halo_solver Program


    • halo_module
    • argv_module
  • program~~halo_solver~~UsesGraph program~halo_solver halo_solver argv_module argv_module program~halo_solver->argv_module halo_module halo_module program~halo_solver->halo_module

Main program to solve the Halo targeting problem.


    > halo_solver config.json


  • Jacob Williams : Sept. 2017


program~~halo_solver~~CallsGraph program~halo_solver halo_solver argv argv program~halo_solver->argv halo_solver_main halo_solver_main program~halo_solver->halo_solver_main


Type Attributes Name Initial
logical, parameter :: debug = .false.

for debugging prints

character(len=:), allocatable :: config_file_name

the config file to read

Source Code

    program halo_solver

    use argv_module,       only: argv
    use halo_module,       only: halo_solver_main

    implicit none

    logical,parameter :: debug = .false. !! for debugging prints
    character(len=:),allocatable :: config_file_name  !! the config file to read

    ! get the config file name for the command line argument:
    if (command_argument_count() /=1 ) &
        error stop 'Error: the first command line argument must be the config file name'
    config_file_name = argv(1)

    ! the main routine:
    call halo_solver_main(config_file_name,debug)

    end program halo_solver