dsm_module Module

Jacobian partitioning using the DSM algorithm.


  • Argonne National Laboratory. MINPACK Project. July 1983. Thomas F. Coleman, Burton S. Garbow, Jorge J. More
  • Thomas F. Coleman, Burton S. Garbow, Jorge J. More, "Algorithm 618: FORTRAN subroutines for estimating sparse Jacobian Matrices", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), Volume 10 Issue 3, Sept. 1984, Pages 346-347


  • Jacob Williams, Nov. 2016, extensive refactoring into modern Fortran.


  • module~~dsm_module~~UsesGraph module~dsm_module dsm_module module~numdiff_kinds_module numdiff_kinds_module module~dsm_module->module~numdiff_kinds_module iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~numdiff_kinds_module->iso_fortran_env

Used by

  • module~~dsm_module~~UsedByGraph module~dsm_module dsm_module module~numerical_differentiation_module numerical_differentiation_module module~numerical_differentiation_module->module~dsm_module


public subroutine dsm(m, n, npairs, indrow, indcol, ngrp, maxgrp, mingrp, info, ipntr, jpntr)

The purpose of dsm is to determine an optimal or near- optimal consistent partition of the columns of a sparse m by n matrix a.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: m

number of rows of a (>0)

integer, intent(in) :: n

number of columns of a (>0)

integer, intent(in) :: npairs

number of (indrow,indcol) pairs used to describe the sparsity pattern of a (>0)

integer, intent(inout), dimension(npairs) :: indrow

an integer array of length npairs. on input indrow must contain the row indices of the non-zero elements of a. on output indrow is permuted so that the corresponding column indices are in non-decreasing order. the column indices can be recovered from the array jpntr.

integer, intent(inout), dimension(npairs) :: indcol

an integer array of length npairs. on input indcol must contain the column indices of the non-zero elements of a. on output indcol is permuted so that the corresponding row indices are in non-decreasing order. the row indices can be recovered from the array ipntr.

integer, intent(out), dimension(n) :: ngrp

specifies the partition of the columns of a. column jcol belongs to group ngrp(jcol).

integer, intent(out) :: maxgrp

the number of groups in the partition of the columns of a.

integer, intent(out) :: mingrp

a lower bound for the number of groups in any consistent partition of the columns of a.

integer, intent(out) :: info

for normal termination info = 1. if m, n, or npairs is not positive, then info = 0. if the k-th element of indrow is not an integer between 1 and m or the k-th element of indcol is not an integer between 1 and n, then info = -k.

integer, intent(out), dimension(m+1) :: ipntr

an integer output array of length m + 1 which specifies the locations of the column indices in indcol. the column indices for row i are indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1. note that ipntr(m+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, intent(out), dimension(n+1) :: jpntr

jpntr is an integer output array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

private subroutine degr(n, indrow, jpntr, indcol, ipntr, ndeg, iwa)

Given the sparsity pattern of an m by n matrix a, this subroutine determines the degree sequence for the intersection graph of the columns of a.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: indrow

an integer input array which contains the row indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(n+1) :: jpntr

an integer input array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: indcol

an integer input array which contains the column indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: ipntr

an integer input array of length m + 1 which specifies the locations of the column indices in indcol. the column indices for row i are indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1. note that ipntr(m+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, intent(out), dimension(n) :: ndeg

an integer output array of length n which specifies the degree sequence. the degree of the j-th column of a is ndeg(j).

integer, dimension(n) :: iwa

an integer work array of length n

private subroutine ido(m, n, Indrow, Jpntr, Indcol, Ipntr, Ndeg, List, Maxclq, Iwa1, Iwa2, Iwa3, Iwa4)

given the sparsity pattern of an m by n matrix a, this subroutine determines an incidence-degree ordering of the columns of a.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: m

a positive integer input variable set to the number of rows of a.

