direct Subroutine

public subroutine direct(a, f, lat1, lon1, azi1, s12a12, flags, lat2, lon2, azi2, outmask, a12s12, m12, MM12, MM21, SS12)

Solve the direct geodesic problem.


If arcmode is not set, s12a12 is s12 and a12s12 is a12; otherwise, s12a12 is a12 and a12s12 is s12. If unroll is not set, the value lon2 returned is in the range [-180 deg, 180 deg]; if unroll is set, the longitude variable is "unrolled" so that lon2 - lon1 indicates how many times and in what sense the geodesic encircles the ellipsoid.

If either point is at a pole, the azimuth is defined by keeping the longitude fixed, writing lat = lat = +/- (90 deg - Epsilon), and taking the limit Epsilon --> 0+. An arc length greater that 180 deg signifies a geodesic which is not a shortest path. (For a prolate ellipsoid, an additional condition is necessary for a shortest path: the longitudinal extent must not exceed of 180 deg.)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: a

the equatorial radius (meters).

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: f

the flattening of the ellipsoid. Setting f = 0 gives a sphere. Negative f gives a prolate ellipsoid.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: lat1

lat1 latitude of point 1 (degrees). lat1 should be in the range [-90 deg, 90 deg].

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: lon1

lon1 longitude of point 1 (degrees).

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: azi1

azi1 azimuth at point 1 (degrees).

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: s12a12

if arcmode is not set, this is the distance from point 1 to point 2 (meters); otherwise it is the arc length from point 1 to point 2 (degrees); it can be negative.

integer, intent(in) :: flags

a bitor'ed combination of the arcmode and unroll flags.

flags is an integer in [0, 4) whose binary bits are interpreted as follows:

  • 1 the arcmode flag
  • 2 the unroll flag
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: lat2

latitude of point 2 (degrees).

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: lon2

longitude of point 2 (degrees).

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: azi2

(forward) azimuth at point 2 (degrees). The value azi2 returned is in the range [-180 deg, 180 deg].

integer, intent(in) :: outmask

a bitor'ed combination of mask values specifying which of the following parameters should be set.

outmask is an integer in [0, 16) whose binary bits are interpreted as follows:

  • 1 return a12
  • 2 return m12
  • 4 return MM12 and MM21
  • 8 return SS12
real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: a12s12

if arcmode is not set, this is the arc length from point 1 to point 2 (degrees); otherwise it is the distance from point 1 to point 2 (meters).

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: m12

reduced length of geodesic (meters).

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: MM12

geodesic scale of point 2 relative to point 1 (dimensionless).

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: MM21

geodesic scale of point 1 relative to point 2 (dimensionless).

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: SS12

area under the geodesic ().

Source Code

subroutine direct(a, f, lat1, lon1, azi1, s12a12, flags, &
                  lat2, lon2, azi2, outmask, a12s12, m12, MM12, MM21, SS12)

  real(wp), intent(in) :: a !! the equatorial radius (meters).
  real(wp), intent(in) :: f !! the flattening of the ellipsoid.  Setting `f = 0` gives
                                    !! a sphere.  Negative `f` gives a prolate ellipsoid.
  real(wp), intent(in) :: lat1 !! lat1 latitude of point 1 (degrees). `lat1` should be in the range [-90 deg, 90 deg].
  real(wp), intent(in) :: lon1 !! lon1 longitude of point 1 (degrees).
  real(wp), intent(in) :: azi1 !! azi1 azimuth at point 1 (degrees).
  real(wp), intent(in) :: s12a12 !! if `arcmode` is not set, this is the distance
                                         !! from point 1 to point 2 (meters); otherwise it is the arc
                                         !! length from point 1 to point 2 (degrees); it can be negative.
  integer, intent(in) :: flags !! a bitor'ed combination of the `arcmode` and `unroll` flags.
                               !! `flags` is an integer in [0, 4) whose binary bits are interpreted as follows:
                               !!  * 1 the `arcmode` flag
                               !!  * 2 the `unroll` flag
  integer, intent(in) :: outmask !! a bitor'ed combination of mask values
                               !! specifying which of the following parameters should be set.
                               !! outmask is an integer in [0, 16) whose binary bits are interpreted
                               !! as follows:
                               !!  * 1 return `a12`
                               !!  * 2 return `m12`
                               !!  * 4 return `MM12` and `MM21`
                               !!  * 8 return `SS12`
  real(wp), intent(out) :: lat2 !! latitude of point 2 (degrees).
  real(wp), intent(out) :: lon2 !! longitude of point 2 (degrees).
  real(wp), intent(out) :: azi2 !! (forward) azimuth at point 2 (degrees). The value `azi2` returned is in the range [-180 deg, 180 deg].
  real(wp), intent(out) :: a12s12 !! if `arcmode` is not set, this is the arc length
                                          !! from point 1 to point 2 (degrees); otherwise it is the distance
                                          !! from point 1 to point 2 (meters).
  real(wp), intent(out) :: m12 !! reduced length of geodesic (meters).
  real(wp), intent(out) :: MM12 !! geodesic scale of point 2 relative to point 1 (dimensionless).
  real(wp), intent(out) :: MM21 !! geodesic scale of point 1 relative to point 2 (dimensionless).
  real(wp), intent(out) :: SS12 !! area under the geodesic (\(m^2\)).

