Module | Source File | Description |
bvls_module | bvls_module.f90 | Module for bvls. |
slsqp_core | slsqp_core.f90 | Core subroutines for the SLSQP optimization method. These are refactoried versions of the original routines. |
slsqp_kinds | slsqp_kinds.F90 | Numeric kind definitions. |
slsqp_module | slsqp_module.f90 | Module containing the object-oriented interface to the SLSQP method. It is called using the slsqp_solver class, which is the only public entity in this module. |
slsqp_support | slsqp_support.F90 | Support routines for SLSQP. For example, routines from [BLAS](http: These have also been refactored into modern Fortran. |