degr Subroutine

private subroutine degr(n, indrow, jpntr, indcol, ipntr, ndeg, iwa)

Given the sparsity pattern of an m by n matrix a, this subroutine determines the degree sequence for the intersection graph of the columns of a.

In graph-theory terminology, the intersection graph of the columns of a is the loopless graph g with vertices a(j), j = 1,2,...,n where a(j) is the j-th column of a and with edge (a(i),a(j)) if and only if columns i and j have a non-zero in the same row position.


The value of m is not needed by degr and is therefore not present in the subroutine statement.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

a positive integer input variable set to the number of columns of a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: indrow

an integer input array which contains the row indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(n+1) :: jpntr

an integer input array of length n + 1 which specifies the locations of the row indices in indrow. the row indices for column j are indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1. note that jpntr(n+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: indcol

an integer input array which contains the column indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix a.

integer, intent(in), dimension(*) :: ipntr

an integer input array of length m + 1 which specifies the locations of the column indices in indcol. the column indices for row i are indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1. note that ipntr(m+1)-1 is then the number of non-zero elements of the matrix a.

integer, intent(out), dimension(n) :: ndeg

an integer output array of length n which specifies the degree sequence. the degree of the j-th column of a is ndeg(j).

integer, dimension(n) :: iwa

an integer work array of length n

Called by

proc~~degr~~CalledByGraph proc~degr dsm_module::degr proc~dsm dsm_module::dsm proc~dsm->proc~degr proc~dsm_wrapper numerical_differentiation_module::sparsity_pattern%dsm_wrapper proc~dsm_wrapper->proc~dsm proc~compute_sparsity_random numerical_differentiation_module::compute_sparsity_random proc~compute_sparsity_random->proc~dsm_wrapper proc~compute_sparsity_random_2 numerical_differentiation_module::compute_sparsity_random_2 proc~compute_sparsity_random_2->proc~dsm_wrapper proc~set_sparsity_pattern numerical_differentiation_module::numdiff_type%set_sparsity_pattern proc~set_sparsity_pattern->proc~dsm_wrapper

Source Code

    subroutine degr(n,Indrow,Jpntr,Indcol,Ipntr,Ndeg,Iwa)

    implicit none

    integer,intent(in)                :: n       !! a positive integer input variable set to the number
                                                 !! of columns of `a`.
    integer,dimension(*),intent(in)   :: indrow  !! an integer input array which contains the row
                                                 !! indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix `a`.
    integer,dimension(n+1),intent(in) :: jpntr   !! an integer input array of length `n + 1` which
                                                 !! specifies the locations of the row indices in `indrow`.
                                                 !! the row indices for column `j` are
                                                 !! `indrow(k), k = jpntr(j),...,jpntr(j+1)-1`.
                                                 !! **note** that `jpntr(n+1)-1` is then the number of non-zero
                                                 !! elements of the matrix `a`.
    integer,dimension(*),intent(in)   :: indcol  !! an integer input array which contains the
                                                 !! column indices for the non-zeroes in the matrix `a`.
    integer,dimension(*),intent(in)   :: ipntr   !! an integer input array of length `m + 1` which
                                                 !! specifies the locations of the column indices in `indcol`.
                                                 !! the column indices for row `i` are
                                                 !! `indcol(k), k = ipntr(i),...,ipntr(i+1)-1`.
                                                 !! **note** that `ipntr(m+1)-1` is then the number of non-zero
                                                 !! elements of the matrix `a`.
    integer,dimension(n),intent(out)   :: ndeg   !! an integer output array of length `n` which
                                                 !! specifies the degree sequence. the degree of the
                                                 !! `j`-th column of `a` is `ndeg(j)`.
    integer,dimension(n)               :: iwa    !! an integer work array of length `n`

    integer :: ic , ip , ir , jcol , jp

    ! initialization block.

    do jp = 1 , n
        Ndeg(jp) = 0
        Iwa(jp) = 0

    ! compute the degree sequence by determining the contributions
    ! to the degrees from the current(jcol) column and further
    ! columns which have not yet been considered.

    do jcol = 2 , n
        Iwa(jcol) = n

        ! determine all positions (ir,jcol) which correspond
        ! to non-zeroes in the matrix.

        do jp = Jpntr(jcol) , Jpntr(jcol+1) - 1
            ir = Indrow(jp)

            ! for each row ir, determine all positions (ir,ic)
            ! which correspond to non-zeroes in the matrix.

            do ip = Ipntr(ir) , Ipntr(ir+1) - 1
                ic = Indcol(ip)

                ! array iwa marks columns which have contributed to
                ! the degree count of column jcol. update the degree
                ! counts of these columns as well as column jcol.

                if ( Iwa(ic)<jcol ) then
                    Iwa(ic) = jcol
                    Ndeg(ic) = Ndeg(ic) + 1
                    Ndeg(jcol) = Ndeg(jcol) + 1


    end subroutine degr