quadrature_module.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

!  Integration of functions using adaptive Guassian quadrature.
!### Author
!  * Jacob Williams
!@note The default real kind (`wp`) can be
!      changed using optional preprocessor flags.
!      This library was built with real kind:
#ifdef REAL32
!      `real(kind=real32)` [4 bytes]
#elif REAL64
!      `real(kind=real64)` [8 bytes]
#elif REAL128
!      `real(kind=real128)` [16 bytes]
!      `real(kind=real64)` [8 bytes]

    module quadrature_module

    use iso_fortran_env

    implicit none


#ifdef REAL32
    integer,parameter,public :: quadrature_wp = real32   !! real kind used by this module [4 bytes]
#elif REAL64
    integer,parameter,public :: quadrature_wp = real64   !! real kind used by this module [8 bytes]
#elif REAL128
    integer,parameter,public :: quadrature_wp = real128  !! real kind used by this module [16 bytes]
    integer,parameter,public :: quadrature_wp = real64   !! real kind used by this module [8 bytes]

    integer,parameter :: wp = quadrature_wp  !! local copy of `fmin_rk` with a shorter name

    real(wp),parameter :: zero      = 0.0_wp
    real(wp),parameter :: one_half  = 0.5_wp
    real(wp),parameter :: one       = 1.0_wp
    real(wp),parameter :: two       = 2.0_wp
    real(wp),parameter :: three     = 3.0_wp
    real(wp),parameter :: four      = 4.0_wp

    type,public :: quadrature_method
        !! quadrature methods
        integer            :: n_points = 0
        character(len=100) :: name     = ''
    end type quadrature_method

    type(quadrature_method),parameter :: quad_gauss_6  = quadrature_method(6,  'Adaptive 6-point Legendre-Gauss')
    type(quadrature_method),parameter :: quad_gauss_8  = quadrature_method(8,  'Adaptive 8-point Legendre-Gauss')
    type(quadrature_method),parameter :: quad_gauss_10 = quadrature_method(10, 'Adaptive 10-point Legendre-Gauss')
    type(quadrature_method),parameter :: quad_gauss_12 = quadrature_method(12, 'Adaptive 12-point Legendre-Gauss')
    type(quadrature_method),parameter :: quad_gauss_14 = quadrature_method(14, 'Adaptive 14-point Legendre-Gauss')

    type(quadrature_method),dimension(5),parameter,public :: set_of_quadrature_methods = &
                                                                 [ quad_gauss_6 ,&
                                                                   quad_gauss_8 ,&
                                                                   quad_gauss_14 ]

    type,abstract,private :: integration_class
    end type integration_class

    type,extends(integration_class),public :: integration_class_1d
        !! single integration class: for 1d integration of `f(x)`


        procedure(func_1d),pointer :: fun => null()  !! function `f(x)` to be integrated

        procedure(gauss_func),pointer :: g => null()  !! the guass quadrature formula to use
        real(wp) :: a      = zero      !! lower limit of integration
        real(wp) :: b      = zero      !! upper limit of integration (may be less than a)
        real(wp) :: tol    = zero      !! the requested relative error tolerance.

        real(wp) :: val = zero   !! the value of `x`. Only used for multiple
                                 !! integration to pass to the inner integrals



        procedure :: dgauss_generic  !! core integration routine. refactored from
                                     !! SLATEC with selectable quadrature method
        procedure,public :: initialize => initialize_integration_class !! to set up the class
        procedure,public :: integrate  => integrate_1d !! to integrate the function `fun`

    end type integration_class_1d

    type,extends(integration_class),public :: integration_class_2d
        !! double integration class: for 2d integration of `f(x,y)`
        procedure(func_2d),pointer :: fxy => null()   !! function `f(x,y)` to be integrated
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iy     !! for the dy integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: ix     !! for the dx integration
        procedure,public :: initialize => initialize_integration_class_2d !! to set up the class
        procedure,public :: integrate  => integrate_2d !! to integrate the function `fxy`
    end type integration_class_2d

    type,extends(integration_class),public :: integration_class_3d
        !! double integration class: for 3d integration of `f(x,y,z)`
        procedure(func_3d),pointer :: fxyz => null()   !! function `f(x,y,z)` to be integrated
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iz     !! for the dz integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iy     !! for the dy integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: ix     !! for the dx integration
        procedure,public :: initialize => initialize_integration_class_3d !! to set up the class
        procedure,public :: integrate  => integrate_3d !! to integrate the function `fxyz`
    end type integration_class_3d

