        integer :: i,j,k,l,m,n,en,ll,mm,na,its,low,mp2,enm2
        real(wp) :: p,q,r,s,t,w,x,y,zz
        real(wp) :: c,f,g
        logical :: notlas , more
        real(wp),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: h !! Array of work space `(ndeg,ndeg)`
        real(wp),dimension(:),allocatable :: z !! Contains the polynomial roots stored as complex
                                               !! numbers. The real and imaginary parts of the Jth roots
                                               !! will be stored in `Z(2*J-1)` and `Z(2*J)` respectively.

        real(wp),parameter :: zero = 0.0_wp
        real(wp),parameter :: one  = 1.0_wp
        real(wp),parameter :: c75  = 0.75_wp
        real(wp),parameter :: half = 0.5_wp
        real(wp),parameter :: c43  = -0.4375_wp
        real(wp),parameter :: c95  = 0.95_wp
        real(wp),parameter :: machep = eps        !! d1mach(4)
        integer,parameter :: base = radix(1.0_wp) !! i1mach(10)
        integer,parameter :: b2 = base*base

        ierr = 0

        if ( ndeg<=0 ) then
            ierr = -2
            write(*,*) 'ndeg <= 0'

        if ( a(1)==zero ) then
           ierr = -1
           write(*,*) 'a(1) == zero'

        n = ndeg
        ierr = 0
        allocate(h(n,n)); h = zero ! workspace arrays
        allocate(z(2*n)); z = zero

        ! build first row of companion matrix.

        do i = 2 , ndeg + 1
           h(1,i-1) = -(a(i)/a(1))

        ! extract any exact zero roots and set n = degree of
        ! remaining polynomial.

        do j = ndeg , 1 , -1
           if ( h(1,j)/=zero ) exit
           z(2*j-1) = zero
           z(2*j) = zero
           n = n - 1

        ! special for n = 0 or 1.

        if ( n==0 ) return
        if ( n==1 ) then
           z(1) = h(1,1)

        ! build rows 2 thru n of the companion matrix.

        do i = 2 , n
           do j = 1 , n
              h(i,j) = zero
           h(i,i-1) = one

  ! ***************** balance the matrix ***********************
  !     this is an adaption of the eispack subroutine balanc to
  !     the special case of a companion matrix. the eispack balance
  !     is a translation of the algol procedure balance, num. math.
  !     13, 293-304(1969) by parlett and reinsch.
  !     handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 315-326(1971).

            ! ********** iterative loop for norm reduction **********
            more = .false.
            do i = 1 , n
                ! compute r = sum of magnitudes in row i skipping diagonal.
                !         c = sum of magnitudes in col i skipping diagonal.
                if ( i==1 ) then
                    r = abs(h(1,2))
                    do j = 3 , n
                        r = r + abs(h(1,j))
                    c = abs(h(2,1))
                    r = abs(h(i,i-1))
                    c = abs(h(1,i))
                    if ( i/=n ) c = c + abs(h(i+1,i))

                ! determine column scale factor, f.

                g = r/base
                f = one
                s = c + r

                    if ( c>=g ) exit
                    f = f*base
                    c = c*b2
                end do
                g = r*base
                    if ( c<g ) exit
                    f = f/base
                    c = c/b2
                end do

                ! will the factor f have a significant effect ?

                if ( (c+r)/f<c95*s ) then

                    ! yes, so do the scaling.

                    g = one/f
                    more = .true.

                    ! scale row i

                    if ( i==1 ) then
                        do j = 1 , n
                            h(1,j) = h(1,j)*g
                        h(i,i-1) = h(i,i-1)*g

                    ! scale column i

                    h(1,i) = h(1,i)*f
                    if ( i/=n ) h(i+1,i) = h(i+1,i)*f

            if ( .not. more ) exit
        end do

  ! ***************** qr eigenvalue algorithm ***********************
  !     this is the eispack subroutine hqr that uses the qr
  !     algorithm to compute all eigenvalues of an upper
  !     hessenberg matrix. original algol code was due to martin,
  !     peters, and wilkinson, numer. math., 14, 219-231(1970).
        low = 1
        en = n
        t = zero

        main : do

            ! ********** search for next eigenvalues **********
            if ( en<low ) exit main
            its = 0
            na = en - 1
            enm2 = na - 1

            sub : do
                ! ********** look for single small sub-diagonal element
                !            for l=en step -1 until low do -- **********
                do ll = low , en
                   l = en + low - ll
                   if ( l==low ) exit
                   if ( abs(h(l,l-1))<=machep*(abs(h(l-1,l-1))+abs(h(l,l))) ) exit

