get_all_methods_in_class Function

public function get_all_methods_in_class(class) result(list_of_methods)

Returns all the methods with the given class (i.e., number of points in the formula).


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: class

the class is the number of points in the finite different computation

Return Value type(meth_array)

all the methods with the specified class


proc~~get_all_methods_in_class~~CallsGraph proc~get_all_methods_in_class numerical_differentiation_module::get_all_methods_in_class proc~get_finite_difference_method numerical_differentiation_module::get_finite_difference_method proc~get_all_methods_in_class->proc~get_finite_difference_method

Called by

proc~~get_all_methods_in_class~~CalledByGraph proc~get_all_methods_in_class numerical_differentiation_module::get_all_methods_in_class proc~compute_sparsity_random_2 numerical_differentiation_module::compute_sparsity_random_2 proc~compute_sparsity_random_2->proc~get_all_methods_in_class proc~initialize_numdiff numerical_differentiation_module::numdiff_type%initialize_numdiff proc~initialize_numdiff->proc~get_all_methods_in_class

Source Code

    function get_all_methods_in_class(class) result(list_of_methods)

    implicit none

    integer,intent(in) :: class  !! the `class` is the number of points in the
                                 !! finite different computation
    type(meth_array) :: list_of_methods  !! all the methods with the specified `class`

    type(finite_diff_method) :: fd  !! temp variable for getting a
                                    !! method from [[get_finite_difference_method]]
    integer :: id     !! method id counter
    logical :: found  !! status flag
    integer :: n      !! temp size variable
    type(finite_diff_method),dimension(:),allocatable :: tmp  !! for resizing `meth` array

    ! currently, the only way to do this is to call the
    ! get_finite_difference_method routine and see if there
    ! is one available.
    id = 0
        id = id + 1
        call get_finite_difference_method(id,fd,found)
        if (found) then
            if (fd%class==class) then
                if (allocated(list_of_methods%meth)) then
                    ! add to the list
                    n = size(list_of_methods%meth)
                    tmp(1:n) = list_of_methods%meth
                    tmp(n+1) = fd
                    call move_alloc(tmp,list_of_methods%meth)
                    ! ... this doesn't appear to work on Intel compiler ...
                    !list_of_methods%meth = [list_of_methods%meth,fd]  ! add to the list
                    ! first element:
                    list_of_methods%meth = fd
                end if
            elseif (fd%class>class) then ! we assume they are in increasing order
            end if
            exit ! done
        end if
    end do

    end function get_all_methods_in_class