    type,extends(integration_class),public :: integration_class_4d
        !! double integration class: for 4d integration of `f(x,y,z,q)`
        procedure(func_4d),pointer :: fxyzq => null()   !! function `f(x,y,z,q)` to be integrated
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iq     !! for the dq integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iz     !! for the dz integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iy     !! for the dy integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: ix     !! for the dx integration
        procedure,public :: initialize => initialize_integration_class_4d !! to set up the class
        procedure,public :: integrate  => integrate_4d !! to integrate the function `fxyzq`
    end type integration_class_4d

    type,extends(integration_class),public :: integration_class_5d
        !! double integration class: for 5d integration of `f(x,y,z,q,r)`
        procedure(func_5d),pointer :: fxyzqr => null()   !! function `f(x,y,z,q,r)` to be integrated
        type(integration_class_1d) :: ir     !! for the dr integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iq     !! for the dq integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iz     !! for the dz integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iy     !! for the dy integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: ix     !! for the dx integration
        procedure,public :: initialize => initialize_integration_class_5d !! to set up the class
        procedure,public :: integrate  => integrate_5d !! to integrate the function `fxyzqr`
    end type integration_class_5d

    type,extends(integration_class),public :: integration_class_6d
        !! double integration class: for 6d integration of `f(x,y,z,q,r,s)`
        procedure(func_6d),pointer :: fxyzqrs => null()   !! function `f(x,y,z,q,r,s)` to be integrated
        type(integration_class_1d) :: is     !! for the ds integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: ir     !! for the dr integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iq     !! for the dq integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iz     !! for the dz integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: iy     !! for the dy integration
        type(integration_class_1d) :: ix     !! for the dx integration
        procedure,public :: initialize => initialize_integration_class_6d !! to set up the class
        procedure,public :: integrate  => integrate_6d !! to integrate the function `fxyzqrs`
    end type integration_class_6d

    abstract interface

        function func_1d(me,x) result(f)
            !! 1d user function f(x)
            import :: wp,integration_class_1d
            implicit none
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout) :: me
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: x
            real(wp)                                  :: f
        end function func_1d

        function func_2d(me,x,y) result(f)
            !! 2d user function f(x,y)
            import :: wp,integration_class_2d
            implicit none
            class(integration_class_2d),intent(inout) :: me
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: x
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: y
            real(wp)                                  :: f
        end function func_2d

        function func_3d(me,x,y,z) result(f)
            !! 3d user function f(x,y,z)
            import :: wp,integration_class_3d
            implicit none
            class(integration_class_3d),intent(inout) :: me
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: x
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: y
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: z
            real(wp)                                  :: f
        end function func_3d

        function func_4d(me,x,y,z,q) result(f)
            !! 4d user function f(x,y,z,q)
            import :: wp,integration_class_4d
            implicit none
            class(integration_class_4d),intent(inout) :: me
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: x
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: y
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: z
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: q
            real(wp)                                  :: f
        end function func_4d

        function func_5d(me,x,y,z,q,r) result(f)
            !! 5d user function f(x,y,z,q,r)
            import :: wp,integration_class_5d
            implicit none
            class(integration_class_5d),intent(inout) :: me
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: x
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: y
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: z
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: q
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: r
            real(wp)                                  :: f
        end function func_5d

        function func_6d(me,x,y,z,q,r,s) result(f)
            !! 6d user function f(x,y,z,q,r,s)
            import :: wp,integration_class_6d
            implicit none
            class(integration_class_6d),intent(inout) :: me
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: x
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: y
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: z
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: q
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: r
            real(wp), intent(in)                      :: s
            real(wp)                                  :: f
        end function func_6d

        function gauss_func(me, x, h) result(f)
            !! guass quadrature formula
            import :: wp,integration_class_1d
            implicit none
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
            real(wp), intent(in)                    :: x
            real(wp), intent(in)                    :: h
            real(wp)                                :: f
        end function gauss_func

    end interface


!  Initialize the 1D integration class.
!  Must be called before integration is performed.

