trara2 Function

private function trara2(me, map, il, ib)

trara2 interpolates linearly in l-b/b0-map to obtain the logarithm of integral flux at given l and b/b0.


see main program 'model' for explanation of map format scaling factors.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(trm_type), intent(inout) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: map(*)

is sub-map (for specific energy) of trapped radiation model map

integer, intent(in) :: il

scaled l-value

integer, intent(in) :: ib

scaled b/b0-1

Return Value real(kind=wp)

scaled logarithm of particle flux

Called by

proc~~trara2~~CalledByGraph proc~trara2 trmfun_module::trm_type%trara2 proc~trara1 trmfun_module::trm_type%trara1 proc~trara1->proc~trara2 proc~aep8 trmfun_module::trm_type%aep8 proc~aep8->proc~trara1 proc~get_flux_c_ radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux_c_ proc~get_flux_c_->proc~aep8 proc~get_flux_g_ radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_g_->proc~aep8 none~get_flux radbelt_module::radbelt_type%get_flux none~get_flux->proc~get_flux_c_ none~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g_ proc~get_flux_c radbelt_module::get_flux_c proc~get_flux_c->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g radbelt_module::get_flux_g proc~get_flux_g->none~get_flux proc~get_flux_g_c radbelt_c_module::get_flux_g_c proc~get_flux_g_c->none~get_flux interface~get_flux radbelt_module::get_flux interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_c interface~get_flux->proc~get_flux_g

Source Code

    function trara2(me, map, il, ib)

        class(trm_type), intent(inout) :: me
        integer, intent(in) :: map(*) !! is sub-map (for specific energy) of
                                !! trapped radiation model map
        integer, intent(in) :: il !! scaled l-value
        integer, intent(in) :: ib !! scaled b/b0-1
        real(wp) :: trara2 !! scaled logarithm of particle flux

        real(wp) :: dfl, fincr1, fincr2, fistep, fkb, fkb1, fkb2, fkbj1, fkbj2, &
                    fkbm, fll1, fll2, flog, flog1, flog2, flogm, &
                    fnb, fnl, sl1, sl2
        integer :: i1, i2, itime, j1, j2, kt, l1, l2
        logical :: dummy

        fistep = me%fistep

        ! to avoid -Wmaybe-uninitialized warning
        dfl = 0.0_wp
        fincr1 = 0.0_wp
        fincr2 = 0.0_wp
        fkb = 0.0_wp
        fkb1 = 0.0_wp
        fkb2 = 0.0_wp
        fkbm = 0.0_wp
        flog = 0.0_wp
        flog1 = 0.0_wp
        flog2 = 0.0_wp
        flogm = 0.0_wp
        fnb = 0.0_wp
        fnl = 0.0_wp
        sl2 = 0.0_wp
        i1 = 0
        i2 = 0
        itime = 0
        j2 = 0
        l1 = 0
        l2 = 0

        ! these are recursive functions that
        ! replace the gotos in the original code
        call task1(dummy)


