TOMS748 rootfinding method.
Finds either an exact solution or an approximate solution of the
equation f(x)=0
in the interval [ax,bx]. At the begining of each
iteration, the current enclosing interval is recorded as [a0,b0].
The first iteration is simply a secant step. Starting with the
second iteration, three steps are taken in each iteration. First
two steps are either quadratic interpolation or cubic inverse
interpolation. The third step is a double-size secant step. If the
diameter of the enclosing interval obtained after those three steps
is larger than 0.5*(b0-a0), then an additional bisection step will
be taken.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(toms748_solver), | intent(inout) | :: | me | |||
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | ax |
left endpoint of initial interval |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | bx |
right endpoint of initial interval |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | fax |
real(kind=wp), | intent(in) | :: | fbx |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | xzero |
abscissa approximating a zero of |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | fzero |
value of |
integer, | intent(out) | :: | iflag |
status flag ( |
subroutine toms748(me,ax,bx,fax,fbx,xzero,fzero,iflag) implicit none class(toms748_solver),intent(inout) :: me real(wp),intent(in) :: ax !! left endpoint of initial interval real(wp),intent(in) :: bx !! right endpoint of initial interval real(wp),intent(in) :: fax !! `f(ax)` real(wp),intent(in) :: fbx !! `f(ax)` real(wp),intent(out) :: xzero !! abscissa approximating a zero of `f` in the interval `ax`,`bx` real(wp),intent(out) :: fzero !! value of `f` at the root (`f(xzero)`) integer,intent(out) :: iflag !! status flag (`0`=root found, `-2`=max iterations reached) integer :: itnum real(wp) :: a,b,fa,fb,c,u,fu,a0,b0,tol,d,fd real(wp) :: prof,e,fe,tmpc a = ax b = bx fa = fax fb = fbx ! initialization. set the number of iteration as 0. ! set dumb values for the variables "e" and "fe". e = huge(1.0_wp) fe = huge(1.0_wp) ! iteration starts. the enclosing interval before executing the ! iteration is recorded as [a0, b0]. do itnum = 1, me%maxiter a0 = a b0 = b ! calculates the termination criterion. stops the procedure if the ! criterion is satisfied. if (abs(fb) <= abs(fa)) then tol = get_tolerance(b) else tol = get_tolerance(a) end if if ((b-a)<=tol) exit ! for the first iteration, secant step is taken. if (itnum == 1) then c=a-(fa/(fb-fa))*(b-a) ! call subroutine "bracket" to get a shrinked enclosing interval as ! well as to update the termination criterion. stop the procedure ! if the criterion is satisfied or the exact solution is obtained. call bracket(a,b,c,fa,fb,tol,d,fd) if ((abs(fa)<=me%ftol) .or. ((b-a)<=tol)) exit cycle end if ! starting with the second iteration, in the first two steps, either ! quadratic interpolation is used by calling the subroutine "newqua" ! or the cubic inverse interpolation is used by calling the subroutine ! "pzero". in the following, if "prof" is not equal to 0, then the ! four function values "fa", "fb", "fd", and "fe" are distinct, and ! hence "pzero" will be called. prof=(fa-fb)*(fa-fd)*(fa-fe)*(fb-fd)*(fb-fe)*(fd-fe) if ((itnum == 2) .or. (prof == 0.0_wp)) then call newqua(a,b,d,fa,fb,fd,c,2) else c = pzero(a,b,d,e,fa,fb,fd,fe) if ((c-a)*(c-b) >= 0.0_wp) then call newqua(a,b,d,fa,fb,fd,c,2) end if end if e=d fe=fd ! call subroutine "bracket" to get a shrinked enclosing interval as ! well as to update the termination criterion. stop the procedure ! if the criterion is satisfied or the exact solution is obtained. call bracket(a,b,c,fa,fb,tol,d,fd) if ((abs(fa)<=me%ftol) .or. ((b-a)<=tol)) exit prof=(fa-fb)*(fa-fd)*(fa-fe)*(fb-fd)*(fb-fe)*(fd-fe) if (prof == 0.0_wp) then call newqua(a,b,d,fa,fb,fd,c,3) else c = pzero(a,b,d,e,fa,fb,fd,fe) if ((c-a)*(c-b) >= 0.0_wp) then call newqua(a,b,d,fa,fb,fd,c,3) end if end if ! call subroutine "bracket" to get a shrinked enclosing interval as ! well as to update the termination criterion. stop the procedure ! if the criterion is satisfied or the exact solution is obtained. call bracket(a,b,c,fa,fb,tol,d,fd) if ((abs(fa)<=me%ftol) .or. ((b-a)<=tol)) exit e=d fe=fd ! takes the double-size secant step. if (abs(fa) < abs(fb)) then u=a fu=fa else u=b fu=fb end if c=u-2.0_wp*(fu/(fb-fa))*(b-a) if (abs(c-u) > (0.5_wp*(b-a))) then c=a+0.5_wp*(b-a) end if ! call subroutine bracket to get a shrinked enclosing interval as ! well as to update the termination criterion. stop the procedure ! if the criterion is satisfied or the exact solution is obtained. call bracket(a,b,c,fa,fb,tol,d,fd) if ((abs(fa)<=me%ftol) .or. ((b-a)<=tol)) exit ! determines whether an additional bisection step is needed. and takes ! it if necessary. if ((b-a) < (0.5_wp*(b0-a0))) cycle e=d fe=fd ! call subroutine "bracket" to get a shrinked enclosing interval as ! well as to update the termination criterion. stop the procedure ! if the criterion is satisfied or the exact solution is obtained. tmpc = a+0.5_wp*(b-a) call bracket(a,b,tmpc,fa,fb,tol,d,fd) if ((abs(fa)<=me%ftol) .or. ((b-a)<=tol)) exit if (itnum == me%maxiter) iflag = -2 ! maximum iterations reached end do !return result: xzero = a fzero = fa contains !