initialize_numdiff Subroutine

private subroutine initialize_numdiff(me, n, m, xlow, xhigh, perturb_mode, dpert, problem_func, sparsity_mode, jacobian_method, jacobian_methods, class, classes, info, chunk_size, partition_sparsity_pattern, cache_size, xlow_for_sparsity, xhigh_for_sparsity, dpert_for_sparsity, sparsity_perturb_mode, linear_sparsity_tol, function_precision_tol, num_sparsity_points)

Initialize a numdiff_type class. This must be called first.


Only one of the following inputs can be used: jacobian_method, jacobian_methods, class, or classes.

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(numdiff_type), intent(inout) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: n

number of x variables

integer, intent(in) :: m

number of f functions

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: xlow

lower bounds on x

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: xhigh

upper bounds on x

integer, intent(in) :: perturb_mode

perturbation mode: 1 - perturbation is dx=dpert, 2 - perturbation is dx=dpert*x, 3 - perturbation is dx=dpert*(1+x)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), dimension(n) :: dpert

perturbation vector for x

procedure(func) :: problem_func

the user function that defines the problem (returns m functions)

integer, intent(in) :: sparsity_mode

the sparsity computation method: 1 - assume dense, 2 - three-point simple method, 3 - will be specified by the user in a subsequent call to set_sparsity_pattern. 4 - computes a two-point jacobian at num_sparsity_points points.

integer, intent(in), optional :: jacobian_method

id code for the finite difference method to use for all n variables. see get_finite_difference_method

integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(n) :: jacobian_methods

id codes for the finite difference method to use for each variable. see get_finite_difference_method

integer, intent(in), optional :: class

method class for the finite difference method to use for all n variables. see get_finite_difference_method

integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(n) :: classes

method class for the finite difference methods to use for each variable. see get_finite_difference_method

procedure(info_f), optional :: info

a function the user can define which is called when each column of the jacobian is computed. It can be used to perform any setup operations.

integer, intent(in), optional :: chunk_size

chunk size for allocating the arrays (must be >0) [default is 100]

logical, intent(in), optional :: partition_sparsity_pattern

if the sparisty pattern is to be partitioned using DSM [default is False]

integer, intent(in), optional :: cache_size

if present, this is the cache size for the function cache (default is not to enable cache)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional, dimension(n) :: xlow_for_sparsity

lower bounds on x used for sparsity computation (when sparsity_mode is 2). If not present, then xlow is used.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional, dimension(n) :: xhigh_for_sparsity

upper bounds on x used for sparsity computation (when sparsity_mode is 2). If not present, then xhigh is used.

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional, dimension(n) :: dpert_for_sparsity

for sparsity_mode=4, the perturbation

integer, intent(in), optional :: sparsity_perturb_mode

perturbation mode (required if sparsity_mode=4): 1 - perturbation is dx=dpert, 2 - perturbation is dx=dpert*x, 3 - perturbation is dx=dpert*(1+x)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: linear_sparsity_tol

the equality tolerance for derivatives to indicate a constant jacobian element (linear sparsity)

real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: function_precision_tol

the function precision. two functions values that are the within this tolerance are considered the same value. This is used when estimating the sparsity pattern when sparsity_mode=2 in compute_sparsity_random

integer, intent(in), optional :: num_sparsity_points

for sparsity_mode=4, the number of jacobian evaluations used to estimate the sparsity pattern.


proc~~initialize_numdiff~~CallsGraph proc~initialize_numdiff numerical_differentiation_module::numdiff_type%initialize_numdiff proc~destroy_cache numdiff_cache_module::function_cache%destroy_cache proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~destroy_cache proc~get_all_methods_in_class numerical_differentiation_module::get_all_methods_in_class proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~get_all_methods_in_class proc~get_finite_difference_method numerical_differentiation_module::get_finite_difference_method proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~get_finite_difference_method proc~initialize_cache numdiff_cache_module::function_cache%initialize_cache proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~initialize_cache proc~raise_exception numerical_differentiation_module::numdiff_type%raise_exception proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~raise_exception proc~set_numdiff_bounds numerical_differentiation_module::numdiff_type%set_numdiff_bounds proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~set_numdiff_bounds proc~set_sparsity_mode numerical_differentiation_module::numdiff_type%set_sparsity_mode proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~set_sparsity_mode proc~get_all_methods_in_class->proc~get_finite_difference_method proc~initialize_cache->proc~destroy_cache proc~set_numdiff_bounds->proc~raise_exception proc~integer_to_string numerical_differentiation_module::integer_to_string proc~set_numdiff_bounds->proc~integer_to_string proc~set_sparsity_mode->proc~raise_exception proc~set_numdiff_sparsity_bounds numerical_differentiation_module::numdiff_type%set_numdiff_sparsity_bounds proc~set_sparsity_mode->proc~set_numdiff_sparsity_bounds proc~set_numdiff_sparsity_bounds->proc~raise_exception