    subroutine initialize_integration_class(me,fx,&

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout) :: me
    procedure(func_1d)    :: fx       !! 1d function: f(x)
    real(wp),intent(in)   :: xl       !! x integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)   :: xu       !! x integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)   :: tolx     !! error tolerance for dx integration
    integer,intent(in)    :: methodx  !! quadrature method to use for x

    ! select quadrature rule
    select case (methodx)
    case(6);  me%g => g6
    case(8);  me%g => g8
    case(10); me%g => g10
    case(12); me%g => g12
    case(14); me%g => g14
    case default
        error stop 'invalid quadrature method in initialize_integration_class'
    end select

    me%fun  => fx       !the function f(x) to integrate
    me%tol  = tolx      !tolerance
    me%a    = xl        !lower bound
    me%b    = xu        !upper bound

    end subroutine initialize_integration_class

!  Initialize the 2D integration class.
!  Must be called before integration is performed.

    subroutine initialize_integration_class_2d(me,fxy,&

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_2d),intent(inout) :: me
    procedure(func_2d)     :: fxy      !! 2d function: f(x,y)
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xl       !! x integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xu       !! x integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yl       !! y integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yu       !! y integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolx     !! error tolerance for dx integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: toly     !! error tolerance for dy integration
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodx  !! quadrature method to use for x
    integer,intent(in)     :: methody  !! quadrature method to use for y

    procedure(func_1d),pointer :: dummy => null() !! these will be set in [[integrate_2d]]

    me%fxy => fxy  !the user-defined f(x,y) function to integrate

    ! individual integrators:
    call me%ix%initialize(dummy,xl,xu,tolx,methodx)
    call me%iy%initialize(dummy,yl,yu,toly,methody)

    end subroutine initialize_integration_class_2d

!  Initialize the 3D integration class.
!  Must be called before integration is performed.

    subroutine initialize_integration_class_3d(me,fxyz,&

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_3d),intent(inout) :: me
    procedure(func_3d)     :: fxyz     !! 3d function: f(x,y,z)
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xl       !! x integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xu       !! x integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yl       !! y integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yu       !! y integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zl       !! z integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zu       !! z integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolx     !! error tolerance for dx integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: toly     !! error tolerance for dy integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolz     !! error tolerance for dz integration
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodx  !! quadrature method to use for x
    integer,intent(in)     :: methody  !! quadrature method to use for y
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodz  !! quadrature method to use for z

    procedure(func_1d),pointer :: dummy => null() !! these will be set in [[integrate_3d]]

    me%fxyz => fxyz  !the user-defined f(x,y,z) function to integrate

    ! individual integrators:
    call me%ix%initialize(dummy,xl,xu,tolx,methodx)
    call me%iy%initialize(dummy,yl,yu,toly,methody)
    call me%iz%initialize(dummy,zl,zu,tolz,methodz)

    end subroutine initialize_integration_class_3d

!  Initialize the 4D integration class.
!  Must be called before integration is performed.

    subroutine initialize_integration_class_4d(me,fxyzq,&

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_4d),intent(inout) :: me
    procedure(func_4d)     :: fxyzq    !! 4d function: f(x,y,z,q)
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xl       !! x integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xu       !! x integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yl       !! y integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yu       !! y integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zl       !! z integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zu       !! z integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: ql       !! q integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: qu       !! q integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolx     !! error tolerance for dx integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: toly     !! error tolerance for dy integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolz     !! error tolerance for dz integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolq     !! error tolerance for dq integration
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodx  !! quadrature method to use for x
    integer,intent(in)     :: methody  !! quadrature method to use for y
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodz  !! quadrature method to use for z
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodq  !! quadrature method to use for q

    procedure(func_1d),pointer :: dummy => null() !! these will be set in [[integrate_3d]]

    me%fxyzq => fxyzq  !the user-defined f(x,y,z,q) function to integrate

    ! individual integrators:
    call me%ix%initialize(dummy,xl,xu,tolx,methodx)
    call me%iy%initialize(dummy,yl,yu,toly,methody)
    call me%iz%initialize(dummy,zl,zu,tolz,methodz)
    call me%iq%initialize(dummy,ql,qu,tolq,methodq)

    end subroutine initialize_integration_class_4d

!  Initialize the 5D integration class.
!  Must be called before integration is performed.

