Release Checklist

When tagging a new release please follow this checklist so that the documentation will be updated correctly, and version strings will remain accurate.

Release Checklist

  1. Make sure you are working from the master branch: git checkout master
  2. Update the
    1. Ensure that the changes listed under Unreleased are up to date and accurate.
      1. Look at the latest changes committed to GitHub since the last release, 8.4.0. This will only be accurate if you have not yet updated .VERSION. If you have updated .VERSION then edit the URL manually to view the changes.
      2. Run the github_changelog_generator as follows, and compare the output to the unreleased section of the github_changelog_generator --user jacobwilliams --project json-fortran -o --unreleased-only --bugs-label "**Fixed issues:**" --enhancement-label "**Enhancements:**" --issues-label "**Fixed issues:**" and make sure that you have a 16-digit GitHub token stored in the environment variable CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN. Compare generated to the “Unreleased” section of and make updates as needed.
    2. Rename the “Unreleased” section to the new version number
      1. Copy the “Unreleased” section header and “Complete Changeset” link line and insert it just below the TOC
      2. In the newly inserted “Complete Changeset” URL replace the old version number with the new version number
      3. Rename the lower “Unreleased” section (with all the changes) to the current version
      4. Replace HEAD in the header URL with the new version number
      5. Replace HEAD in the “Complete Changeset” link with the new version number.
      6. Insert the new version section in the TOC just below the “Unreleased” entry
    3. Add to the git index: git add
  3. Add an entry in pages/releases/ under the “Past Releases” heading
    1. Copy/paste the most recent one listed and replace all occurrences of the old version string with the new version string
    2. Add pages/releases/ to the git index: git add pages/releases/
  4. Update the version string in remaining files requiring manual edits:
    1. Edit the .VERSION file
    2. Edit the CMake example on line 141 of
    3. Edit the json_fortran_version string in json_module.F90
    4. Add these files to the git index: git add .VERSION ./src/json_module.F90
  5. Commit the changes to the master branch: git commit
  6. Create the tag: git tag <new version>
    1. Note: for some reason, using GitHub to tag a project means that the tag doesn’t show up when you git describe the project. Tagging from the command line makes git describe work as expected.
  7. GitHub Actions will publish the documentation for the latest tag to if all goes according to plan
  8. Push tags and master to GitHub: git push --tags origin master
  9. Draft and publish a new GitHub Release corresponding to the new version
  10. Update the Homebrew formula
    1. Fork the Homebrew repository
    2. Change to your local Homebrew repository: cd $(brew --repository)/Library/Formula
    3. Add your fork as a pushable remote: git remote add YOUR_USERNAME
    4. Make sure you’re on the master branch: git checkout master
    5. Make sure everything is up to date: brew update (this calls git pull)
    6. Create a new branch from the latest master branch with git checkout -b YOUR_BRANCH_NAME origin/master
    7. Edit the json-fortran.rb formula with brew edit json-fortran
    8. Do NOT change anything other than the URL and the SHA256 checksum at the top of the formula. These should be changed to correspond to the new version of the compressed tarball available on newly minted latest release page
    9. Test the changes to make sure that they will be accepted:
      1. brew audit --strict --online json-fortran
      2. brew rm json-fortran
      3. brew install -v json-fortran
      4. brew test -v json-fortran
    10. Add json-fortran.rb to the index (git add json-fortran.rb)
    11. Commit your changes with the correct commit message: git commit -m "json-fortran <new-version-string-here>"
    12. Push changes to your fork: git push --set-upstream YOUR_USERNAME YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
    13. Go to and submit a pull request