hqr Subroutine

private subroutine hqr(nm, n, low, igh, h, wr, wi, ierr)

This subroutine finds the eigenvalues of a real upper hessenberg matrix by the qr method.


  • this subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure hqr, num. math. 14, 219-231(1970) by martin, peters, and wilkinson. handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 359-371(1971).


  • this version dated september 1989. RESTORED CORRECT INDICES OF LOOPS (200,210,230,240). (9/29/89 BSG). questions and comments should be directed to burton s. garbow, mathematics and computer science div, argonne national laboratory
  • Jacob Williams, 9/13/2022 : modernized this routine


This routine is from EISPACK


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nm

must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional array parameters as declared in the calling program dimension statement.

integer, intent(in) :: n

order of the matrix

integer, intent(in) :: low

low and igh are integers determined by the balancing subroutine balanc. if balanc has not been used, set low=1, igh=n.

integer, intent(in) :: igh

low and igh are integers determined by the balancing subroutine balanc. if balanc has not been used, set low=1, igh=n.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: h(nm,n)

On input: contains the upper hessenberg matrix. information about the transformations used in the reduction to hessenberg form by elmhes or orthes, if performed, is stored in the remaining triangle under the hessenberg matrix.

On output: has been destroyed. therefore, it must be saved before calling hqr if subsequent calculation and back transformation of eigenvectors is to be performed.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: wr(n)

the real parts of the eigenvalues. the eigenvalues are unordered except that complex conjugate pairs of values appear consecutively with the eigenvalue having the positive imaginary part first. if an error exit is made, the eigenvalues should be correct for indices ierr+1,...,n.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: wi(n)

the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues. the eigenvalues are unordered except that complex conjugate pairs of values appear consecutively with the eigenvalue having the positive imaginary part first. if an error exit is made, the eigenvalues should be correct for indices ierr+1,...,n.

integer, intent(out) :: ierr

is set to:

  • zero -- for normal return,
  • j -- if the limit of 30*n iterations is exhausted while the j-th eigenvalue is being sought.

Called by

proc~~hqr~~CalledByGraph proc~hqr polyroots_module::hqr proc~rpqr79 polyroots_module::rpqr79 proc~rpqr79->proc~hqr

Source Code

subroutine hqr(nm, n, low, igh, h, wr, wi, ierr)

    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: nm !! must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional
                              !! array parameters as declared in the calling program
                              !! dimension statement.
    integer, intent(in) :: n !! order of the matrix
    integer, intent(in) :: low  !! low and igh are integers determined by the balancing
                                !! subroutine  balanc.  if  balanc  has not been used,
                                !! set low=1, igh=n.
    integer, intent(in) :: igh  !! low and igh are integers determined by the balancing
                                !! subroutine  balanc.  if  balanc  has not been used,
                                !! set low=1, igh=n.
    real(wp), intent(inout) :: h(nm, n) !! On input: contains the upper hessenberg matrix.  information about
                                        !! the transformations used in the reduction to hessenberg
                                        !! form by  elmhes  or  orthes, if performed, is stored
                                        !! in the remaining triangle under the hessenberg matrix.
                                        !! On output: has been destroyed.  therefore, it must be saved
                                        !! before calling `hqr` if subsequent calculation and
                                        !! back transformation of eigenvectors is to be performed.
    real(wp), intent(out) :: wr(n) !! the real parts of the eigenvalues.  the eigenvalues
                                   !! are unordered except that complex conjugate pairs
                                   !! of values appear consecutively with the eigenvalue
                                   !! having the positive imaginary part first.  if an
                                   !! error exit is made, the eigenvalues should be correct
                                   !! for indices ierr+1,...,n.
    real(wp), intent(out) :: wi(n) !! the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues.  the eigenvalues
                                   !! are unordered except that complex conjugate pairs
                                   !! of values appear consecutively with the eigenvalue
                                   !! having the positive imaginary part first.  if an
                                   !! error exit is made, the eigenvalues should be correct
                                   !! for indices ierr+1,...,n.
    integer, intent(out) :: ierr !! is set to:
                                 !!  * zero -- for normal return,
                                 !!  * j -- if the limit of 30*n iterations is exhausted
                                 !!    while the j-th eigenvalue is being sought.

    integer :: i, j, k, l, m, en, ll, mm, na, &
               itn, its, mp2, enm2
    real(wp) :: p, q, r, s, t, w, x, y, zz, norm, &
                tst1, tst2
    logical :: notlas

    ierr = 0
    norm = 0.0_wp
    k = 1

    ! store roots isolated by balance and compute matrix norm
    do i = 1, n
        do j = k, n
            norm = norm + abs(h(i, j))
        end do
        k = i
        if (i < low .or. i > igh) then
            wr(i) = h(i, i)
            wi(i) = 0.0_wp
        end if
    end do