    subroutine initialize_integration_class_5d(me,fxyzqr,&

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_5d),intent(inout) :: me
    procedure(func_5d)     :: fxyzqr   !! 5d function: f(x,y,z,q,r)
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xl       !! x integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xu       !! x integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yl       !! y integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yu       !! y integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zl       !! z integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zu       !! z integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: ql       !! q integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: qu       !! q integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: rl       !! r integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: ru       !! r integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolx     !! error tolerance for dx integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: toly     !! error tolerance for dy integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolz     !! error tolerance for dz integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolq     !! error tolerance for dq integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolr     !! error tolerance for dr integration
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodx  !! quadrature method to use for x
    integer,intent(in)     :: methody  !! quadrature method to use for y
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodz  !! quadrature method to use for z
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodq  !! quadrature method to use for q
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodr  !! quadrature method to use for r

    procedure(func_1d),pointer :: dummy => null() !! these will be set in [[integrate_3d]]

    me%fxyzqr => fxyzqr  !the user-defined f(x,y,z,q,r) function to integrate

    ! individual integrators:
    call me%ix%initialize(dummy,xl,xu,tolx,methodx)
    call me%iy%initialize(dummy,yl,yu,toly,methody)
    call me%iz%initialize(dummy,zl,zu,tolz,methodz)
    call me%iq%initialize(dummy,ql,qu,tolq,methodq)
    call me%ir%initialize(dummy,rl,ru,tolr,methodr)

    end subroutine initialize_integration_class_5d

!  Initialize the 6D integration class.
!  Must be called before integration is performed.

    subroutine initialize_integration_class_6d(me,fxyzqrs,&

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_6d),intent(inout) :: me
    procedure(func_6d)     :: fxyzqrs  !! 6d function: f(x,y,z,q,r,s)
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xl       !! x integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: xu       !! x integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yl       !! y integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: yu       !! y integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zl       !! z integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: zu       !! z integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: ql       !! q integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: qu       !! q integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: rl       !! r integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: ru       !! r integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: sl       !! s integration lower bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: su       !! s integration upper bound
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolx     !! error tolerance for dx integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: toly     !! error tolerance for dy integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolz     !! error tolerance for dz integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolq     !! error tolerance for dq integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tolr     !! error tolerance for dr integration
    real(wp),intent(in)    :: tols     !! error tolerance for ds integration
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodx  !! quadrature method to use for x
    integer,intent(in)     :: methody  !! quadrature method to use for y
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodz  !! quadrature method to use for z
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodq  !! quadrature method to use for q
    integer,intent(in)     :: methodr  !! quadrature method to use for r
    integer,intent(in)     :: methods  !! quadrature method to use for s

    procedure(func_1d),pointer :: dummy => null() !! these will be set in [[integrate_3d]]

    me%fxyzqrs => fxyzqrs  !the user-defined f(x,y,z,q,r,s) function to integrate

    ! individual integrators:
    call me%ix%initialize(dummy,xl,xu,tolx,methodx)
    call me%iy%initialize(dummy,yl,yu,toly,methody)
    call me%iz%initialize(dummy,zl,zu,tolz,methodz)
    call me%iq%initialize(dummy,ql,qu,tolq,methodq)
    call me%ir%initialize(dummy,rl,ru,tolr,methodr)
    call me%is%initialize(dummy,sl,su,tols,methods)

    end subroutine initialize_integration_class_6d

!   Perform the 1D integration.

    subroutine integrate_1d (me, ans, ierr, err)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: ans
    integer,intent(out)   :: ierr
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: err

    !call the low-level routine:
    call me%dgauss_generic(me%a, me%b, me%tol, ans, ierr, err)

    end subroutine integrate_1d

!   Perform the 2D integration.

    subroutine integrate_2d (me, ans, ierr, err)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_2d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: ans
    integer,intent(out)   :: ierr
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: err

    ! set the two functions to the contained wrappers:
    me%iy%fun => f_of_y
    me%ix%fun => f_of_x

    ! call the low-level routine:
    call me%iy%integrate(ans, ierr, err)


        function f_of_x(ix,x) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout) :: ix
            real(wp), intent(in) :: x
            real(wp)             :: f
            f = me%fxy(x,me%iy%val)
        end function f_of_x

        function f_of_y(iy,y) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iy
            real(wp), intent(in) :: y
            real(wp)             :: f
            iy%val = y  !set y value
            call me%ix%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_y

    end subroutine integrate_2d

!  Perform the 3D integration.

