davint Subroutine

public subroutine davint(x, y, n, xlo, xup, ans, ierr)

Integrate a function tabulated at arbitrarily spaced abscissas using overlapping parabolas.

DAVINT integrates a function tabulated at arbitrarily spaced abscissas. The limits of integration need not coincide with the tabulated abscissas.

A method of overlapping parabolas fitted to the data is used provided that there are at least 3 abscissas between the limits of integration. DAVINT also handles two special cases. If the limits of integration are equal, DAVINT returns a result of zero regardless of the number of tabulated values. If there are only two function values, DAVINT uses the trapezoid rule.


  • R. E. Jones, "Approximate integrator of functions tabulated at arbitrarily spaced abscissas", Report SC-M-69-335, Sandia Laboratories, 1969.
  • Original program from Numerical Integration by Davis & Rabinowitz Adaptation and modifications by Rondall E Jones.


  • Jones, R. E., (SNLA)

Revision history

  • 690901 DATE WRITTEN
  • 890831 Modified array declarations. (WRB)
  • 890831 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2
  • 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB)
  • 900315 CALLs to XERROR changed to CALLs to XERMSG. (THJ)
  • 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB)
  • Jacob Williams, Jan 2022 : modernized this procedure.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: x

array of abscissas, which must be in increasing order.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(:) :: y

array of function values. i.e., y(i)=func(x(i))

integer, intent(in) :: n

The integer number of function values supplied. N >= 2 unless XLO = XUP.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: xlo

lower limit of integration

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: xup

upper limit of integration. Must have XLO <= XUP

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: ans

computed approximate value of integral

integer, intent(out) :: ierr

A status code:

  • Normal Code
  • =1 Means the requested integration was performed.
  • Abnormal Codes
  • =2 Means XUP was less than XLO.
  • =3 Means the number of X(I) between XLO and XUP (inclusive) was less than 3 and neither of the two special cases described in the abstract occurred. No integration was performed.
  • =4 Means the restriction X(I+1)>X(I) was violated.
  • =5 Means the number N of function values was < 2.

ANS is set to zero if IERR = 2, 3, 4, or 5.

Source Code

    subroutine davint(x,y,n,xlo,xup,ans,ierr)

    implicit none

    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in) :: x !! array of abscissas, which must be in increasing order.
    real(wp),dimension(:),intent(in) :: y !! array of function values. i.e., `y(i)=func(x(i))`
    integer,intent(in) :: n !! The integer number of function values supplied.
                            !! `N >= 2` unless `XLO = XUP`.
    real(wp),intent(in) :: xlo !! lower limit of integration
    real(wp),intent(in) :: xup !! upper limit of integration.  Must have `XLO <= XUP`
    real(wp),intent(out) :: ans !! computed approximate value of integral
    integer,intent(out) :: ierr !! A status code:
                                !! * Normal Code
                                !!    * =1 Means the requested integration was performed.
                                !! * Abnormal Codes
                                !!    * =2 Means `XUP` was less than `XLO`.
                                !!    * =3 Means the number of `X(I)` between `XLO` and `XUP`
                                !!      (inclusive) was less than 3 and neither of the two
                                !!      special cases described in the abstract occurred.
                                !!      No integration was performed.
                                !!    * =4 Means the restriction `X(I+1)>X(I)` was violated.
                                !!    * =5 Means the number `N` of function values was < 2.
                                !! ANS is set to zero if `IERR` = 2, 3, 4, or 5.

    integer :: i , inlft , inrt , istart , istop
    real(wp) :: a , b , c , ca , cb , cc , fl , fr , r3 , &
                rp5 , slope , sum , syl , syl2 , syl3 , syu , &
                syu2 , syu3 , term1 , term2 , term3 , x1 , &
                x12 , x13 , x2 , x23 , x3

    ierr = 1
    ans = 0.0_wp

    ! error checks and trivial cases:
    if (xlo == xup) return
    if (xlo > xup) then
        ierr = 2
        call xerror('the upper limit of integration was not greater '//&
                    'than the lower limit.',4,1)
    end if
    if (n < 2) then
        ierr = 5
        call xerror('less than two function values were supplied.', &
    end if
    do i = 2 , n
        if ( x(i)<=x(i-1) ) then
            ierr = 4
            call xerror('the abscissas were not strictly increasing.  must have '&
                        //'x(i-1) < x(i) for all i.',4,1)
        end if
        if ( x(i)>xup ) exit

    if ( n<3 ) then

        ! special n=2 case
        slope = (y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))
        fl = y(1) + slope*(xlo-x(1))
        fr = y(2) + slope*(xup-x(2))
        ans = 0.5_wp*(fl+fr)*(xup-xlo)

    elseif ( x(n-2)<xlo ) then

        ierr = 3
        call xerror('there were less than three function values '&
                    //'between the limits of integration.',4,1)

    elseif ( x(3)<=xup ) then

        i = 1
            if ( x(i)>=xlo ) then
                inlft = i
                i = n
                    if ( x(i)<=xup ) then
                        inrt = i
                        if ( (inrt-inlft)>=2 ) then
                            istart = inlft
                            if ( inlft==1 ) istart = 2
                            istop = inrt
                            if ( inrt==n ) istop = n - 1
                            r3 = 3.0_wp
                            rp5 = 0.5_wp
                            sum = 0.0_wp
                            syl = xlo
                            syl2 = syl*syl
                            syl3 = syl2*syl
                            do i = istart , istop
                                x1 = x(i-1)
                                x2 = x(i)
                                x3 = x(i+1)
                                x12 = x1 - x2
                                x13 = x1 - x3
                                x23 = x2 - x3
                                term1 = y(i-1)/(x12*x13)
                                term2 = -y(i)/(x12*x23)
                                term3 = y(i+1)/(x13*x23)
                                a = term1 + term2 + term3
                                b = -(x2+x3)*term1 - (x1+x3)*term2 - (x1+x2)*term3
                                c = x2*x3*term1 + x1*x3*term2 + x1*x2*term3
                                if ( i>istart ) then
                                    ca = 0.5_wp*(a+ca)
                                    cb = 0.5_wp*(b+cb)
                                    cc = 0.5_wp*(c+cc)
                                    ca = a
                                    cb = b
                                    cc = c
                                syu = x2
                                syu2 = syu*syu
                                syu3 = syu2*syu
                                sum = sum + ca*(syu3-syl3)/r3 + cb*rp5*(syu2-syl2) + cc*(syu-syl)
                                ca = a
                                cb = b
                                cc = c
                                syl = syu
                                syl2 = syu2
                                syl3 = syu3
                            syu = xup
                            ans = sum + ca*(syu**3-syl3)/r3 + cb*rp5*(syu**2-syl2) + cc*(syu-syl)
                            ierr = 3
                            call xerror('there were less than three function values '&
                                        //'between the limits of integration.',4,1)
                    i = i - 1
                end do
            i = i + 1
        end do

        ierr = 3
        call xerror('there were less than three function values '&
                    //'between the limits of integration.',4,1)

    end subroutine davint