fpml Subroutine

public subroutine fpml(poly, deg, roots, berr, cond, conv, itmax)

FPML: Fourth order Parallelizable Modification of Laguerre's method


  • Thomas R. Cameron, "An effective implementation of a modified Laguerre method for the roots of a polynomial", Numerical Algorithms volume 82, pages 1065-1084 (2019) link


  • Author: Thomas R. Cameron, Davidson College Last Modified: 1 November 2018 Original code: https://github.com/trcameron/FPML
  • Jacob Williams, 9/21/2022 : refactored this code a bit.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
complex(kind=wp), intent(in) :: poly(deg+1)


integer, intent(in) :: deg

polynomial degree

complex(kind=wp), intent(out) :: roots(:)

the root approximations

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: berr(:)

the backward error in each approximation

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: cond(:)

the condition number of each root approximation

integer, intent(out) :: conv(:)
integer, intent(in) :: itmax

Source Code

    subroutine fpml(poly, deg, roots, berr, cond, conv, itmax)

        implicit none

        integer, intent(in)      :: deg !! polynomial degree
        complex(wp), intent(in)  :: poly(deg+1) !! coefficients
        complex(wp), intent(out) :: roots(:) !! the root approximations
        real(wp), intent(out)    :: berr(:) !! the backward error in each approximation
        real(wp), intent(out)    :: cond(:) !! the condition number of each root approximation
        integer, intent(out)     :: conv(:)
        integer, intent(in)      :: itmax

        integer                    :: i, j, nz
        real(wp)                   :: r
        real(wp), dimension(deg+1) :: alpha
        complex(wp)                :: b, c, z

        real(wp), parameter :: big = huge(1.0_wp)
        real(wp), parameter :: small = tiny(1.0_wp)

        ! precheck
        alpha = abs(poly)
        if (alpha(deg+1)<small) then
            write(*,'(A)') 'Warning: leading coefficient too small.'
        elseif (deg==1) then
            roots(1) = -poly(1)/poly(2)
            conv = 1
            berr = 0.0_wp
            cond(1) = (alpha(1) + alpha(2)*abs(roots(1)))/(abs(roots(1))*alpha(2))
        elseif (deg==2) then
            b = -poly(2)/(2.0_wp*poly(3))
            c = sqrt(poly(2)**2-4.0_wp*poly(3)*poly(1))/(2.0_wp*poly(3))
            roots(1) = b - c
            roots(2) = b + c
            conv = 1
            berr = 0.0_wp
            cond(1) = (alpha(1)+alpha(2)*abs(roots(1))+&
            cond(2) = (alpha(1)+alpha(2)*abs(roots(2))+&
        end if
        ! initial estimates
        conv = [(0, i=1,deg)]
        nz = 0
        call estimates(alpha, deg, roots, conv, nz)
        ! main loop
        alpha = [(alpha(i)*(3.8_wp*(i-1)+1),i=1,deg+1)]
        main : do i=1,itmax
            do j=1,deg
                if (conv(j)==0) then
                    z = roots(j)
                    r = abs(z)
                    if (r > 1.0_wp) then
                        call rcheck_lag(poly, alpha, deg, b, c, z, r, conv(j), berr(j), cond(j))
                        call check_lag(poly, alpha, deg, b, c, z, r, conv(j), berr(j), cond(j))
                    end if
                    if (conv(j)==0) then
                        call modify_lag(deg, b, c, z, j, roots)
                        roots(j) = roots(j) - c
                        nz = nz + 1
                        if (nz==deg) exit main
                    end if
                end if
            end do
        end do main
        ! final check
        if (minval(conv)==1) then
            ! display warrning
            write(*,'(A)') 'Some root approximations did not converge or experienced overflow/underflow.'
            ! compute backward error and condition number for roots that did not converge;
            ! note that this may produce overflow/underflow.
            do j=1,deg
                if (conv(j) /= 1) then
                    z = roots(j)
                    r = abs(z)
                    if (r>1.0_wp) then
                        z = 1.0_wp/z
                        r = 1.0_wp/r
                        c = 0.0_wp
                        b = poly(1)
                        berr(j) = alpha(1)
                        do i=2,deg+1
                            c = z*c + b
                            b = z*b + poly(i)
                            berr(j) = r*berr(j) + alpha(i)
                        end do
                        cond(j) = berr(j)/abs(deg*b-z*c)
                        berr(j) = abs(b)/berr(j)
                        c = 0
                        b = poly(deg+1)
                        berr(j) = alpha(deg+1)
                        do i=deg,1,-1
                            c = z*c + b
                            b = z*b + poly(i)
                            berr(j) = r*berr(j) + alpha(i)
                        end do
                        cond(j) = berr(j)/(r*abs(c))
                        berr(j) = abs(b)/berr(j)
                    end if
                end if
            end do
        end if