********************************************************************************** !************************************************************************ subroutine bracket(a,b,c,fa,fb,tol,d,fd) !! Given current enclosing interval [a,b] and a number c in (a,b), if !! f(c)=0 then sets the output a=c. Otherwise determines the new !! enclosing interval: [a,b]=[a,c] or [a,b]=[c,b]. Also updates the !! termination criterion corresponding to the new enclosing interval. implicit none real(wp),intent(inout) :: a !! input as the current left point of the !! enclosing interval and output as the shrinked !! new enclosing interval real(wp),intent(inout) :: b !! input as the current right point of the !! enclosing interval and output as the shrinked !! new enclosing interval real(wp),intent(inout) :: c !! used to determine the new enclosing interval real(wp),intent(inout) :: fa !! f(a) real(wp),intent(inout) :: fb !! f(b) real(wp),intent(inout) :: tol !! input as the current termination !! criterion and output as the updated termination !! criterion according to the new enclosing interval real(wp),intent(out) :: d !! if the new enclosing interval !! is [a,c] then d=b, otherwise d=a; real(wp),intent(out) :: fd !! f(d) real(wp) :: fc ! adjust c if (b-a) is very small or if c is very close to a or b. tol = 0.7_wp*tol if ((b-a) <= 2.0_wp*tol) then c = a+0.5_wp*(b-a) else if (c <= a+tol) then c = a+tol else if (c >= b-tol) c = b-tol end if ! call subroutine to obtain f(c) fc = me%f(c) ! if c is a root, then set a=c and return. this will terminate the ! procedure in the calling routine. if (abs(fc) <= me%ftol) then a = c fa = fc d = 0.0_wp fd = 0.0_wp else ! if c is not a root, then determine the new enclosing interval. if ((isign(fa)*isign(fc)) < 0) then d = b fd = fb b = c fb = fc else d = a fd = fa a = c fa = fc end if ! update the termination criterion according to the new enclosing interval. if (abs(fb) <= abs(fa)) then tol = get_tolerance(b) else tol = get_tolerance(a) end if end if end subroutine bracket !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ pure function isign(x) result(i) !! sign of the variable `x` (note: return `0` if `x=0`) implicit none integer :: i real(wp),intent(in) :: x if (x > 0.0_wp) then i = 1 else if (x == 0.0_wp) then i = 0 else i = -1 end if end function isign !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ pure function get_tolerance(b) result(tol) !! determines the termination criterion. implicit none real(wp),intent(in) :: b real(wp) :: tol !! termination criterion: 2*(2*rtol*|b| + atol) tol = 2.0_wp * (me%atol + 2.0_wp*abs(b)*me%rtol) end function get_tolerance !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ pure subroutine newqua(a,b,d,fa,fb,fd,c,k) !! uses k newton steps to approximate the zero in (a,b) of the !! quadratic polynomial interpolating f(x) at a, b, and d. !! safeguard is used to avoid overflow. implicit none real(wp),intent(in) :: a real(wp),intent(in) :: b real(wp),intent(in) :: d !! d lies outside the interval [a,b] real(wp),intent(in) :: fa !! f(a), f(a)f(b)<0 real(wp),intent(in) :: fb !! f(b), f(a)f(b)<0 real(wp),intent(in) :: fd !! f(d) real(wp),intent(out) :: c !! the approximate zero !! in (a,b) of the quadratic polynomial. integer,intent(in) :: k !! number of newton steps to take. integer :: ierror,i real(wp) :: a0,a1,a2,pc,pdc ! initialization ! find the coefficients of the quadratic polynomial ierror = 0 a0 = fa a1 = (fb-fa)/(b-a) a2 = ((fd-fb)/(d-b)-a1)/(d-a) do ! main loop ! safeguard to avoid overflow if ((a2 == 0.0_wp) .or. (ierror == 1)) then c=a-a0/a1 return end if ! determine the starting point of newton steps if (isign(a2)*isign(fa) > 0) then c=a else c=b end if ! start the safeguarded newton steps do i=1,k if (ierror == 0) then pc=a0+(a1+a2*(c-b))*(c-a) pdc=a1+a2*((2.0_wp*c)-(a+b)) if (pdc == 0.0_wp) then ierror=1 else c=c-pc/pdc end if end if end do if (ierror/=1) exit end do end subroutine newqua !************************************************************************ !************************************************************************ pure function pzero(a,b,d,e,fa,fb,fd,fe) result(c) !! uses cubic inverse interpolation of f(x) at a, b, d, and e to !! get an approximate root of f(x). this procedure is a slight !! modification of aitken-neville algorithm for interpolation !! described by stoer and bulirsch in "Intro. to numerical analysis" !! springer-verlag. new york (1980). implicit none real(wp),intent(in) :: a,b,d,e,fa,fb,fd,fe real(wp) :: c real(wp) :: q11,q21,q31,d21,d31,q22,q32,d32,q33 q11 = (d-e)*fd/(fe-fd) q21 = (b-d)*fb/(fd-fb) q31 = (a-b)*fa/(fb-fa) d21 = (b-d)*fd/(fd-fb) d31 = (a-b)*fb/(fb-fa) q22 = (d21-q11)*fb/(fe-fb) q32 = (d31-q21)*fa/(fd-fa) d32 = (d31-q21)*fd/(fd-fa) q33 = (d32-q22)*fa/(fe-fa) c = a + q31+q32+q33 end function pzero !************************************************************************ end subroutine toms748