rroots_chebyshev_cubic Subroutine

public subroutine rroots_chebyshev_cubic(coeffs, zr, zi)

Compute the roots of a cubic equation with real coefficients.


  • V. I. Lebedev, "On formulae for roots of cubic equation", Sov. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, Vol.6, No.4, pp. 315-324 (1991)


  • Jacob Williams, 9/23/2022 : based on the TC routine in the reference.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(4) :: coeffs

vector of coefficients in order of decreasing powers

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(3) :: zr

output vector of real parts of the zeros

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(3) :: zi

output vector of imaginary parts of the zeros

Source Code

    subroutine rroots_chebyshev_cubic(coeffs,zr,zi)

        implicit none

        real(wp),dimension(4),intent(in) :: coeffs !! vector of coefficients in order of decreasing powers
        real(wp), dimension(3), intent(out) :: zr !! output vector of real parts of the zeros
        real(wp), dimension(3), intent(out) :: zi !! output vector of imaginary parts of the zeros

        integer :: l !! number of complex roots (0 or 2)
        real(wp) :: a,b,c,d,p,t1,t2,t3,t4,t,x1,x2,x3

        real(wp),parameter :: sqrt3 = sqrt(3.0_wp)
        real(wp),parameter :: s = 1.0_wp / 3.0_wp
        real(wp),parameter :: small = 10.0_wp**int(log(epsilon(1.0_wp)))  ! this was 1.0d-32 in the original code

        ! coefficients:
        a = coeffs(1)
        b = coeffs(2)
        c = coeffs(3)
        d = coeffs(4)

        main : block
            t = sqrt3
            t2 = b*b
            t3 = 3.0_wp*a
            t4 = t3*c
            p = t2 - t4
            x3 = abs(p)
            x3 = sqrt(x3)
            x1 = b*(t4-p-p) - 3.0_wp*t3*t3*d
            x2 = abs(x1)
            x2 = x2**s
            t2 = 1.0_wp/t3
            t3 = b*t2
            if ( x3>small*x2 ) then
                t1 = 0.5_wp*x1/(p*x3)
                x2 = abs(t1)
                t2 = x3*t2
                t = t*t2
                t4 = x2*x2
                if ( p<0.0_wp ) then
                    p = x2 + sqrt(t4+1.0_wp)
                    p = p**s
                    t4 = -1.0_wp/p
                    if ( t1>=0.0_wp ) t2 = -t2
                    x1 = (p+t4)*t2
                    x2 = -0.5_wp*x1
                    x3 = 0.5_wp*t*(p-t4)
                    l = 2
                    exit main
                    x3 = abs(1.0_wp-t4)
                    x3 = sqrt(x3)
                    if ( t4>1.0_wp ) then
                        p = (x2+x3)**s
                        t4 = 1.0_wp/p
                        if ( t1<0 ) t2 = -t2
                        x1 = (p+t4)*t2
                        x2 = -0.5_wp*x1
                        x3 = 0.5_wp*t*(p-t4)
                        l = 2
                        exit main
                        t4 = atan2(x3,t1)*s
                        x3 = cos(t4)
                        t4 = sqrt(1.0_wp-x3*x3)*t
                        x3 = x3*t2
                        x1 = x3 + x3
                        x2 = t4 - x3
                        x3 = -(t4+x3)
                        if ( x2<=x3 ) then
                            t2 = x2
                            x2 = x3
                            x3 = t2
                if ( x1<0.0_wp ) x2 = -x2
                x1 = x2*t2
                x2 = -0.5_wp*x1
                x3 = -t*x2
                if ( abs(x3)>small ) then
                    l = 2
                    exit main
                end if
                x3 = x2
            l = 0
            if ( x1<=x2 ) then
                t2 = x1
                x1 = x2
                x2 = t2
                if ( t2<=x3 ) then
                    x2 = x3
                    x3 = t2
            x3 = x3 - t3
        end block main

        x1 = x1 - t3
        x2 = x2 - t3

        ! outputs:
        select case (l)
        case(0) ! three real roots
            zr = [x1,x2,x3]
            zi = 0.0_wp
        case(2) ! one real and two commplex roots
            zr = [x1, x2, x2]
            zi = [0.0_wp, x3, -x3]
        end select

    end subroutine rroots_chebyshev_cubic