    ! Computes backward error of root approximation
    ! with moduli greater than 1.
    ! If the backward error is less than eps, then
    ! both backward error and condition number are
    ! computed. Otherwise, the Laguerre correction terms
    ! are computed and stored in variables b and c.
    subroutine rcheck_lag(p, alpha, deg, b, c, z, r, conv, berr, cond)
        implicit none
        ! argument variables
        integer, intent(in)        :: deg
        integer, intent(out)       :: conv
        real(wp), intent(in)       :: alpha(:), r
        real(wp), intent(out)      :: berr, cond
        complex(wp), intent(in)    :: p(:), z
        complex(wp), intent(out)   :: b, c
        ! local variables
        integer     :: k
        real(wp)    :: rr
        complex(wp) :: a, zz

        ! evaluate polynomial and derivatives
        zz = 1.0_wp/z
        rr = 1.0_wp/r
        a = p(1)
        b = 0
        c = 0
        berr = alpha(1)
        do k=2,deg+1
            c = zz*c + b
            b = zz*b + a
            a = zz*a + p(k)
            berr = rr*berr + alpha(k)
        end do
        ! laguerre correction/ backward error and condition
        if (abs(a)>eps*berr) then
            b = b/a
            c = 2.0_wp*(c/a)
            c = zz**2*(deg-2*zz*b+zz**2*(b**2-c))
            b = zz*(deg-zz*b)
            if (check_nan_inf(b) .or. check_nan_inf(c)) conv = -1
            cond = berr/abs(deg*a-zz*b)
            berr = abs(a)/berr
            conv = 1
        end if
    end subroutine rcheck_lag

    ! Computes backward error of root approximation
    ! with moduli less than or equal to 1.
    ! If the backward error is less than eps, then
    ! both backward error and condition number are
    ! computed. Otherwise, the Laguerre correction terms
    ! Gj and Hj are computed and stored in variables
    ! b and c, respectively.
    subroutine check_lag(p, alpha, deg, b, c, z, r, conv, berr, cond)
        implicit none
        ! argument variables
        integer, intent(in)        :: deg
        integer, intent(out)       :: conv
        real(wp), intent(in)       :: alpha(:), r
        real(wp), intent(out)      :: berr, cond
        complex(wp), intent(in)    :: p(:), z
        complex(wp), intent(out)   :: b, c
        ! local variables
        integer                    :: k
        complex(wp)                :: a

        ! evaluate polynomial and derivatives
        a = p(deg+1)
        b = 0.0_wp
        c = 0.0_wp
        berr = alpha(deg+1)
        do k=deg,1,-1
            c = z*c + b
            b = z*b + a
            a = z*a + p(k)
            berr = r*berr + alpha(k)
        end do
        ! laguerre correction/ backward error and condition
        if (abs(a)>eps*berr) then
            b = b/a
            c = b**2 - 2.0_wp*(c/a)
            if (check_nan_inf(b) .or. check_nan_inf(c)) conv = -1
            cond = berr/(r*abs(b))
            berr = abs(a)/berr
            conv = 1
        end if
    end subroutine check_lag

    ! Computes modified Laguerre correction term of
    ! the jth rooot approximation.
    ! The coefficients of the polynomial of degree
    ! deg are stored in p, all root approximations
    ! are stored in roots. The values b, and c come
    ! from rcheck_lag or check_lag, c will be used
    ! to return the correction term.
    subroutine modify_lag(deg, b, c, z, j, roots)
        implicit none
        ! argument variables
        integer, intent(in)        :: deg, j
        complex(wp), intent(in)    :: roots(:), z
        complex(wp), intent(inout) :: b, c
        ! local variables
        integer                    :: k
        complex(wp)                :: t

        ! Aberth correction terms
        do k=1,j-1
            t = 1.0_wp/(z - roots(k))
            b = b - t
            c = c - t**2
        end do
        do k=j+1,deg
            t = 1.0_wp/(z - roots(k))
            b = b - t
            c = c - t**2
        end do
        ! Laguerre correction
        t = sqrt((deg-1)*(deg*c-b**2))
        c = b + t
        b = b - t
        if (abs(b)>abs(c)) then
            c = deg/b
            c = deg/c
        end if
    end subroutine modify_lag