    en = igh
    t = 0.0_wp
    itn = 30*n

        ! search for next eigenvalues
        if (en < low) return
        its = 0
        na = en - 1
        enm2 = na - 1
            ! look for single small sub-diagonal element
            ! for l=en step -1 until low do --
            do ll = low, en
                l = en + low - ll
                if (l == low) exit
                s = abs(h(l - 1, l - 1)) + abs(h(l, l))
                if (s == 0.0_wp) s = norm
                tst1 = s
                tst2 = tst1 + abs(h(l, l - 1))
                if (tst2 == tst1) exit
            end do
            ! form shift
            x = h(en, en)
            if (l == en) then
                ! one root found
                wr(en) = x + t
                wi(en) = 0.0_wp
                en = na
                y = h(na, na)
                w = h(en, na)*h(na, en)
                if (l == na) then
                    ! two roots found
                    p = (y - x)/2.0_wp
                    q = p*p + w
                    zz = sqrt(abs(q))
                    x = x + t
                    if (q < 0.0_wp) then
                        ! complex pair
                        wr(na) = x + p
                        wr(en) = x + p
                        wi(na) = zz
                        wi(en) = -zz
                        ! real pair
                        zz = p + sign(zz, p)
                        wr(na) = x + zz
                        wr(en) = wr(na)
                        if (zz /= 0.0_wp) wr(en) = x - w/zz
                        wi(na) = 0.0_wp
                        wi(en) = 0.0_wp
                    end if
                    en = enm2
                elseif (itn == 0) then
                    ! set error -- all eigenvalues have not
                    ! converged after 30*n iterations
                    ierr = en
                    if (its == 10 .or. its == 20) then
                        ! form exceptional shift
                        t = t + x
                        do i = low, en
                            h(i, i) = h(i, i) - x
                        end do
                        s = abs(h(en, na)) + abs(h(na, enm2))
                        x = 0.75_wp*s
                        y = x
                        w = -0.4375_wp*s*s
                    end if
                    its = its + 1
                    itn = itn - 1
                    ! look for two consecutive small
                    ! sub-diagonal elements.
                    ! for m=en-2 step -1 until l do --
                    do mm = l, enm2
                        m = enm2 + l - mm
                        zz = h(m, m)
                        r = x - zz
                        s = y - zz
                        p = (r*s - w)/h(m + 1, m) + h(m, m + 1)
                        q = h(m + 1, m + 1) - zz - r - s
                        r = h(m + 2, m + 1)
                        s = abs(p) + abs(q) + abs(r)
                        p = p/s
                        q = q/s
                        r = r/s
                        if (m == l) exit
                        tst1 = abs(p)*(abs(h(m - 1, m - 1)) + abs(zz) + abs(h(m + 1, m + 1)))
                        tst2 = tst1 + abs(h(m, m - 1))*(abs(q) + abs(r))
                        if (tst2 == tst1) exit
                    end do

                    mp2 = m + 2

                    do i = mp2, en
                        h(i, i - 2) = 0.0_wp
                        if (i /= mp2) h(i, i - 3) = 0.0_wp
                    end do
                    ! double qr step involving rows l to en and
                    ! columns m to en
                    do k = m, na
                        notlas = k /= na
                        if (k /= m) then
                            p = h(k, k - 1)
                            q = h(k + 1, k - 1)
                            r = 0.0_wp
                            if (notlas) r = h(k + 2, k - 1)
                            x = abs(p) + abs(q) + abs(r)
                            if (x == 0.0_wp) cycle
                            p = p/x
                            q = q/x
                            r = r/x
                        end if
                        s = sign(sqrt(p*p + q*q + r*r), p)
                        if (k == m) then
                            if (l /= m) h(k, k - 1) = -h(k, k - 1)
                            h(k, k - 1) = -s*x
                        end if
                        p = p + s
                        x = p/s
                        y = q/s
                        zz = r/s
                        q = q/p
                        r = r/p
                        if (notlas) then
                            ! row modification
                            do j = k, en
                                p = h(k, j) + q*h(k + 1, j) + r*h(k + 2, j)
                                h(k, j) = h(k, j) - p*x
                                h(k + 1, j) = h(k + 1, j) - p*y
                                h(k + 2, j) = h(k + 2, j) - p*zz
                            end do
                            j = min(en, k + 3)
                            ! column modification
                            do i = l, j
                                p = x*h(i, k) + y*h(i, k + 1) + zz*h(i, k + 2)
                                h(i, k) = h(i, k) - p
                                h(i, k + 1) = h(i, k + 1) - p*q
                                h(i, k + 2) = h(i, k + 2) - p*r
                            end do
                            ! row modification
                            do j = k, en
                                p = h(k, j) + q*h(k + 1, j)
                                h(k, j) = h(k, j) - p*x
                                h(k + 1, j) = h(k + 1, j) - p*y
                            end do
                            j = min(en, k + 3)
                            ! column modification
                            do i = l, j
                                p = x*h(i, k) + y*h(i, k + 1)
                                h(i, k) = h(i, k) - p
                                h(i, k + 1) = h(i, k + 1) - p*q
                            end do
                        end if
                    end do
                end if
            end if
        end do

    end do

end subroutine hqr