                ! ********** form shift **********
                x = h(en,en)
                if ( l==en ) then
                   ! ********** one root found **********
                   z(2*en-1) = x + t
                   z(2*en) = zero
                   en = na
                   y = h(na,na)
                   w = h(en,na)*h(na,en)
                   if ( l==na ) then
                      ! ********** two roots found **********
                      p = (y-x)*half
                      q = p*p + w
                      zz = sqrt(abs(q))
                      x = x + t
                      if ( q<zero ) then
                         ! ********** complex pair **********
                         z(2*na-1) = x + p
                         z(2*na) = zz
                         z(2*en-1) = x + p
                         z(2*en) = -zz
                         ! ********** pair of reals **********
                         zz = p + sign(zz,p)
                         z(2*na-1) = x + zz
                         z(2*na) = zero
                         z(2*en-1) = z(2*na-1)
                         z(2*en) = z(2*na)
                         if ( zz/=zero ) then
                            z(2*en-1) = x - w/zz
                            z(2*en) = zero
                      en = enm2
                   elseif ( its==30 ) then
                      ! ********** set error -- no convergence to an eigenvalue after 30 iterations **********
                      ierr = en
                      exit main
                      if ( its==10 .or. its==20 ) then
                         ! ********** form exceptional shift **********
                         t = t + x

                         do i = low , en
                            h(i,i) = h(i,i) - x

                         s = abs(h(en,na)) + abs(h(na,enm2))
                         x = c75*s
                         y = x
                         w = c43*s*s
                      its = its + 1
                      !     ********** look for two consecutive small
                      !                sub-diagonal elements.
                      !                for m=en-2 step -1 until l do -- **********
                      do mm = l , enm2
                         m = enm2 + l - mm
                         zz = h(m,m)
                         r = x - zz
                         s = y - zz
                         p = (r*s-w)/h(m+1,m) + h(m,m+1)
                         q = h(m+1,m+1) - zz - r - s
                         r = h(m+2,m+1)
                         s = abs(p) + abs(q) + abs(r)
                         p = p/s
                         q = q/s
                         r = r/s
                         if ( m==l ) exit
                         if ( abs(h(m,m-1))*(abs(q)+abs(r))<=machep*abs(p) &
                              *(abs(h(m-1,m-1))+abs(zz)+abs(h(m+1,m+1))) ) &

                      mp2 = m + 2

                      do i = mp2 , en
                         h(i,i-2) = zero
                         if ( i/=mp2 ) h(i,i-3) = zero
                      ! ********** double qr step involving rows l to en and
                      !            columns m to en **********
                      do k = m , na
                         notlas = k/=na
                         if ( k/=m ) then
                            p = h(k,k-1)
                            q = h(k+1,k-1)
                            r = zero
                            if ( notlas ) r = h(k+2,k-1)
                            x = abs(p) + abs(q) + abs(r)
                            if ( x==zero ) cycle !goto 640
                            p = p/x
                            q = q/x
                            r = r/x
                         s = sign(sqrt(p*p+q*q+r*r),p)
                         if ( k==m ) then
                            if ( l/=m ) h(k,k-1) = -h(k,k-1)
                            h(k,k-1) = -s*x
                         p = p + s
                         x = p/s
                         y = q/s
                         zz = r/s
                         q = q/p
                         r = r/p
                         ! ********** row modification **********
                         do j = k , en
                            p = h(k,j) + q*h(k+1,j)
                            if ( notlas ) then
                               p = p + r*h(k+2,j)
                               h(k+2,j) = h(k+2,j) - p*zz
                            h(k+1,j) = h(k+1,j) - p*y
                            h(k,j) = h(k,j) - p*x

                         j = min(en,k+3)
                         ! ********** column modification **********
                         do i = l , j
                            p = x*h(i,k) + y*h(i,k+1)
                            if ( notlas ) then
                               p = p + zz*h(i,k+2)
                               h(i,k+2) = h(i,k+2) - p*r
                            h(i,k+1) = h(i,k+1) - p*q
                            h(i,k) = h(i,k) - p

                      cycle sub
                exit sub
            end do sub

        end do main

        if ( ierr/=0 ) write(*,*) 'convergence failure'

        ! return the computed roots:
        do i = 1, ndeg
            zr(i) = Z(2*i-1)
            zi(i) = Z(2*i)
        end do

    end subroutine dpolz