  integer,parameter :: ord = 6
  integer,parameter :: nC1 = ord
  integer,parameter :: nC1p = ord
  integer,parameter :: nC2 = ord
  integer,parameter :: nA3 = ord
  integer,parameter :: nA3x = nA3
  integer,parameter :: nC3 = ord
  integer,parameter :: nC3x = (nC3 * (nC3 - 1)) / 2
  integer,parameter :: nC4 = ord
  integer,parameter :: nC4x = (nC4 * (nC4 + 1)) / 2

  real(wp) :: A3x(0:nA3x-1), C3x(0:nC3x-1), C4x(0:nC4x-1), &
              C1a(nC1), C1pa(nC1p), C2a(nC2), C3a(nC3-1), C4a(0:nC4-1)

  logical :: arcmode, unroll, arcp, redlp, scalp, areap
  real(wp) :: e2, f1, ep2, n, b, c2, &
              salp0, calp0, k2, eps, &
              salp1, calp1, ssig1, csig1, cbet1, sbet1, dn1, somg1, comg1, &
              salp2, calp2, ssig2, csig2, sbet2, cbet2, dn2, somg2, comg2, &
              ssig12, csig12, salp12, calp12, omg12, lam12, lon12, &
              sig12, stau1, ctau1, tau12, t, s, c, serr, E, &
              A1m1, A2m1, A3c, A4, AB1, AB2, &
              B11, B12, B21, B22, B31, B41, B42, J12

e2 = f * (2.0_wp - f)
ep2 = e2 / (1.0_wp - e2)
f1 = 1.0_wp - f
n = f / (2.0_wp - f)
b = a * f1
c2 = 0

arcmode = mod(flags/1, 2) == 1
unroll = mod(flags/2, 2) == 1

arcp = mod(outmask/1, 2) == 1
redlp = mod(outmask/2, 2) == 1
scalp = mod(outmask/4, 2) == 1
areap = mod(outmask/8, 2) == 1

if (areap) then
  if (e2 == 0) then
    c2 = a**2
  else if (e2 > 0) then
    c2 = (a**2 + b**2 * atanh(sqrt(e2)) / sqrt(e2)) / 2.0_wp
    c2 = (a**2 + b**2 * atan(sqrt(abs(e2))) / sqrt(abs(e2))) / 2.0_wp
  end if
end if

call A3coeff(n, A3x)
call C3coeff(n, C3x)
if (areap) call C4coeff(n, C4x)

! Guard against underflow in salp0
call sincosd(AngRound(azi1), salp1, calp1)

call sincosd(AngRound(LatFix(lat1)), sbet1, cbet1)
sbet1 = f1 * sbet1
call norm(sbet1, cbet1)
! Ensure cbet1 = +dbleps at poles
cbet1 = max(tiny2, cbet1)
dn1 = sqrt(1 + ep2 * sbet1**2)

! Evaluate alp0 from sin(alp1) * cos(bet1) = sin(alp0),
! alp0 in [0, pi/2 - |bet1|]
salp0 = salp1 * cbet1
! Alt: calp0 = hypot(sbet1, calp1 * cbet1).  The following
! is slightly better (consider the case salp1 = 0).
calp0 = hypot(calp1, salp1 * sbet1)
! Evaluate sig with tan(bet1) = tan(sig1) * cos(alp1).
! sig = 0 is nearest northward crossing of equator.
! With bet1 = 0, alp1 = pi/2, we have sig1 = 0 (equatorial line).
! With bet1 =  pi/2, alp1 = -pi, sig1 =  pi/2
! With bet1 = -pi/2, alp1 =  0 , sig1 = -pi/2
! Evaluate omg1 with tan(omg1) = sin(alp0) * tan(sig1).
! With alp0 in (0, pi/2], quadrants for sig and omg coincide.
! No atan2(0,0) ambiguity at poles since cbet1 = +dbleps.
! With alp0 = 0, omg1 = 0 for alp1 = 0, omg1 = pi for alp1 = pi.
ssig1 = sbet1
somg1 = salp0 * sbet1
if (sbet1 /= 0 .or. calp1 /= 0) then
  csig1 = cbet1 * calp1
  csig1 = 1
end if
comg1 = csig1
! sig1 in (-pi, pi]
call norm(ssig1, csig1)
! norm(somg1, comg1); -- don't need to normalize!