integer, intent(in) :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: Indrow

an integer input array which contains the row indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(n+1) :: Jpntr

an integer input array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: Indcol

an integer input array which contains the column indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(m+1) :: Ipntr

an integer input array of length m + 1 which specifies the locations of the column indices in indcol. the column indices for row i are indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1. note that ipntr(m+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(n) :: Ndeg

an integer input array of length n which specifies the degree sequence. the degree of the j-th column of a is ndeg(j).

integer, intent(out), dimension(n) :: List

an integer output array of length n which specifies the incidence-degree ordering of the columns of a. the j-th column in this order is list(j).

integer, intent(out) :: Maxclq

an integer output variable set to the size of the largest clique found during the ordering.

integer, dimension(0:n-1) :: Iwa1

integer work array of length n.

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa2

integer work array of length n.

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa3

integer work array of length n.

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa4

integer work array of length n.

private subroutine numsrt(n, Nmax, Num, Mode, Index, Last, Next)

Given a sequence of integers, this subroutine groups together those indices with the same sequence value and, optionally, sorts the sequence into either ascending or descending order.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

a positive integer input variable.

integer :: Nmax

a positive integer input variable.

integer, dimension(n) :: Num

an input array of length n which contains the sequence of integers to be grouped and sorted. it is assumed that the integers are each from the set 0,1,...,nmax.

integer :: Mode

an integer input variable. the sequence num is sorted in ascending order if mode is positive and in descending order if mode is negative. if mode is 0, no sorting is done.

integer, dimension(n) :: Index

an integer output array of length n set so that the sequence num(index(i)), i = 1,2,...,n is sorted according to the setting of mode. if mode is 0, index is not referenced.

integer, dimension(0:Nmax) :: Last

an integer output array of length nmax + 1. the index of num for the last occurrence of l is last(l) for any l = 0,1,...,nmax unless last(l) = 0. in this case l does not appear in num.

integer, dimension(n) :: Next

an integer output array of length n. if num(k) = l, then the index of num for the previous occurrence of l is next(k) for any l = 0,1,...,nmax unless next(k) = 0. in this case there is no previous occurrence of l in num.

private subroutine seq(n, Indrow, Jpntr, Indcol, Ipntr, List, Ngrp, Maxgrp, Iwa)

given the sparsity pattern of an m by n matrix a, this subroutine determines a consistent partition of the columns of a by a sequential algorithm.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Indrow

an integer input array which contains the row indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, dimension(n+1) :: Jpntr

an integer input array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Indcol

an integer input array which contains the column indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Ipntr

an integer input array of length m + 1 which specifies the locations of the column indices in indcol. the column indices for row i are indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1. note that ipntr(m+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, dimension(n) :: List

an integer input array of length n which specifies the order to be used by the sequential algorithm. the j-th column in this order is list(j).

integer, dimension(n) :: Ngrp

an integer output array of length n which specifies the partition of the columns of a. column jcol belongs to group ngrp(jcol).

integer :: Maxgrp

an integer output variable which specifies the number of groups in the partition of the columns of a.

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa

an integer work array of length n

private subroutine setr(m, n, Indrow, Jpntr, Indcol, Ipntr, Iwa)

given a column-oriented definition of the sparsity pattern of an m by n matrix a, this subroutine determines a row-oriented definition of the sparsity pattern of a.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: m

a positive integer input variable set to the number of rows of a.

integer, intent(in) :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Indrow

an integer input array which contains the row indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, dimension(n+1) :: Jpntr

an integer input array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Indcol

an integer output array which contains the column indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, dimension(m+1) :: Ipntr

an integer output array of length m + 1 which specifies the locations of the column indices in indcol. the column indices for row i are indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1. note that ipntr(1) is set to 1 and that ipntr(m+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, dimension(m) :: Iwa

an integer work array of length m.