    ! Computes initial estimates for the roots of an
    ! univariate polynomial of degree deg, whose
    ! coefficients moduli are stored in alpha. The
    ! estimates are returned in the array roots.
    ! The computation is performed as follows: First
    ! the set (i,log(alpha(i))) is formed and the
    ! upper envelope of the convex hull of this set
    ! is computed, its indices are returned in the
    ! array h (in descending order). For i=c-1,1,-1
    ! there are h(i) - h(i+1) zeros placed on a
    ! circle of radius alpha(h(i+1))/alpha(h(i))
    ! raised to the 1/(h(i)-h(i+1)) power.
    subroutine estimates(alpha, deg, roots, conv, nz)
        implicit none

        real(wp), intent(in)       :: alpha(:)
        integer, intent(in)        :: deg
        complex(wp), intent(inout) :: roots(:)
        integer, intent(inout)     :: conv(:)
        integer, intent(inout)     :: nz

        integer                    :: c, i, j, k, nzeros
        real(wp)                   :: a1, a2, ang, r, th
        integer, dimension(deg+1)  :: h
        real(wp), dimension(deg+1) :: a

        real(wp), parameter :: pi2 = 2.0_wp * pi
        real(wp), parameter :: sigma = 0.7_wp

        ! Log of absolute value of coefficients
        do i=1,deg+1
            if (alpha(i)>0) then
                a(i) = log(alpha(i))
                a(i) = -1.0e30_wp
            end if
        end do
        call conv_hull(deg+1, a, h, c)
        ! Initial Estimates
        do i=c-1,1,-1
            nzeros = h(i)-h(i+1)
            a1 = alpha(h(i+1))**(1.0_wp/nzeros)
            a2 = alpha(h(i))**(1.0_wp/nzeros)
            if (a1 <= a2*small) then
                ! r is too small
                r = 0.0_wp
                nz = nz + nzeros
                conv(k+1:k+nzeros) = -1
                roots(k+1:k+nzeros) = cmplx(0.0_wp,0.0_wp,wp)
            else if (a1 >= a2*big) then
                ! r is too big
                r = big
                nz = nz+nzeros
                conv(k+1:k+nzeros) = -1
                ang = pi2/nzeros
                do j=1,nzeros
                    roots(k+j) = r*cmplx(cos(ang*j+th*h(i)+sigma),sin(ang*j+th*h(i)+sigma),wp)
                end do
                ! r is just right
                r = a1/a2
                ang = pi2/nzeros
                do j=1,nzeros
                    roots(k+j) = r*cmplx(cos(ang*j+th*h(i)+sigma),sin(ang*j+th*h(i)+sigma),wp)
                end do
            end if
            k = k+nzeros
        end do
    end subroutine estimates

    ! Computex upper envelope of the convex hull of
    ! the points in the array a, which has size n.
    ! The number of vertices in the hull is equal to
    ! c, and they are returned in the first c entries
    ! of the array h.
    ! The computation follows Andrew's monotone chain
    ! algorithm: Each consecutive three pairs are
    ! tested via cross to determine if they form
    ! a clockwise angle, if so that current point
    ! is rejected from the returned set.
    !@note The original version of this code had a bug
    subroutine conv_hull(n, a, h, c)
        implicit none
        ! argument variables
        integer, intent(in)    :: n
        integer, intent(inout) :: c
        integer, intent(inout) :: h(:)
        real(wp), intent(in)   :: a(:)
        ! local variables
        integer :: i

        ! covex hull
        do i=n,1,-1
            !do while(c>=2 .and. cross(h, a, c, i)<eps) ! bug in original code here
            do while (c>=2) ! bug in original code here
               if (cross(h, a, c, i)>=eps) exit
                c = c - 1
            end do
            c = c + 1
            h(c) = i
        end do
    end subroutine conv_hull

    ! Returns 2D cross product of OA and OB vectors,
    ! where
    ! O=(h(c-1),a(h(c-1))),
    ! A=(h(c),a(h(c))),
    ! B=(i,a(i)).
    ! If det>0, then OAB makes counter-clockwise turn.
    function cross(h, a, c, i) result(det)
        implicit none
        ! argument variables
        integer, intent(in)  :: c, i
        integer, intent(in)  :: h(:)
        real(wp), intent(in) :: a(:)
        ! local variables
        real(wp) :: det

        ! determinant
        det = (a(i)-a(h(c-1)))*(h(c)-h(c-1)) - (a(h(c))-a(h(c-1)))*(i-h(c-1))

    end function cross

    ! Check if real or imaginary part of complex
    ! number a is either NaN or Inf.
    function check_nan_inf(a) result(res)
        implicit none
        ! argument variables
        complex(wp),intent(in) :: a
        ! local variables
        logical  :: res
        real(wp) :: re_a, im_a

        ! check for nan and inf
        re_a = real(a,wp)
        im_a = aimag(a)
        res = ieee_is_nan(re_a) .or. ieee_is_nan(im_a) .or. &
              (abs(re_a)>big) .or. (abs(im_a)>big)

    end function check_nan_inf

    end subroutine fpml