k2 = calp0**2 * ep2
eps = k2 / (2 * (1 + sqrt(1 + k2)) + k2)

A1m1 = A1m1f(eps)
call C1f(eps, C1a)
B11 = SinCosSeries(.true., ssig1, csig1, C1a, nC1)
s = sin(B11)
c = cos(B11)
! tau1 = sig1 + B11
stau1 = ssig1 * c + csig1 * s
ctau1 = csig1 * c - ssig1 * s
! Not necessary because C1pa reverts C1a
!    B11 = -SinCosSeries(true, stau1, ctau1, C1pa, nC1p)

if (.not. arcmode) call C1pf(eps, C1pa)

if (redlp .or. scalp) then
  A2m1 = A2m1f(eps)
  call C2f(eps, C2a)
  B21 = SinCosSeries(.true., ssig1, csig1, C2a, nC2)
! Suppress bogus warnings about unitialized variables
  A2m1 = 0
  B21 = 0
end if

call C3f(eps, C3x, C3a)
A3c = -f * salp0 * A3f(eps, A3x)
B31 = SinCosSeries(.true., ssig1, csig1, C3a, nC3-1)

if (areap) then
  call C4f(eps, C4x, C4a)
! Multiplier = a^2 * e^2 * cos(alpha0) * sin(alpha0)
  A4 = a**2 * calp0 * salp0 * e2
  B41 = SinCosSeries(.false., ssig1, csig1, C4a, nC4)
! Suppress bogus warnings about unitialized variables
  A4 = 0
  B41 = 0
end if

if (arcmode) then
! Interpret s12a12 as spherical arc length
  sig12 = s12a12 * degree
  call sincosd(s12a12, ssig12, csig12)
! Suppress bogus warnings about unitialized variables
  B12 = 0
! Interpret s12a12 as distance
  tau12 = s12a12 / (b * (1 + A1m1))
  s = sin(tau12)
  c = cos(tau12)
! tau2 = tau1 + tau12
  B12 = - SinCosSeries(.true., &
      stau1 * c + ctau1 * s, ctau1 * c - stau1 * s, C1pa, nC1p)
  sig12 = tau12 - (B12 - B11)
  ssig12 = sin(sig12)
  csig12 = cos(sig12)
  if (abs(f) > 0.01_wp) then
! Reverted distance series is inaccurate for |f| > 1/100, so correct
! sig12 with 1 Newton iteration.  The following table shows the
! approximate maximum error for a = WGS_a() and various f relative to
! GeodesicExact.
!     erri = the error in the inverse solution (nm)
!     errd = the error in the direct solution (series only) (nm)
!     errda = the error in the direct solution (series + 1 Newton) (nm)
!       f     erri  errd errda
!     -1/5    12e6 1.2e9  69e6
!     -1/10  123e3  12e6 765e3
!     -1/20   1110 108e3  7155
!     -1/50  18.63 200.9 27.12
!     -1/100 18.63 23.78 23.37
!     -1/150 18.63 21.05 20.26
!      1/150 22.35 24.73 25.83
!      1/100 22.35 25.03 25.31
!      1/50  29.80 231.9 30.44
!      1/20   5376 146e3  10e3
!      1/10  829e3  22e6 1.5e6
!      1/5   157e6 3.8e9 280e6
    ssig2 = ssig1 * csig12 + csig1 * ssig12
    csig2 = csig1 * csig12 - ssig1 * ssig12
    B12 = SinCosSeries(.true., ssig2, csig2, C1a, nC1)
    serr = (1 + A1m1) * (sig12 + (B12 - B11)) - s12a12 / b
    sig12 = sig12 - serr / sqrt(1 + k2 * ssig2**2)
    ssig12 = sin(sig12)
    csig12 = cos(sig12)
! Update B12 below
  end if
end if

