Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
add_point_to_trajectory | halo_module | Subroutine | Add a point to a trajectory variable. |
apparent_position | halo_utilities_module | Subroutine | Return the position of a target body relative to an observer, corrected for light time and stellar aberration. |
ballistic_derivs | halo_module | Subroutine | Equations of motion for a ballistic segment. |
cache | halo_module | Subroutine | Cache all the data in a segment. |
close_config_file | config_file_module | Subroutine | Open the file. |
constraint_violations | halo_module | Subroutine | Computes the constraint violation vector for the mission. |
cubic_shadow_model | halo_utilities_module | Subroutine | The "circular cubic" shadow model. |
define_problem_size | halo_module | Subroutine | Returns the size variables for the "forward-backward" formulation of the problem. |
destroy_body_eph | splined_ephemeris_module | Subroutine | |
destroy_body_eph_interface | splined_ephemeris_module | Subroutine | |
destroy_trajectory | halo_module | Subroutine | Destroy a trajectory (deallocate the data arrays). |
export_trajectory_json_file | halo_module | Subroutine | Export the trajectory JSON file. |
from_j2000moon_to_j2000ssb | halo_utilities_module | Subroutine | convert from a j2000-moon frame to a j2000-ssb frame. |
generate_eclipse_data | halo_module | Subroutine | Propagate all the segments with a dense time step and export the Eclipsing data w.r.t. Earth. In this file, any point <0 is in eclipse. |
generate_patch_points | halo_module | Subroutine | Generates the patch points (unnormalized, moon-centered) from the CR3BP normalized guess. |
get_case_name | halo_module | Function | Returns a string that can be used for file names, etc. (read the values of the global variables). |
get_char | config_file_module | Subroutine | Get a character variable from the config file. |
get_int | config_file_module | Subroutine | Get an integer variable from the config file. |
get_logical | config_file_module | Subroutine | Get a logical variable from the config file. |
get_pos | halo_utilities_module | Subroutine | ephemeris wrapper to just return position vector see also: ballistic_derivs |
get_problem_arrays | halo_module | Subroutine | Get the arrays for the problem |
get_r | splined_ephemeris_module | Function | |
get_r_splined | splined_ephemeris_module | Subroutine | |
get_real | config_file_module | Subroutine | Get a real variable from the config file. |
get_real_vec | config_file_module | Subroutine | Get a real vector from the config file. |
get_rv | splined_ephemeris_module | Function | |
get_rv_splined | splined_ephemeris_module | Subroutine | |
get_scales_from_segs | halo_module | Subroutine | Populate the |
get_segment_inputs | halo_module | Subroutine | Gets the initial states of a segment |
get_segment_outputs | halo_module | Subroutine | After propagating a segment, this gets the outputs. |
get_sparsity_pattern | halo_module | Subroutine | Returns the sparsity pattern for the "forward-backward" Halo problem. |
get_sun_fraction | halo_utilities_module | Function | Compute the "sun fraction" using the circular cubic shadow model. |
get_x_from_json_file | halo_module | Subroutine | Read the JSON solution file and put the |
halo_export | halo_module | Subroutine | export an iteration from the solver |
halo_func | halo_module | Subroutine | Compute the solver function (all the constraint violations) |
halo_grad | halo_module | Subroutine | Compute the gradient of the solver function (Jacobian matrix). Dense version. |
halo_grad_info | halo_module | Subroutine | Info function for the gradients. |
halo_grad_sparse | halo_module | Subroutine | Compute the gradient of the solver function (Jacobian matrix). Sparse version. |
halo_solver_main | halo_module | Subroutine | Main program to solve the Halo targeting problem. |
initialize_globals | splined_ephemeris_module | Subroutine | initialize the earth and sun ephemeris. |
initialize_splinded_ephemeris | splined_ephemeris_module | Subroutine | the ephemeris must be initialized before this is called |
initialize_the_mission | halo_module | Subroutine | Initialize the mission. |
initialize_the_solver | halo_module | Subroutine | Initialize the mission. |
my_func | halo_module | Subroutine | Wrapper for the constraint violation function (use by NumDiff) |
open_config_file | config_file_module | Subroutine | Open the file. |
plot_trajectory | halo_module | Subroutine | Plot the trajectory using matplotlib and/or generate a text file (for MKSPK) |
print_constraint_defects | halo_module | Subroutine | Print the |
propagate_segment | halo_module | Subroutine | Propagate a segment (assumes the inputs have already been populated) |
put_data_in_segment | halo_module | Subroutine | Set all the data in a segment. |
put_x_in_segments | halo_module | Subroutine | Take the |
qrm_solver | halo_module | Subroutine | Custom solver that uses QR_MUMPS |
read_config_file | halo_module | Subroutine | Read the config file that defines the problem to be solved and set all the global variables. |
read_epoch | halo_module | Subroutine | Read the epoch info from a config file. |
segs_to_propagate | halo_module | Subroutine | Given the functions to be computed, returns the segments that need to be propagated. |
set_segment_inputs | halo_module | Subroutine | Sets all the info in a segment for it to be propagated. |
set_segment_outputs | halo_module | Subroutine | Set the outputs of a segment, assuming it has been propagated elsewhere |
trajectory_export_func | halo_module | Subroutine | Export a trajectory point during propagation. |
uncache | halo_module | Subroutine | Restore all the segment data form the cache. |
update_epoch | halo_module | Subroutine | Update the variables for the reference epoch in the mission class. Either computes the et from the calendar state, or vice versa. |
write_optvars_to_file | halo_module | Subroutine | Write the current |