    subroutine integrate_3d (me, ans, ierr, err)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_3d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: ans
    integer,intent(out)   :: ierr
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: err

    ! set the functions to the contained wrappers:
    me%iz%fun => f_of_z
    me%iy%fun => f_of_y
    me%ix%fun => f_of_x

    ! call the low-level routine:
    call me%iz%integrate(ans, ierr, err)


        function f_of_x(ix,x) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout) :: ix
            real(wp), intent(in) :: x
            real(wp)             :: f
            f = me%fxyz(x,me%iy%val,me%iz%val)
        end function f_of_x

        function f_of_y(iy,y) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iy
            real(wp), intent(in) :: y
            real(wp)             :: f
            iy%val = y
            call me%ix%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_y

        function f_of_z(iz,z) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iz
            real(wp), intent(in) :: z
            real(wp)             :: f
            iz%val = z
            call me%iy%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_z

    end subroutine integrate_3d

!  Perform the 4D integration.

    subroutine integrate_4d (me, ans, ierr, err)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_4d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: ans
    integer,intent(out)   :: ierr
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: err

    ! set the functions to the contained wrappers:
    me%iq%fun => f_of_q
    me%iz%fun => f_of_z
    me%iy%fun => f_of_y
    me%ix%fun => f_of_x

    ! call the low-level routine:
    call me%iq%integrate(ans, ierr, err)


        function f_of_x(ix,x) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout) :: ix
            real(wp), intent(in) :: x
            real(wp)             :: f
            f = me%fxyzq(x,me%iy%val,me%iz%val,me%iq%val)
        end function f_of_x

        function f_of_y(iy,y) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iy
            real(wp), intent(in) :: y
            real(wp)             :: f
            iy%val = y
            call me%ix%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_y

        function f_of_z(iz,z) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iz
            real(wp), intent(in) :: z
            real(wp)             :: f
            iz%val = z
            call me%iy%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_z

        function f_of_q(iq,q) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iq
            real(wp), intent(in) :: q
            real(wp)             :: f
            iq%val = q
            call me%iz%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_q

    end subroutine integrate_4d

!  Perform the 5D integration.

    subroutine integrate_5d (me, ans, ierr, err)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_5d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: ans
    integer,intent(out)   :: ierr
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: err

    ! set the functions to the contained wrappers:
    me%ir%fun => f_of_r
    me%iq%fun => f_of_q
    me%iz%fun => f_of_z
    me%iy%fun => f_of_y
    me%ix%fun => f_of_x

    ! call the low-level routine:
    call me%ir%integrate(ans, ierr, err)


        function f_of_x(ix,x) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout) :: ix
            real(wp), intent(in) :: x
            real(wp)             :: f
            f = me%fxyzqr(x,me%iy%val,me%iz%val,me%iq%val,me%ir%val)
        end function f_of_x

        function f_of_y(iy,y) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iy
            real(wp), intent(in) :: y
            real(wp)             :: f
            iy%val = y
            call me%ix%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_y

        function f_of_z(iz,z) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iz
            real(wp), intent(in) :: z
            real(wp)             :: f
            iz%val = z
            call me%iy%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_z

        function f_of_q(iq,q) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iq
            real(wp), intent(in) :: q
            real(wp)             :: f
            iq%val = q
            call me%iz%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_q

        function f_of_r(ir,r) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: ir
            real(wp), intent(in) :: r
            real(wp)             :: f
            ir%val = r
            call me%iq%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_r

    end subroutine integrate_5d

!  Perform the 6D integration.

    subroutine integrate_6d (me, ans, ierr, err)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_6d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: ans
    integer,intent(out)   :: ierr
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: err

    ! set the functions to the contained wrappers:
    me%is%fun => f_of_s
    me%ir%fun => f_of_r
    me%iq%fun => f_of_q
    me%iz%fun => f_of_z
    me%iy%fun => f_of_y
    me%ix%fun => f_of_x