! sig2 = sig1 + sig12
ssig2 = ssig1 * csig12 + csig1 * ssig12
csig2 = csig1 * csig12 - ssig1 * ssig12
dn2 = sqrt(1 + k2 * ssig2**2)
if (arcmode .or. abs(f) > 0.01_wp) &
    B12 = SinCosSeries(.true., ssig2, csig2, C1a, nC1)
AB1 = (1 + A1m1) * (B12 - B11)

! sin(bet2) = cos(alp0) * sin(sig2)
sbet2 = calp0 * ssig2
! Alt: cbet2 = hypot(csig2, salp0 * ssig2)
cbet2 = hypot(salp0, calp0 * csig2)
if (cbet2 == 0) then
! I.e., salp0 = 0, csig2 = 0.  Break the degeneracy in this case
  cbet2 = tiny2
  csig2 = cbet2
end if
! tan(omg2) = sin(alp0) * tan(sig2)
! No need to normalize
somg2 = salp0 * ssig2
comg2 = csig2
! tan(alp0) = cos(sig2)*tan(alp2)
! No need to normalize
salp2 = salp0
calp2 = calp0 * csig2
! East or west going?
E = sign(1.0_wp, salp0)
! omg12 = omg2 - omg1
if (unroll) then
  omg12 = E * (sig12 &
      - (atan2(    ssig2, csig2) - atan2(    ssig1, csig1)) &
      + (atan2(E * somg2, comg2) - atan2(E * somg1, comg1)))
  omg12 = atan2(somg2 * comg1 - comg2 * somg1, &
      comg2 * comg1 + somg2 * somg1)
end if

lam12 = omg12 + A3c * &
    ( sig12 + (SinCosSeries(.true., ssig2, csig2, C3a, nC3-1) &
    - B31))
lon12 = lam12 / degree
if (unroll) then
  lon2 = lon1 + lon12
  lon2 = AngNormalize(AngNormalize(lon1) + AngNormalize(lon12))
end if
lat2 = atan2d(sbet2, f1 * cbet2)
azi2 = atan2d(salp2, calp2)

if (redlp .or. scalp) then
  B22 = SinCosSeries(.true., ssig2, csig2, C2a, nC2)
  AB2 = (1 + A2m1) * (B22 - B21)
  J12 = (A1m1 - A2m1) * sig12 + (AB1 - AB2)
end if
! Add parens around (csig1 * ssig2) and (ssig1 * csig2) to ensure
! accurate cancellation in the case of coincident points.
if (redlp) m12 = b * ((dn2 * (csig1 * ssig2) - &
    dn1 * (ssig1 * csig2)) - csig1 * csig2 * J12)
if (scalp) then
  t = k2 * (ssig2 - ssig1) * (ssig2 + ssig1) / (dn1 + dn2)
  MM12 = csig12 + (t * ssig2 - csig2 * J12) * ssig1 / dn1
  MM21 = csig12 - (t * ssig1 - csig1 * J12) * ssig2 / dn2
end if

if (areap) then
  B42 = SinCosSeries(.false., ssig2, csig2, C4a, nC4)
  if (calp0 == 0 .or. salp0 == 0) then
! alp12 = alp2 - alp1, used in atan2 so no need to normalize
    salp12 = salp2 * calp1 - calp2 * salp1
    calp12 = calp2 * calp1 + salp2 * salp1
! tan(alp) = tan(alp0) * sec(sig)
! tan(alp2-alp1) = (tan(alp2) -tan(alp1)) / (tan(alp2)*tan(alp1)+1)
! = calp0 * salp0 * (csig1-csig2) / (salp0^2 + calp0^2 * csig1*csig2)
! If csig12 > 0, write
!   csig1 - csig2 = ssig12 * (csig1 * ssig12 / (1 + csig12) + ssig1)
! else
!   csig1 - csig2 = csig1 * (1 - csig12) + ssig12 * ssig1
! No need to normalize
    if (csig12 <= 0) then
      salp12 = csig1 * (1 - csig12) + ssig12 * ssig1
      salp12 = ssig12 * (csig1 * ssig12 / (1 + csig12) + ssig1)
    end if
    salp12 = calp0 * salp0 * salp12
    calp12 = salp0**2 + calp0**2 * csig1 * csig2
  end if
  SS12 = c2 * atan2(salp12, calp12) + A4 * (B42 - B41)
end if

if (arcp) then
  if (arcmode) then
    a12s12 = b * ((1 + A1m1) * sig12 + AB1)
    a12s12 = sig12 / degree
  end if
end if

end subroutine direct