Source Code

    subroutine initialize_numdiff(me,n,m,xlow,xhigh,perturb_mode,dpert,&

    implicit none

    class(numdiff_type),intent(inout)   :: me
    integer,intent(in)                  :: n               !! number of `x` variables
    integer,intent(in)                  :: m               !! number of `f` functions
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in)    :: xlow            !! lower bounds on `x`
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in)    :: xhigh           !! upper bounds on `x`
    integer,intent(in)                  :: perturb_mode    !! perturbation mode:
                                                           !! **1** - perturbation is `dx=dpert`,
                                                           !! **2** - perturbation is `dx=dpert*x`,
                                                           !! **3** - perturbation is `dx=dpert*(1+x)`
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in)    :: dpert           !! perturbation vector for `x`
    procedure(func)                     :: problem_func    !! the user function that defines the problem
                                                           !! (returns `m` functions)
    integer,intent(in)                  :: sparsity_mode   !! the sparsity computation method:
                                                           !! **1** - assume dense,
                                                           !! **2** - three-point simple method,
                                                           !! **3** - will be specified by the user in
                                                           !! a subsequent call to [[set_sparsity_pattern]].
                                                           !! **4** - computes a two-point jacobian
                                                           !! at `num_sparsity_points` points.
    integer,intent(in),optional         :: jacobian_method !! `id` code for the finite difference method
                                                           !! to use for all `n` variables.
                                                           !! see [[get_finite_difference_method]]
    integer,dimension(n),intent(in),optional :: jacobian_methods !! `id` codes for the finite difference method
                                                                 !! to use for each variable.
                                                                 !! see [[get_finite_difference_method]]
    integer,intent(in),optional :: class  !! method class for the finite difference method
                                          !! to use for all `n` variables.
                                          !! see [[get_finite_difference_method]]
    integer,dimension(n),intent(in),optional :: classes   !! method class for the finite difference methods
                                                          !! to use for each variable.
                                                          !! see [[get_finite_difference_method]]
    procedure(info_f),optional :: info  !! a function the user can define
                                        !! which is called when each column
                                        !! of the jacobian is computed.
                                        !! It can be used to perform any
                                        !! setup operations.
    integer,intent(in),optional :: chunk_size  !! chunk size for allocating the arrays
                                               !! (must be >0) [default is 100]
    logical,intent(in),optional :: partition_sparsity_pattern  !! if the sparisty pattern is to
                                                               !! be partitioned using [[DSM]]
                                                               !! [default is False]
    integer,intent(in),optional :: cache_size    !! if present, this is the cache size
                                                 !! for the function cache
                                                 !! (default is not to enable cache)
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in),optional :: xlow_for_sparsity   !! lower bounds on `x` used for
                                                                     !! sparsity computation (when
                                                                     !! `sparsity_mode` is 2). If not
                                                                     !! present, then `xlow` is used.
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in),optional :: xhigh_for_sparsity  !! upper bounds on `x` used for
                                                                     !! sparsity computation (when
                                                                     !! `sparsity_mode` is 2). If not
                                                                     !! present, then `xhigh` is used.
    real(wp),dimension(n),intent(in),optional :: dpert_for_sparsity  !! for `sparsity_mode=4`, the perturbation
    integer,intent(in),optional :: sparsity_perturb_mode   !! perturbation mode (required if `sparsity_mode=4`):
                                                           !! **1** - perturbation is `dx=dpert`,
                                                           !! **2** - perturbation is `dx=dpert*x`,
                                                           !! **3** - perturbation is `dx=dpert*(1+x)`
    real(wp),intent(in),optional :: linear_sparsity_tol !! the equality tolerance for derivatives to
                                                        !! indicate a constant jacobian element (linear sparsity)
    real(wp),intent(in),optional :: function_precision_tol  !! the function precision. two functions values
                                                            !! that are the within this tolerance are
                                                            !! considered the same value. This is used
                                                            !! when estimating the sparsity pattern when
                                                            !! `sparsity_mode=2` in [[compute_sparsity_random]]
    integer,intent(in),optional :: num_sparsity_points  !! for `sparsity_mode=4`, the number of jacobian
                                                        !! evaluations used to estimate the sparsity pattern.

    integer :: i      !! counter
    logical :: found  !! flag for [[get_finite_difference_method]]
    logical :: cache  !! if the cache is to be used

    me%use_diff = .false.