    ! call the low-level routine:
    call me%is%integrate(ans, ierr, err)


        function f_of_x(ix,x) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout) :: ix
            real(wp), intent(in) :: x
            real(wp)             :: f
            f = me%fxyzqrs(x,me%iy%val,me%iz%val,me%iq%val,me%ir%val,me%is%val)
        end function f_of_x

        function f_of_y(iy,y) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iy
            real(wp), intent(in) :: y
            real(wp)             :: f
            iy%val = y
            call me%ix%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_y

        function f_of_z(iz,z) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iz
            real(wp), intent(in) :: z
            real(wp)             :: f
            iz%val = z
            call me%iy%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_z

        function f_of_q(iq,q) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: iq
            real(wp), intent(in) :: q
            real(wp)             :: f
            iq%val = q
            call me%iz%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_q

        function f_of_r(ir,r) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: ir
            real(wp), intent(in) :: r
            real(wp)             :: f
            ir%val = r
            call me%iq%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_r

        function f_of_s(is,s) result(f)
            class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: is
            real(wp), intent(in) :: s
            real(wp)             :: f
            is%val = s
            call me%ir%integrate(f, ierr, err)
        end function f_of_s

    end subroutine integrate_6d

!  Integrate a real function of one variable over a finite
!  interval using the specified adaptive algorithm.
!  Intended primarily for high accuracy
!  integration or integration of smooth functions.
!### License
!  * SLATEC is public domain software: http://www.netlib.org/slatec/guide
!### See also
!  * Original sourcecode from: http://www.netlib.org/slatec/src/dgaus8.f
!### Author
!  * Jones, R. E., (SNLA) -- Original SLATEC code.
!  * Jacob Williams : 1/20/2020 : refactored to modern Fortran and generalized.
!@note This function is recursive.
!      [It can call itself indirectly during double integration]

    recursive subroutine dgauss_generic (me, lb, ub, error_tol, ans, ierr, err)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp),intent(in)   :: lb         !! lower bound of the integration
    real(wp),intent(in)   :: ub         !! upper bound of the integration
    real(wp),intent(in)   :: error_tol  !! is a requested pseudorelative error tolerance.  normally
                                        !! pick a value of abs(error_tol) so that
                                        !! dtol < abs(error_tol) <= 1.0e-3 where dtol is the larger
                                        !! of 1.0e-18 and the real(wp) unit roundoff d1mach(4).
                                        !! ans will normally have no more error than abs(error_tol)
                                        !! times the integral of the absolute value of fun(x).  usually,
                                        !! smaller values of error_tol yield more accuracy and require
                                        !! more function evaluations.
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: ans        !! computed value of integral
    integer,intent(out)   :: ierr       !! status code:
                                        !!  * normal codes:
                                        !!    * 1 : `ans` most likely meets requested error tolerance,
                                        !!      or `lb=ub`.
                                        !!    * -1 : `lb` and `ub` are too nearly equal to allow normal
                                        !!      integration. `ans` is set to zero.
                                        !!  * abnormal code:
                                        !!    * 2 : `ans` probably does not meet requested error tolerance.
    real(wp),intent(out)  :: err        !! an estimate of the absolute error in `ans`.
                                        !! the estimated error is solely for information to the user and
                                        !! should not be used as a correction to the computed integral.

    real(wp),parameter  :: sq2      = sqrt(two)
    real(wp),parameter  :: ln2      = log(two)
    integer,parameter   :: nlmn     = 1                   !! ??
    integer,parameter   :: kmx      = 5000                !! ??
    integer,parameter   :: kml      = 6                   !! ??
    real(wp),parameter  :: magic    = 0.30102000_wp       !! ??
    integer,parameter   :: iwork    = 60                  !! size of the work arrays. ?? Why 60 ??
    real(wp),parameter  :: bb       = radix(one)          !! machine constant
    real(wp),parameter  :: d1mach4  = bb**(1-digits(one)) !! machine constant
    real(wp),parameter  :: d1mach5  = log10(bb)           !! machine constant

    integer                   :: k,l,lmn,lmx,mxl,nbits,nib,nlmx
    real(wp)                  :: ae,anib,area,c,ee,ef,eps,est,gl,glr,tol
    real(wp),dimension(iwork) :: aa,hh,vl,gr
    integer,dimension(iwork)  :: lr