private subroutine slo(n, Indrow, Jpntr, Indcol, Ipntr, Ndeg, List, Maxclq, Iwa1, Iwa2, Iwa3, Iwa4)

given the sparsity pattern of an m by n matrix a, this subroutine determines the smallest-last ordering of the columns of a.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Indrow

an integer input array which contains the row indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, dimension(n+1) :: Jpntr

an integer input array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Indcol

an integer input array which contains the column indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, dimension(*) :: Ipntr

an integer input array of length m + 1 which specifies the locations of the column indices in indcol. the column indices for row i are indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1. note that ipntr(m+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, dimension(n) :: Ndeg

an integer input array of length n which specifies the degree sequence. the degree of the j-th column of a is ndeg(j).

integer, dimension(n) :: List

an integer output array of length n which specifies the smallest-last ordering of the columns of a. the j-th column in this order is list(j).

integer :: Maxclq

an integer output variable set to the size of the largest clique found during the ordering.

integer, dimension(0:n-1) :: Iwa1

integer work array of length n

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa2

integer work array of length n

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa3

integer work array of length n

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa4

integer work array of length n

private subroutine srtdat(n, Nnz, Indrow, Indcol, Jpntr, Iwa)

given the non-zero elements of an m by n matrix a in arbitrary order as specified by their row and column indices, this subroutine permutes these elements so that their column indices are in non-decreasing order.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of a.

integer :: Nnz

a positive integer input variable set to the number of non-zero elements of a.

integer, dimension(Nnz) :: Indrow

an integer array of length nnz. on input indrow must contain the row indices of the non-zero elements of a. on output indrow is permuted so that the corresponding column indices of indcol are in non-decreasing order.

integer, dimension(Nnz) :: Indcol

an integer array of length nnz. on input indcol must contain the column indices of the non-zero elements of a. on output indcol is permuted so that these indices are in non-decreasing order.

integer, dimension(n+1) :: Jpntr

an integer output array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in the output indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(1) is set to 1 and that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then nnz.

integer, dimension(n) :: Iwa

an integer work array of length n.

public subroutine fdjs(m, n, Col, Ind, Npntr, Ngrp, Numgrp, d, Fjacd, Fjac)

Given a consistent partition of the columns of an m by n jacobian matrix into groups, this subroutine computes approximations to those columns in a given group. the approximations are stored into either a column-oriented or a row-oriented pattern.

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: m

a positive integer input variable set to the number of rows of the jacobian matrix.

integer, intent(in) :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of the jacobian matrix.

logical, intent(in) :: Col

a logical input variable. if col is set true, then the jacobian approximations are stored into a column-oriented pattern. if col is set false, then the jacobian approximations are stored into a row-oriented pattern.

integer, dimension(*) :: Ind

an integer input array which contains the row indices for the non-zeroes in the jacobian matrix if col is true, and contains the column indices for the non-zeroes in the jacobian matrix if col is false.

integer, dimension(*) :: Npntr

an integer input array which specifies the locations of the row indices in ind if col is true, and specifies the locations of the column indices in ind if col is false. if col is true, the indices for column j are ind(k), k = npntr(j),...,npntr(j+1)-1. if col is false, the indices for row i are ind(k), k = npntr(i),...,npntr(i+1)-1. Note that npntr(n+1)-1 if col is true, or npntr(m+1)-1 if col is false, is then the number of non-zero elements of the jacobian matrix.

integer, dimension(n) :: Ngrp

an integer input array of length n which specifies the partition of the columns of the jacobian matrix. column jcol belongs to group ngrp(jcol).

integer :: Numgrp

a positive integer input variable set to a group number in the partition. the columns of the jacobian matrix in this group are to be estimated on this call.

real(kind=wp), dimension(n) :: d

an input array of length n which contains the difference parameter vector for the estimate of the jacobian matrix columns in group numgrp.

real(kind=wp), dimension(m) :: Fjacd

an input array of length m which contains an approximation to the difference vector jac*d, where jac denotes the jacobian matrix.

real(kind=wp), dimension(*) :: Fjac

an output array of length nnz, where nnz is the number of its non-zero elements. at each call of fdjs, fjac is updated to include the non-zero elements of the jacobian matrix for those columns in group numgrp. fjac should not be altered between successive calls to fdjs.