        recursive subroutine task1(done)
            logical, intent(out) :: done
            done = .false.
            fnl = il
            fnb = ib
            itime = 0
            i2 = 0
                ! find consecutive sub-sub-maps for scaled l-values ls1,ls2,
                ! with il less or equal ls2.  l1,l2 are lengths of sub-sub-maps.
                ! i1,i2 are indeces of first elements minus 1.
                l2 = map(i2 + 1)
                if (map(i2 + 2) <= il) then
                    i1 = i2
                    l1 = l2
                    i2 = i2 + l2
                    ! if sub-sub-maps are empty, i. e. length less 4, than trara2=0
                elseif ((l1 < 4) .and. (l2 < 4)) then
                    trara2 = 0.0_wp
                    done = .true.
                    ! if flog2 less flog1, than ls2 first map and ls1 second map
                    if (map(i2 + 3) <= map(i1 + 3)) exit
                    call task3(done)
                end if
            end do
            call task2(done)
        end subroutine task1
        recursive subroutine task2(done)
            logical, intent(out) :: done
            done = .false.
            kt = i1
            i1 = i2
            i2 = kt
            kt = l1
            l1 = l2
            l2 = kt
            call task3(done)
        end subroutine task2
        recursive subroutine task3(done)
            logical, intent(out) :: done
            logical :: check
            done = .false.
            ! determine interpolate in scaled l-value
            fll1 = map(i1 + 2)
            fll2 = map(i2 + 2)
            dfl = (fnl - fll1) / (fll2 - fll1)
            flog1 = map(i1 + 3)
            flog2 = map(i2 + 3)
            fkb1 = 0.0_wp
            fkb2 = 0.0_wp
            if (l1 >= 4) then
                ! b/b0 loop
                check = .true.
                do j2 = 4, l2
                    fincr2 = map(i2 + j2)
                    if (fkb2 + fincr2 > fnb) then
                        check = .false.
                    end if
                    fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
                    flog2 = flog2 - fistep
                end do
                if (check) then
                    itime = itime + 1
                    if (itime == 1) then
                        call task2(done)
                    end if
                    trara2 = 0.0_wp
                    done = .true.
                end if
                if (itime /= 1) then
                    if (j2 == 4) then
                        call task4(done)
                    end if
                    sl2 = flog2 / fkb2
                    check = .true.
                    do j1 = 4, l1
                        fincr1 = map(i1 + j1)
                        fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
                        flog1 = flog1 - fistep
                        fkbj1 = ((flog1 / fistep) * fincr1 + fkb1) / ((fincr1 / fistep) * sl2 + 1.0_wp)
                        if (fkbj1 <= fkb1) then
                            check = .false.
                        end if
                    end do
                    if (check) then
                        if (fkbj1 <= fkb2) then
                            trara2 = 0.0_wp
                            done = .true.
                        end if
                    end if
                    if (fkbj1 <= fkb2) then
                        fkbm = fkbj1 + (fkb2 - fkbj1) * dfl
                        flogm = fkbm * sl2
                        flog2 = flog2 - fistep
                        fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
                        sl1 = flog1 / fkb1
                        sl2 = flog2 / fkb2
                        call task5(done)
                        fkb1 = 0.0_wp
                    end if
                end if
                fkb2 = 0.0_wp
            end if
            j2 = 4
            fincr2 = map(i2 + j2)
            flog2 = map(i2 + 3)
            flog1 = map(i1 + 3)
            call task4(done)
        end subroutine task3
        recursive subroutine task4(done)
            logical, intent(out) :: done
            done = .false.
            flogm = flog1 + (flog2 - flog1) * dfl
            fkbm = 0.0_wp
            fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
            flog2 = flog2 - fistep
            sl2 = flog2 / fkb2
            if (l1 < 4) then
                fincr1 = 0.0_wp
                sl1 = -900000.0_wp
                call task6(done)
                j1 = 4
                fincr1 = map(i1 + j1)
                fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
                flog1 = flog1 - fistep
                sl1 = flog1 / fkb1
            end if
            call task5(done)
        end subroutine task4
        recursive subroutine task5(done)
            logical, intent(out) :: done
            done = .false.
            do while (sl1 >= sl2)
                fkbj2 = ((flog2 / fistep) * fincr2 + fkb2) / ((fincr2 / fistep) * sl1 + 1.0_wp)
                fkb = fkb1 + (fkbj2 - fkb1) * dfl
                flog = fkb * sl1
                if (fkb >= fnb) then
                    call task7(done)
                end if
                fkbm = fkb
                flogm = flog
                if (j1 >= l1) then
                    trara2 = 0.0_wp
                    done = .true.
                    j1 = j1 + 1
                    fincr1 = map(i1 + j1)
                    flog1 = flog1 - fistep
                    fkb1 = fkb1 + fincr1
                    sl1 = flog1 / fkb1
                end if
            end do
            call task6(done)
        end subroutine task5
        recursive subroutine task6(done)
            logical, intent(out) :: done
            done = .false.
            fkbj1 = ((flog1 / fistep) * fincr1 + fkb1) / ((fincr1 / fistep) * sl2 + 1.0_wp)
            fkb = fkbj1 + (fkb2 - fkbj1) * dfl
            flog = fkb * sl2
            if (fkb < fnb) then
                fkbm = fkb
                flogm = flog
                if (j2 >= l2) then
                    trara2 = 0.0_wp
                    done = .true.
                    j2 = j2 + 1
                    fincr2 = map(i2 + j2)
                    flog2 = flog2 - fistep
                    fkb2 = fkb2 + fincr2
                    sl2 = flog2 / fkb2
                    call task5(done)
                end if
            end if
            call task7(done)
        end subroutine task6
        recursive subroutine task7(done)
            logical, intent(out) :: done
            if (fkb < fkbm + 1.0e-10_wp) then
                trara2 = 0.0_wp
                trara2 = flogm + (flog - flogm) * ((fnb - fkbm) / (fkb - fkbm))
                trara2 = max(trara2, 0.0_wp)
            end if
            done = .true.
        end subroutine task7

    end function trara2