    ans = zero
    ierr = 1
    err = zero
    if (lb == ub) return
    aa = zero
    hh = zero
    vl = zero
    gr = zero
    lr = 0
    k = digits(one)
    anib = d1mach5*k/magic
    nbits = anib
    nlmx = min(60,(nbits*5)/8)         ! ... is this the same 60 as iwork???
    lmx = nlmx
    lmn = nlmn
    if (ub /= zero) then
        if (sign(one,ub)*lb > zero) then
            c = abs(one-lb/ub)
            if (c <= 0.1_wp) then
                if (c <= zero) return
                anib = one_half - log(c)/ln2
                nib = anib
                lmx = min(nlmx,nbits-nib-7)
                if (lmx < 1) then
                    ! lb and ub are too nearly equal to allow
                    ! normal integration [ans is set to zero]
                    ierr = -1
                end if
                lmn = min(lmn,lmx)
            end if
        end if
    end if
    tol = max(abs(error_tol),two**(5-nbits))/two
    if (error_tol == zero) tol = sqrt(d1mach4)
    eps = tol
    hh(1) = (ub-lb)/four
    aa(1) = lb
    lr(1) = 1
    l = 1
    est = me%g(aa(l)+two*hh(l),two*hh(l))
    k = 8
    area = abs(est)
    ef = one_half
    mxl = 0

    !compute refined estimates, estimate the error, etc.
    main : do

        gl = me%g(aa(l)+hh(l),hh(l))
        gr(l) = me%g(aa(l)+three*hh(l),hh(l))
        k = k + 16
        area = area + (abs(gl)+abs(gr(l))-abs(est))
        glr = gl + gr(l)
        ee = abs(est-glr)*ef
        ae = max(eps*area,tol*abs(glr))
        if (ee-ae > zero) then
            !consider the left half of this level
            if (k > kmx) lmx = kml
            if (l >= lmx) then
                mxl = 1
                l = l + 1
                eps = eps*one_half
                ef = ef/sq2
                hh(l) = hh(l-1)*one_half
                lr(l) = -1
                aa(l) = aa(l-1)
                est = gl
                cycle main
            end if
        end if

        err = err + (est-glr)
        if (lr(l) > 0) then
            !return one level
            ans = glr
                if (l <= 1) exit main ! finished
                l = l - 1
                eps = eps*two
                ef = ef*sq2
                if (lr(l) <= 0) then
                    vl(l) = vl(l+1) + ans
                    est = gr(l-1)
                    lr(l) = 1
                    aa(l) = aa(l) + four*hh(l)
                    cycle main
                end if
                ans = vl(l+1) + ans
            end do
            !proceed to right half at this level
            vl(l) = glr
            est = gr(l-1)
            lr(l) = 1
            aa(l) = aa(l) + four*hh(l)
            cycle main
        end if

    end do main

    if ((mxl/=0) .and. (abs(err)>two*tol*area)) ierr = 2 ! ans is probably insufficiently accurate

    end subroutine dgauss_generic

!  6-point method.
!### See also
!  * Coefficients from:
!    http://processingjs.nihongoresources.com/bezierinfo/legendre-gauss-values.php

    function g6(me, x, h) result(f)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp), intent(in)                    :: x
    real(wp), intent(in)                    :: h
    real(wp)                                :: f

    !> abscissae:
    real(wp),dimension(3),parameter ::  a = [   0.6612093864662645136613995950199053470064485643&
                                                &771150514997832_wp ]
    !> weights:
    real(wp),dimension(3),parameter ::  w = [   0.36076157304813860756983351383771611166152189274&
                                                &12150514997832_wp ]

    f = h * ( w(1)*( me%fun(x-a(1)*h) + me%fun(x+a(1)*h) ) + &
              w(2)*( me%fun(x-a(2)*h) + me%fun(x+a(2)*h) ) + &
              w(3)*( me%fun(x-a(3)*h) + me%fun(x+a(3)*h) ) )

    end function g6

!  This is the 8-point formula from the original SLATEC routine
!  [DGAUS8](http://www.netlib.org/slatec/src/dgaus8.f).
!@note replaced coefficients with high-precision ones from:
!      http://processingjs.nihongoresources.com/bezierinfo/legendre-gauss-values.php

    function g8(me, x, h) result(f)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp), intent(in) :: x
    real(wp), intent(in) :: h
    real(wp)             :: f

    !> abscissae:
    real(wp),parameter ::   x1 = 0.18343464249564980493947614236018398066675781291297378231718847&
    real(wp),parameter ::   x2 = 0.52553240991632898581773904918924634904196424312039285775085709&
    real(wp),parameter ::   x3 = 0.79666647741362673959155393647583043683717173161596483207017029&
    real(wp),parameter ::   x4 = 0.96028985649753623168356086856947299042823523430145203827163977&