    ! cache:
    cache = present(cache_size)
    if (cache) cache = cache_size>0
    if (cache) then
        me%compute_function  => compute_function_with_cache
        call me%cache%initialize(cache_size,n,m)
        me%compute_function  => problem_func
        call me%cache%destroy()
    end if

    ! functions:
    me%problem_func => problem_func

    if (present(partition_sparsity_pattern)) then
        me%partition_sparsity_pattern = partition_sparsity_pattern
        me%partition_sparsity_pattern = .false.
    end if

    ! method:
    if (allocated(me%meth)) deallocate(me%meth)
    if (allocated(me%class)) deallocate(me%class)
    if (allocated(me%class_meths)) deallocate(me%class_meths)

    if (      present(jacobian_method) .and. .not. present(jacobian_methods) .and. &
        .not. present(class) .and. .not. present(classes)) then
        ! use the same for all variable
        me%mode = 1
        do i=1,n
            call get_finite_difference_method(jacobian_method,me%meth(i),found)
            if (.not. found) then
                call me%raise_exception(8,'initialize_numdiff',&
                                          'invalid jacobian_method')
            end if
        end do
    elseif (.not. present(jacobian_method) .and. present(jacobian_methods) .and. &
            .not. present(class) .and. .not. present(classes)) then
        ! specify a separate method for each variable
        me%mode = 1
        do i=1,n
            call get_finite_difference_method(jacobian_methods(i),me%meth(i),found)
            if (.not. found) then
                call me%raise_exception(9,'initialize_numdiff',&
                                          'invalid jacobian_methods')
            end if
        end do
        if (me%partition_sparsity_pattern) then
            call me%raise_exception(10,'initialize_numdiff',&
                                        'when using partitioned sparsity pattern, '//&
                                        'all columns must use the same '//&
                                        'finite diff method.')
        end if
    elseif (.not. present(jacobian_method) .and. .not. present(jacobian_methods) .and. &
                  present(class) .and. .not. present(classes)) then
        ! use the class for all variables
        me%mode = 2
        me%class = class
        me%class_meths(1) = get_all_methods_in_class(class)
        if (n>1) me%class_meths(2:n) = me%class_meths(1)  ! just copy them over
    elseif (.not. present(jacobian_method) .and. .not. present(jacobian_methods) .and. &
            .not. present(class) .and. present(classes)) then
        ! specify a separate class for each variable
        me%mode = 2
        me%class = classes
        do i=1,n
            me%class_meths(i) = get_all_methods_in_class(me%class(i))
        end do
        if (me%partition_sparsity_pattern) then
            call me%raise_exception(11,'initialize_numdiff',&
                                        'when using partitioned sparsity pattern, '//&
                                        'all columns must use the same '//&
                                        'finite diff method.')
        end if
        call me%raise_exception(12,'initialize_numdiff',&
                                    'must specify one of either '//&
                                    'jacobian_method, jacobian_methods, class, or classes.')
    end if

    ! size of the problem:
    me%n = n
    me%m = m

    ! input variable bounds:
    call me%set_numdiff_bounds(xlow,xhigh)

    ! perturbation options:
    select case (perturb_mode)
        me%perturb_mode = perturb_mode
    case default
        call me%raise_exception(13,'initialize_numdiff',&
                                   'perturb_mode must be 1, 2, or 3.')
    end select
    if (allocated(me%dpert)) deallocate(me%dpert)
    me%dpert = abs(dpert)

    ! optional:
    if (present(info))       me%info_function => info
    if (present(chunk_size)) me%chunk_size = abs(chunk_size)

    ! set the jacobian function, depending on the options:
    if (me%partition_sparsity_pattern) then
        me%jacobian_function => compute_jacobian_partitioned
        me%jacobian_function => compute_jacobian_standard
    end if

    ! set the sparsity function
    call me%set_sparsity_mode(sparsity_mode,xlow_for_sparsity,xhigh_for_sparsity)

    if (present(linear_sparsity_tol))    me%linear_sparsity_tol    = linear_sparsity_tol
    if (present(function_precision_tol)) me%function_precision_tol = function_precision_tol
    if (present(num_sparsity_points))    me%num_sparsity_points    = num_sparsity_points

    if (present(dpert_for_sparsity)) then
        me%dpert_for_sparsity = abs(dpert_for_sparsity)
        me%dpert_for_sparsity = dpert ! use the same dpert as the jacobian
    end if

    if (present(sparsity_perturb_mode)) then
        select case (sparsity_perturb_mode)
            me%sparsity_perturb_mode = sparsity_perturb_mode
        case default
            call me%raise_exception(14,'initialize_numdiff',&
                                       'sparsity_perturb_mode must be 1, 2, or 3.')
        end select
        me%sparsity_perturb_mode = perturb_mode ! use the same perturb mode as the jacobian
    end if

    end subroutine initialize_numdiff