sort_roots Subroutine

public pure subroutine sort_roots(x, y)

Sorts a set of complex numbers (with real and imag parts in different vectors) in increasing order.

Uses a non-recursive quicksort, reverting to insertion sort on arrays of size . Dimension of stack limits array size to about .



  • Based on the LAPACK routine DLASRT.
  • Extensively modified by Jacob Williams,Feb. 2016. Converted to modern Fortran and removed the descending sort option.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: x

the real parts to be sorted. on exit,x has been sorted into increasing order (x(1) <= ... <= x(n))

real(kind=wp), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: y

the imaginary parts to be sorted

Source Code

    pure subroutine sort_roots(x,y)

    implicit none

    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: x  !! the real parts to be sorted.
                                              !! on exit,`x` has been sorted into
                                              !! increasing order (`x(1) <= ... <= x(n)`)
    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(inout) :: y  !! the imaginary parts to be sorted

    integer,parameter :: stack_size = 32 !! size for the stack arrays
    integer,parameter :: max_size_for_insertion_sort = 20 !! max size for using insertion sort.

    integer,dimension(2,stack_size) :: stack
    integer :: endd,i,j,n,start,stkpnt
    real(wp) :: d1,d2,d3
    real(wp) :: dmnmx,tmpx
    real(wp) :: dmnmy,tmpy

    ! number of elements to sort:
    n = size(x)

    if ( n>1 ) then

        stkpnt     = 1
        stack(1,1) = 1
        stack(2,1) = n


            start  = stack(1,stkpnt)
            endd   = stack(2,stkpnt)
            stkpnt = stkpnt - 1
            if ( endd-start<=max_size_for_insertion_sort .and. endd>start ) then

                ! do insertion sort on x( start:endd )
                insertion: do i = start + 1,endd
                    do j = i,start + 1,-1
                        if ( x(j) < x(j-1)  ) then
                            dmnmx  = x(j)
                            x(j)   = x(j-1)
                            x(j-1) = dmnmx
                            dmnmy  = y(j)
                            y(j)   = y(j-1)
                            y(j-1) = dmnmy
                        end if
                    end do
                end do insertion

            elseif ( endd-start>max_size_for_insertion_sort ) then

                ! partition x( start:endd ) and stack parts,largest one first
                ! choose partition entry as median of 3

                d1 = x(start)
                d2 = x(endd)
                i  = (start+endd)/2
                d3 = x(i)
                if ( d1 < d2 ) then
                    if ( d3 < d1 ) then
                        dmnmx = d1
                    elseif ( d3 < d2 ) then
                        dmnmx = d3
                        dmnmx = d2
                elseif ( d3 < d2 ) then
                    dmnmx = d2
                elseif ( d3 < d1 ) then
                    dmnmx = d3
                    dmnmx = d1

                i = start - 1
                j = endd + 1
                        j = j - 1
                        if ( x(j) <= dmnmx ) exit
                    end do
                        i = i + 1
                        if ( x(i) >= dmnmx ) exit
                    end do
                    if ( i<j ) then
                        tmpx = x(i)
                        x(i) = x(j)
                        x(j) = tmpx
                        tmpy = y(i)
                        y(i) = y(j)
                        y(j) = tmpy
                end do
                if ( j-start>endd-j-1 ) then
                    stkpnt          = stkpnt + 1
                    stack(1,stkpnt) = start
                    stack(2,stkpnt) = j
                    stkpnt          = stkpnt + 1
                    stack(1,stkpnt) = j + 1
                    stack(2,stkpnt) = endd
                    stkpnt          = stkpnt + 1
                    stack(1,stkpnt) = j + 1
                    stack(2,stkpnt) = endd
                    stkpnt          = stkpnt + 1
                    stack(1,stkpnt) = start
                    stack(2,stkpnt) = j


            if ( stkpnt<=0 ) exit

        end do

    end if

    ! check the imag parts:
    do i = 1, size(x)-1
        if (x(i)==x(i+1)) then
            if (y(i)>y(i+1)) then
                ! swap
                tmpy = y(i)
                y(i) = y(i+1)
                y(i+1) = tmpy
             end if
        end if
    end do

    end subroutine sort_roots