    !> weights:
    real(wp),parameter ::   w1 = 0.36268378337836198296515044927719561219414603989433054052482306&
    real(wp),parameter ::   w2 = 0.31370664587788728733796220198660131326032899900273493769026394&
    real(wp),parameter ::   w3 = 0.22238103445337447054435599442624088443013087005124956472590928&
    real(wp),parameter ::   w4 = 0.10122853629037625915253135430996219011539409105168495705900369&

    f = h * ( w1*( me%fun(x-x1*h) + me%fun(x+x1*h)) + &
              w2*( me%fun(x-x2*h) + me%fun(x+x2*h)) + &
              w3*( me%fun(x-x3*h) + me%fun(x+x3*h)) + &
              w4*( me%fun(x-x4*h) + me%fun(x+x4*h)) )

    end function g8

!  10-point method.
!### See also
!  * Coefficients from:
!    http://processingjs.nihongoresources.com/bezierinfo/legendre-gauss-values.php

    function g10(me, x, h) result(f)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp), intent(in) :: x
    real(wp), intent(in) :: h
    real(wp)             :: f

    !> abscissae:
    real(wp),dimension(5),parameter ::  a = [   0.14887433898163121088482600112971998461756485942&
                                                &88311646653581707125686970668737259229449284383797_wp ]

    !> weights:
    real(wp),dimension(5),parameter ::  w = [   0.29552422471475287017389299465133832942104671702&
                                                &9236378557180717569208295026105115288152794421677_wp ]

    f = h * ( w(1)*(  me%fun(x-a(1)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(1)*h) ) + &
              w(2)*(  me%fun(x-a(2)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(2)*h) ) + &
              w(3)*(  me%fun(x-a(3)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(3)*h) ) + &
              w(4)*(  me%fun(x-a(4)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(4)*h) ) + &
              w(5)*(  me%fun(x-a(5)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(5)*h) )   )

    end function g10

!  12-point method.
!### See also
!  * Coefficients from:
!    http://processingjs.nihongoresources.com/bezierinfo/legendre-gauss-values.php

    function g12(me, x, h) result(f)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp), intent(in) :: x
    real(wp), intent(in) :: h
    real(wp)             :: f

    !> abscissae:
    real(wp),dimension(6),parameter ::  a = [   0.12523340851146891547244136946385312998339691630&

    !> weights:
    real(wp),dimension(6),parameter ::  w = [   0.24914704581340278500056243604295121083046090256&

    f = h * ( w(1)*(  me%fun(x-a(1)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(1)*h) ) + &
              w(2)*(  me%fun(x-a(2)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(2)*h) ) + &
              w(3)*(  me%fun(x-a(3)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(3)*h) ) + &
              w(4)*(  me%fun(x-a(4)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(4)*h) ) + &
              w(5)*(  me%fun(x-a(5)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(5)*h) ) + &
              w(6)*(  me%fun(x-a(6)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(6)*h) ) )

    end function g12

!  14-point method.
!### See also
!  * Coefficients from:
!    http://processingjs.nihongoresources.com/bezierinfo/legendre-gauss-values.php

    function g14(me, x, h) result(f)

    implicit none

    class(integration_class_1d),intent(inout)  :: me
    real(wp), intent(in) :: x
    real(wp), intent(in) :: h
    real(wp)             :: f

    !> abscissae:
    real(wp),dimension(7),parameter ::  a = [  0.10805494870734366206624465021983474761195160547&
                                               &3676463914802477677291745002965827767360741735_wp ]

    !> weights:
    real(wp),dimension(7),parameter ::  w = [   0.21526385346315779019587644331626003527499755805&
                                               &9810087587180865408885105556219147609526200925_wp ]

    f = h * ( w(1)*(  me%fun(x-a(1)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(1)*h) ) + &
              w(2)*(  me%fun(x-a(2)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(2)*h) ) + &
              w(3)*(  me%fun(x-a(3)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(3)*h) ) + &
              w(4)*(  me%fun(x-a(4)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(4)*h) ) + &
              w(5)*(  me%fun(x-a(5)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(5)*h) ) + &
              w(6)*(  me%fun(x-a(6)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(6)*h) ) + &
              w(7)*(  me%fun(x-a(7)*h)   +  me%fun(x+a(7)*h) ) )

    end function g14

    end module quadrature_module