get_r_splined Subroutine

private subroutine get_r_splined(me, et, targ, obs, r, status_ok)

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(jpl_ephemeris_splined), intent(inout) :: me
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: et

ephemeris time [sec]

type(celestial_body), intent(in) :: targ

target body

type(celestial_body), intent(in) :: obs

observer body

real(kind=wp), intent(out), dimension(3) :: r

r of targ w.r.t. obs [km] in ICRF frame

logical, intent(out) :: status_ok

true if there were no problems


proc~~get_r_splined~~CallsGraph proc~get_r_splined jpl_ephemeris_splined%get_r_splined proc~get_r body_eph_interface%get_r proc~get_r_splined->proc~get_r db1val db1val proc~get_r->db1val

Source Code

    subroutine get_r_splined(me,et,targ,obs,r,status_ok)

        class(jpl_ephemeris_splined),intent(inout) :: me
        real(wp),intent(in)                :: et         !! ephemeris time [sec]
        type(celestial_body),intent(in)    :: targ       !! target body
        type(celestial_body),intent(in)    :: obs        !! observer body
        real(wp),dimension(3),intent(out)  :: r          !! r of targ w.r.t. obs [km] in ICRF frame
        logical,intent(out)                :: status_ok  !! true if there were no problems

        status_ok = .true.
        if (targ==body_earth .and. obs==body_moon) then
            r = me%earth_eph_interface%get_r(et)
        elseif (targ==body_sun .and. obs==body_moon) then
            r = me%sun_eph_interface%get_r(et)
        elseif (targ==body_ssb .and. obs==body_moon) then
            r = me%ssb_eph_interface%get_r(et)

        elseif (targ==body_moon .and. obs==body_earth) then  ! inverse are negative
            r = -me%earth_eph_interface%get_r(et)
        elseif (targ==body_moon .and. obs==body_sun) then
            r = -me%sun_eph_interface%get_r(et)
        elseif (targ==body_moon .and. obs==body_ssb) then
            r = -me%ssb_eph_interface%get_r(et)

        elseif (targ==body_sun .and. obs==body_ssb) then
            ! for this one we subtract these
            ! ssb -> sun = ssb -> moon + moon -> sun
            r = me%sun_eph_interface%get_r(et) - me%ssb_eph_interface%get_r(et)

        elseif (targ==body_earth .and. obs==body_ssb) then
            ! for this one we subtract these
            ! ssb -> earth = ssb -> moon + moon -> earth
            r = me%earth_eph_interface%get_r(et) - me%ssb_eph_interface%get_r(et)

            write(*,*) 'targ = ', targ
            write(*,*) 'obs  = ', obs
            error stop 'error in get_r_splined: this combo has not been splined'
            ! or could call me%jpl_ephemeris%get_rv(et,targ,obs,rv,status_ok); r = rv(1:3)
        end if

    end subroutine get_r_splined